Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Thank you very much.
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Um Are yeah presenting that.
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Don't miss your mark interactive workshops.
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Our research showed that many entrepreneurs like the confidence to
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implement new learnings into their business or can't see how
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to leverage the education into actionable outcomes.
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And therefore we have devised a series of interactive workshops
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paired with a mentorship program that will increase the success
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rate and accountability of the participants and helped to build
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the brand Dy Tribe.
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This builds on Mark's existing experience, knowledge and platforms so
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it can be implemented without a large capital investment.
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The three biggest pains revealed during our research were time
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cost and confidence and we believe our product and alleviate
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these three panes, Brandy Y already has a fantastic free
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resource which can be harnessed through their existing social platforms
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and live sessions to showcase how entrepreneurs can really maximize
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their potential.
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Mhm. Time for many was one of the biggest factors,
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and we therefore proposed the key learning objectives are split
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into manageable bite sized modules.
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This helps entrepreneurs to complete their learning on their own
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time but still maximizing their potential by having in person
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interactive learning, particularly when partner with a mentor to help
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them implement into their business, splitting the key learning objectives
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into six manageable bite sized chunks, entrepreneurs can attend one
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module for those that need help in a particular area
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or over time, attend all six modules to achieve the
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level of brand D.
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I. Y disruptor.
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Each module can earn them a badger level to encourage
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a sense of achievement modules are live interactive and with
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key learning outcomes.
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At the end participants can engage with a live facilitator.
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Each module will end with the task of the participant
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must implement into their business in order to pass the
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module and incorporated into the workshops and modules is the
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mentorship program and that's something I'll dive into.
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Just shortly, pricing is going to be important and it
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will need to be competitive with the starter pack and
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also not put young entrepreneurs off, Mark will be able
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to develop his tribe and community to harness the mentorship
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program. Mentors can use it to expand their leadership skills
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and give back to a community and as more entrepreneurs
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become brandy II disrupters, they could help to give back
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to the community by mentoring each participant will be mentor,
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partnered with a mentor ideally suited to their business age
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and size and their mentor will help them through implementing
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the learnings into their business during a reiteration and feedback.
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The mentorship program was one of the most prominent value
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gains to potential participants as the program grows and more
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participants complete all six modules and gain experience.
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Mark can encourage them to get back to the program
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by donating their time and become mentors themselves to new
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participants, helping to keep the mentor paul fresh with eager
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new entrepreneurs ready to share their own experiences and how
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they became brand D.
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I. Y.
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