Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, everyone. My name is Anita
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and I teach in kindergarten in a general education classroom.
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So in my classroom, I have a total of 19 students,
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10 girls and nine boys of those 19 students, six of them are Ell students.
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Five students,
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first language is Spanish and then there's one student who speaks Vietnamese.
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So the lesson I chose to focus on was a literacy lesson.
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So this book tells the story or the excuse me, the book is called Hey Little Ant
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by Philip and Hannah Hoose.
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And this book tells the story of a little boy who is about to squish an ant
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and then the ant starts talking to him and the boy and the ant have to engage in
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the conversation about the value of the ant's life
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and whether the boy should squish him or not.
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So the overall lesson,
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objectives and purpose of this activity or read aloud
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was to teach the importance of respecting others,
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even those who appear to be different from them.
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And then the students will be able to form and share their opinions
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uh with their partners and through their writing.
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So the first section I chose to focus on was pragmatics.
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Pragmatics is the study of invisible meaning or how we recognize
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what is meant even when it is not actually written.
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So for the first example of Pragmatics in my transcript was the
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use of turn taking or the turn and talk and politeness.
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So um by using turn taking and having the students share their,
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raise their hands and share their opinions. This shows um
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an understanding of the social norms in our classrooms and the
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expectations of how they have to raise their
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hand and speak when they're taking turns.
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This also shows the use of politeness and respect. Um for me and their classmates,
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the next example of Pragmatics was the face saving act.
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So this is whenever you say something that
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lessens the possible threat to another face.
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So this was done during our turn in talks.
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Um So by encouraging the students to engage with just one other peer,
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it allowed my students to save face by giving
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them the opportunity to express their thoughts and opinions
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without fear or being judged or embarrassed in front of the whole class.
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The next section I'm focusing on is syntax.
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So syntax is when we concentrate on the
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structure and ordering of components within a sentence.
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So before I started my lessons, I focused on our power words or our vocabulary words.
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So the first power word we focused on was the word care.
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And this was an example of a hypothetical clause.
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So when I asked the students to provide an example of something that they care about.
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Um One of my students said that they take care of their horses
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and that she likes to ride her horses and she brushes them.
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So this is an example of a hypothetical clause
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because it introduces a condition or a hypothesis,
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excuse me, hypothesis
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and then presents a situation that fits that condition.
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The next example of syntax was for our vocabulary word decide
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and this files the phrase structure rules which is when a sentence um
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can be rewritten as a noun phrase or a verb phrase.
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Um So here, for example, um for the word decide,
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I had students give me an example of something they decide on.
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So one of my students said that they chose to wear their rain
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boots today and the other students said I put on this pink shirt,
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pink is my favorite.
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So this is an example of the phrase structure rules.
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The next section is morphology.
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So morphology is the analysis of the structure of the words.
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So the first example
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was the use of morphine.
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Um So there is bound morphemes I found and free morphines. So
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a bound morpheme would be an example of feelings because
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it contains ending sound s which indicates that it's plural.
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Similar the word Scared contains a morphine ed which indicates the past tense.
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And then there was
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examples of free morphine such as ant and boy,
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which they, those words can stand alone and still convey, convey the same meaning.
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The next example of morphology was an inflectional morpheme.
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So they, these are used to show if a word is plural or singular past tense or not
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and if it's comparative or possessive form. So for example, the suffix E
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in the word raising
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and the um ending sound ed in the word dressed,
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these are all inflectional morphemes.
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The next section
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is phonology.
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So phonology is essentially the description of the
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systems and patterns of speech sounds in language.
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So the first example of phonology I found
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was assimilation.
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So, assimilation is a common process in our spoken language
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and occurs when two sound segments occur in
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um sequence in some aspect
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of one segment is taken or copied by another.
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So in this example here,
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my student and myself both said the word Guna instead of the word
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going to. So this is an example how um assimilation is used.
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So I replaced the word
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it's going to with the word Guna.
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Uh The next one in phonology is rhyme.
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So this whole book, Hey Little Ant is a rhyming book. It's also a song. So
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this um
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whole book ex um gave examples of rhyme such as words wrong and strong to and sh
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So according to the
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textbook, rhyme is considered to be
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an essential part of the syllable
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and is the basic element of the syllable of
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the onset of one or more consonants followed by
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the rhyme.
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The next section um is semantics.
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ma semantics is the study of the meaning of word phrases
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and sentences.
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So the first example was a subordinate or co um
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hyphen in relationship.
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So um a co
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are words that share the same subordinate.
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Um So for example, here I have the words bug and ant.
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So these all fall under the same category of insect.
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Um Also when we have, we're doing our
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conversation, one of my students mentioned spiders. So again, that still f
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under the same category of insect.
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So the next example of semantics was the lexical relation or the synonymy of words.
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So in our conversation, I asked one of my students
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um whether or not they would squish the ant and she told me that she would not
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and that she wanted to adopt him. So this is an example of
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synonymy because
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um in this case,
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the word adopt can be seen as having a similar meaning
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as the meaning of take care of in this conversation.
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And then the next and final section I focused on was uh my reflection.
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Um So after
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um looking back at my lesson, I noticed that I use both open ended and close question.
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Um So the type of questions I asked varied
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as an aim to engage my students in critical thinking and understanding of the text.
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I noticed that most of the questions I use were
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open ended such as how is the end feeling?
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Um what makes you say he's angry?
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These type of questions allowed the students to express their thoughts
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and interpretations of the text being into a deeper conversation,
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engagement of the story.
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Um On the other hand, the closed question,
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since do you think the ants have feelings um prompted a more direct response
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um but also helped gauge in my comprehension of
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the uh the students comprehension of the text.
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And then finally, for the reflection part,
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um after completing the discourse analysis,
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this has been a really eye opening experience for me um is
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not only expanding my knowledge and understanding of language and communication,
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but also challenged me to re evaluate the way I interact and approach my teaching.
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Um I am now more conscious of the words I use and how
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um what impact they may have with my students.
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Um I realize the importance of applying what
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I have learned in my teaching practices.
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And I am dedicated to creating a space where a diverse linguistic and cultural pers,
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excuse me, perspectives are valued and celebrated.
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Um Additionally,
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I hope to seek out more resources and support
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for students who may fee feel they need extra
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assistance with their language concepts and encourage open and
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respectful discussions about language and communication within the classroom.
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And then finally, here are the resources or references that I have used. Thank you.