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Hangátirat Automatikusan generált

  • 00:01 - 00:02

    Have you ever heard of a snowball effect?

  • 00:04 - 00:07

    Metaphorically, a snowball effect is a process that starts from

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    an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself,

  • 00:11 - 00:15

    becoming larger and perhaps potentially disastrous if not managed properly.

  • 00:17 - 00:20

    Severance taxes like a little snowball of the top of

  • 00:20 - 00:23

    a mountain that rolls down, becoming a giant snowball at

  • 00:23 - 00:26

    the bottom of the mountain, if not appropriately managed.

  • 00:27 - 00:30

    Everything that happens from engineering and fieldwork to production, accounting

  • 00:31 - 00:36

    division orders, marketing accounts payable and course revenue all rolls

  • 00:36 - 00:41

    into severance tax for those in charge of severance tax.

  • 00:42 - 00:44

    Knowing all the parts that need to be managed play

  • 00:44 - 00:47

    a critical role in ensuring your company is not paying

  • 00:48 - 00:49

    any more than what is due.

  • 00:51 - 00:53

    They could look at a scenario that could easily happen

  • 00:54 - 00:55

    in any oil and gas.

  • 00:55 - 01:02

    Accounting department, though, is a new severance tax accountant and

  • 01:02 - 01:04

    his company in charge of the many severance tax responsibilities

  • 01:06 - 01:09

    go received a very brief training, and no best practices

  • 01:10 - 01:12

    or checks and balances have been put in place in

  • 01:12 - 01:13

    his new role.

  • 01:15 - 01:17

    When calculating the severance tax due for his company's return,

  • 01:18 - 01:21

    Joe did not know the importance of working with various

  • 01:21 - 01:25

    departments to ensure he had all the necessary information regarding

  • 01:25 - 01:30

    exemptions and deductions before filing his company severance tax return.

  • 01:32 - 01:35

    As a result, Joe missed several wells that had qualified

  • 01:35 - 01:37

    for reduced tax rate.

  • 01:37 - 01:40

    This oversight resulted in a severance tax payment of $1

  • 01:41 - 01:45

    million to the state when the actual liability should have

  • 01:45 - 01:45

    Onley been $100,000.

  • 01:49 - 01:52

    That's $900,000 that could have stayed in the company's possession

  • 01:53 - 01:54

    instead of sending it to the state.

  • 01:57 - 01:58

    So what do we get from this scenario?

  • 02:02 - 02:05

    We can all agree that keeping $900,000 in the pockets

  • 02:06 - 02:07

    of the company at hand is imperative.

  • 02:09 - 02:11

    Think about the impact on a company if they never

  • 02:12 - 02:15

    go back to reconcile their severance tax and do not

  • 02:15 - 02:18

    know they had overpaid by, in this case, $900,000.

  • 02:21 - 02:24

    Having the foundational elements of severance tax in place is

  • 02:24 - 02:28

    critical to ensuring your company will maximize their severance tax

  • 02:28 - 02:33

    exemptions. Everything that happens from engineering and fieldwork to production,

  • 02:34 - 02:39

    accounting division orders, marketing accounts payable and course revenue all

  • 02:40 - 02:42

    rolls into severance tax like a snowball effect.

  • 02:45 - 02:48

    The reality is there are many facets to properly managing

  • 02:48 - 02:53

    your company severance tax, knowing oil and gas severance tax

  • 02:54 - 02:56

    and the department's needed to manage and report it will

  • 02:56 - 02:59

    help you feel confident that you are maximizing the money

  • 03:00 - 03:02

    you protect and keep in your company's hands.