Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello. Money was bringing Terra and I wouldn't be talking
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about the McCarthy trials.
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So after World War Two, the fall of communism was
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fueled by several Americans.
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This caused the public to believe that there were hundreds
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of Communists trying to infiltrate the United States government.
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So what is communism?
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Communism is a political movement that believes in an economy
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system in which the state controls the means of producing
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everything for the people it aims to create in a
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society in which everyone is treated equally.
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The American citizens were afraid of the Soviet Union government.
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Now that was Russia because of these political bullies.
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And the Soviets have also gained the intelligence of making
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atomic bombs at this time.
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This caused the Americans to fear the Soviet Union's because
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of these beliefs and because they know the Soviets now
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had, uh, nuclear weapons.
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This started the period referred to as the Cold War
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or the Red Scare.
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During this time, the Americans were trying to find internal
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security, and they did this through a person named Joseph
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R. McCarthy.
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He was a Republican senator from Wisconsin who became one
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of the primary Communist accusers in the late 19 forties
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to the middle of 19 fifties, Joseph R.
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McCarthy was famous for his influence in the McCarthy Charles
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and his actions created a term known as McCarthyism.
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This event and term can reflect and connect to several
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past and present historical bets.
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Also the's Charles Air, similar to events that transpired in
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The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller that gives
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a historical Reagan retelling of the Salem witch trials to
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begin. I'll be talking about the McCarthy trials themselves.
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So how did he begin?
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Beginning event that started the McCarthy trials was when Joseph
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McCarthy attended the Ohio County Women's Republican Club.
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At this meeting, Joseph McCarthy made a speech that accused
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over 200 members of the cough up the government with
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Communist espionage, according to the History Networks article titled Joseph
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McCarty. Once these accusations were made, the Senate launched in
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tens investigation into these claims, but they found no proof
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that these people were involved in espionage.
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Therefore, the claims were dismissed.
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But in 1953 Joseph McCarthy was re elected and he
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was a chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
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McCarthy was able to focus the committee's attention, unhinging communists
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that weren't actually Communists.
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Forevermore, McCarthy conducted the interrogation is himself.
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He and his chief counsel.
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We're known for relentless he boiling and insulting witnesses.
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This goes against the witnesses.
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Civil rights, which caused these interrogations is to be extremely
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unethical. McCarthy had zero evidence to basis accusations off, but
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no powerful person would go against them.
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Or they were afraid that they would get a juice
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of Communist as well, because that was a pattern Joseph
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McCarthy did.
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He accused people that tried to go against him.
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In 1954 McCarthy accused the United States Army of having
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Communist infiltration in their facilities.
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This cause the downfall of McCarthy, and here's a lot.
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This accusation would begin three months televised McCarthy Army hearings
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and on June 9 1954 the Army's lawyer, Joseph Welch,
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and one of his attorneys well in one of his
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journeys were making a case.
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But this attorney was accused of committed communist espionage, and
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McCarthy accused this young attorney in the middle of a
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court hearing.
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Welch was outraged by McCarthy's erratic and cool behavior, this
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constant Welsh to say.
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This line, which was Tele televised on all the televisions
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in America at this time, let us know.
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Assassinate this young lad Further Senator, you have done enough.
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Have you no sense of decency?
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This was the last time McCarthy was really seen in
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any government type of business for the son of it,
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where the Senate was angry with McCarthy over all these
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investigations, and this gave them an excuse.
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Just center him.
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So he was, therefore never seen.
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And the news ever again to conclude the McCarthy Charles
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were deferential.
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The accused Communists first simple of them, lost their jobs.
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The second subject I will be talking about is McCarthyism.
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So how did the term McCarthyism come about?
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According to an article written by Multi George, who phone
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the term McCarthyism was first seen in in a 19
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fifties satirical Torches published by The Washington Post.
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Mr Tune has aimed to make fun and criticize McCarthy.
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When he first started accusing government officials of Communist SPF,
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the term eventually transformed to describe the practice of publicly
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accusing government employees of political disloyalty or subversive activities and
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using unsavory and busted batory methods to persecute them.
