Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello. My name is Jacob West and today we're going
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to go over human resources management training.
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I work in the United States Marine Corps On the
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aviation side as a dynamic components, technician C.
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D. I.
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Collateral duty inspector.
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When considering training in the military.
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There's kind of two sides of the aspect there's green
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side and there's the job specific side on the green
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side. This training pertains to just working in the military.
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You can consider it as orientation training.
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Uh starting basic training here it is taught what it
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means to work in the military and grounds you to
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what is expected mentally and physically after that.
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Throughout your career we hold mandatory annual and physical year
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training that pertains to cybersecurity, small unit leadership and personal
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safety such as drugs, drug usage, sexual assault and harassment
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or suicide.
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These trainings provide a blanket knowledge of what is expected
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and what is provided for the military members to use
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for their overall safety and mental readiness.
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These types of trainings would be in house training over
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ethics, communication management and morals.
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The next type of training would be job specific training
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and in my case it is on the aviation side
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On this side it is also using in house training,
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dealing more with the on the job experience, basic skills,
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customer service and operations.
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These skills are taught from seniority and passed down from
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generation to generation and it also becomes more unique between
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job specifications as in what works for power plants say
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might not work for airframes to assure that proper training
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is done.
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Every worker is assigned a mentor that is usually an
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NGO. It is their job to ensure that the worker
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understands the technical and operational side of the job as
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well as the customer service side.
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It is here where communication skills grow from junior to
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senior members.
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Technical operation skills are taught and management skills are learned
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for the mentors is here on the jobs specific side
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that external training is done as well, such as learning
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to paint or operate heavy equipment.
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These trainings are done out of the shop and taught
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by subject matter experts.
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Once complete, those taught will increase the work centres capabilities
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and increase their value in the job.
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Yeah, personal training is a blanket training that both encompasses
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green side, job specific side and just self education as
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well. Has stated prior, everyone is assigned a mentor and
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the mentor trains their subordinates on how to function in
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the job.
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Additionally, the mentor provides monthly counseling to keep the mentee
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informed on performance, the counseling and the counseling.
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They're evaluated on their greenside skills in this case, aviation
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skills, their personal skills and their conduct.
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They can set goals for the next counseling and provide
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time to establish needs for the worker to better perform.
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There's various tools in the military to measure and record
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their training and provide their training as well.
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one of the most used in like main form of
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recording their training is through a mentee jacket.
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This jacket logs all their certificates there, prior counseling and
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their job performance sheets.
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These are logs to show progress and reference of where
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they started to where they are now.
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In addition a web based tool is used to log
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maintenance hours and experience called a Sm this is where
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job specific tasks and O.
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J. T.
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Can be logged and is used as reference when the
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individual needs to step up into a higher technical role
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for responsibilities.
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Mhm. Another web based tool is a self education site
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that has hundreds of various trainings over green side and
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job specific side.
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All personnel are required to actively use both and it
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is up to the mentor to monitor that they do
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so. Mhm.
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Overall the main mechanism that is used in the military
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is the mentor to mentee uh provided training.
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Yeah. Lastly we'll go over how to make the training
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better personally I believe in the military mentor mentee based
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training is best as it train me to where I
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am today in my job it provides a direct line
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to leadership and a direct approach on what is expected
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both on the military side and the aviation side to
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try and change or better this practice of training could
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result in a lesser functioning training operation.
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However, my only input of change would be to allow
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certain personnel to progress in their job specific side faster
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if they show potential by this.
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I mean that there is an underlining truth that a
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senior seen you already in time outshines knowledge.
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In other words, if a Junior Marine works work has
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more skills and job related knowledge than older Junior, the
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older Junior is still provided the next level of responsibility
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solely, based off the fact that they have been around
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