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Hi. So today we will be talking about what the
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investment model of commitment is and what are the, what
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are the determining the three determinants that make people feel
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more committed to each other?
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So we will begin with our first determinant, which is
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satisfaction and satisfaction is based on the investment model.
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Commitment is based on the partners evaluation of the rewards
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and costs associated with the relationship, meaning, how much did
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you get out of the relationship?
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Were you happy?
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Did you feel neutral about it or were you just
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disappointed in it?
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It is also um, it has to do with the
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partners evaluation of rewards and cost.
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Because will you be satisfied in the future with your
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significant other?
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In other words, people have believed about how satisfied they
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are likely to be in the relationship down the road
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and these are the belief that overall are going to
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impact the current relationship and just how much commitment is
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put into the relationship simply based on satisfaction.
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Our second determinant is alternative partners, partner school report fuel
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potential. Alternative partners are less likely to break up leader
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into the relationship, so the fewer options are a romantic
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partner has outside of the relationship, the more committed that
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partner tends to feel and more likely to stay committed
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to the relationship.
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So for example, in a relationship it is best to
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feel um that you are secure and that your romantic
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partner does not have and they were romantic partner does
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have fewer alternatives or options outside of the relationship.
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So this is important in order for a partner to
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remain any relationship.
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Our third determinant is investment, so people are more likely
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to remain a relationship if they have invested heavily in
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it. For example, this means this can mean including your
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time, your effort, um Love expended as well as shared
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memories, mutual friends, shared possession that are part of having
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a life together.
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When you invest so much in a relationship, it is
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hard to walk away from it.
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And at times someone can feel trapped within the relationship.
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For example, someone who was in a six year relationship,
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it's going to be very hard to walk away from
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this relationship, even if even if there is issues simply
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because of all of the time and energy that was
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focused within all of those years.
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So it's like owning a business, you it's hard to
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walk away when you put so much into it.
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That's how you look at it.
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Because when you're invested, you have to make sure that
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the that both people mentally v themselves as a single
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unit meaning they use the plural pronoun we to refer
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to themselves so we can come, we would like to
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go eat with you.
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We think that is not the best idea, so that
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is very important in a relationship and one person's investment,
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a relationship not only increases that person's own commitment to
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the relationship, but also increases the partners investment and the
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relationship, and also to mention that the social exchange theory
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is well, actually influence the model of commitment, meaning one
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part, once partners having romantic bonds.
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These three these three indicators of investment of the investment
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model make them more committed to each other.
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So relationship satisfaction, you're alternative partners and investments in the
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relationship are well, overall, well influence their own relationship, right?