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This means McCarthy would make baseless accusations that people in
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the government were Communist he'd make these accusations with no
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evidence, and he would was also unethical when interrogating the
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accused people.
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The McCarthy era was damaging to the government parties that
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were more help, more left leaning views.
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For example, the Democratic Party suffered because of McCarthy Penis.
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Several of the Democratic Party members were accused of being
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a communist bots.
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Some of samples of why they may have been accused
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of being Communists is because they had a multi racial
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friend group.
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They were openly against nuclear weapons.
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They openly disagreed on.
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The Communist trials that were taking place or date gave
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indication that they were hopeful a homosexual.
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These people that were accused would eventually be fired and
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blacklisted, which means that it was difficult for them to
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finding new employment.
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Because of these accusations, you take several years for the
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Democratic Party to recover.
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After this McCarthyism spread, though to many other non governmental
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institutions, this would include prestigious universities, the Hollywood filmmaking industry
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and car manufacturing companies.
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This caused the economy to take a hit because the
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country's largest agent industries were not producing as many products
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is four okay, employees were fired and out of work.
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Jingle food the era of McCarthy, nous have almost destroyed
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the country, for government officials were being accused of communist
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activities. Oh, and these there was no evidence to support
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these planes.
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This movement targeted people with socialist or liberal views, which
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is against the State of America Constitution.
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It broke the amendment that a War of freedom of
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speech. The final subject I'll be talking about is how
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the McCarthy trials relates to The Crucible.
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The McCarthy trials and the trials that took place in
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the play by Arthur Miller are similar in many ways
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to start off Joseph McCarthy.
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Abigail Williams are very much a life In the play,
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Abigail would make bake accusations towards people.
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Also, she would forge evidence and accused people that went
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against her.
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This is evident when Abigail States I I know not
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a wind.
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A cold wind is come.
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Abigail was trying to make the judges believe that Mary
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Warren is bewitching her and Abigail does this one.
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Mary tries to expose Abigail's lives.
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Similarly, Justice McCarthy would accuse people of communism give most
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evidence or not at all, and he would accuse people
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that tried to prove me wrong.
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This was put on display when he accused a young
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a journey of having Communist times.
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McCarthy said this because the eternity brought forward evidence that
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discredited because thus our Biggio and McCarthy our life or
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they make baseless and unethical accusations.
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Furthermore, in The Crucible, which child's ruin several innocent people's
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reputations? Once the people falsely accused confessed to conspiring with
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the double, the whole town knew about it.
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This is why John Proctor, the protagonist, did not want
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to confess.
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He did not want to lose his reputation.
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Any states, because it is my name, because I cannot
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have another in my life.
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John Doctor knows that if he confesses, his reputation would
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be ruined for the rest of his life.
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So we'd rather die lying on the stand.
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Similar in the McCarthy trials, many of the government officials
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got a bad reputation because they allegedly conspired with Communist.
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Essentially, the government officials were accused, and then they were
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usually fired.
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Then they would not find jobs because their reputation to
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be communists.
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These claims were false, though, and it created a negative
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reputation for several people.
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Thus, the events that transpired in the Crucible and during
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the McCarthy trials are similar because people were falsely accused
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and they had their reputations ruined.
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In conclusion, the McCarthy Charles was an unethical phenomenon that
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took place in the 19 fifties in the United States.
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These channels also pray that the term known as McCarthyism,
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which describe what Joseph McCarthy was doing and how would
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it have to be upon me in the coffee trials
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were also very similar to the trials that took place
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in Crucible.
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These trials were known as the modern day, uh, witch
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hunts, which were almost identical.
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Do the seal of which trial events.
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In these two tragic events, the public believe what the
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government said without raising any questions.
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Several of these issues could have been prevented if more
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people would have crushed the balloon of the things up
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the accusers made.
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Thank you so much for listening to my presentation on
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the McCarthy trials.
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Here are the sources for the information that I spoke
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about today.
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And here are this the sites to the images that
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I used again, Thank you so much for listening and
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have a great day