Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi. This is my historical timeline off scientific invention in
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the Philippine history we have here five distinct periods and
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eras to tackle about the first one is the Greek
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Spanish period.
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Even before the Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards, the
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natives already had practices that the science and technology they
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were already aware of medicinal and therapeutic properties off plants
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and extracting medicine from herbs.
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Also, they already have alphabet number, system weighing and measuring
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system and calendar.
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During the 3000 BC early Filipinos learn to make add
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ornaments of seashells and poetry that prosper for over 2000
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years until the rival we arrived with the Chinese purslane
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in the fullness of time.
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Filipino make tools out off metals An iron age lasted
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until the third century BC toe 11th century E.
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D. During this time, Filipinos are include in all my
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name such a skop er, gold, bronze and iron.
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These natives in this archipelago have also been exposed in
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shipbuilding, my knee farming that led them in creating the
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Benali rice terraces and also another triggered warship called Caricola.
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This character waas used during seasonal theories and during peaceful
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time Carrico are used in trading ships.
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The second one that we should talk all about Spanish
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colonial period when the Spaniards colonies the Philippines.
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It has contributed the growth off science and technology in
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the country.
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They introduced formal education and scientific institution during during the
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early years off Spanish rule.
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In this archipelago, parish schools were established where they thought
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religion, reading, writing, arithmetic and music.
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Natives were thought advanced methods in agriculture.
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Subsequently, the Spanish established colleges and university in the country,
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including the University of Santo Thomas.
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The study of the medicine in the Philippines has been
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prioritized and biology was highlighted during in this period, The
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Guardian trade gives a positive result on Philippine economy.
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Trade was giving more focused my Spaniards due to the
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big profits.
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The opening off the Swiss can also the increase off
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arrival off European visitors and some Filipinos were able to
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study in Europe over probably influence by the fast development
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of scientific ideals.
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But by this age off enlightened men, the third one
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is American Period and post Commonwealth era.
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The progress of science and technology in the Philippines continue
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under the rule off Americans.
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The establishment off period off government laboratories was made by
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the Philippine Commission in July 1 1901 The National Research
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Council off the Philippines was established on December 8 1993
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and been replaced by the Bureau of Science in 19
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or five.
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It was during this American period when science is inclined
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in agriculture, food processing, medicine and pharmacy.
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The Bureau of Science was replaced by the Institute of
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Science in 46 and in 1950 there were reports made
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by the U.
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S. Economy HQ survey about the Philippine problem with regards
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to science and technology, such a slack off basic information,
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no support, minimal budget and low compensation during the regiment
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off Carlos Bigger CIA.
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In 1958 the Philippine Congress passed the bill in type
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of the Science Act of 1958.
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Which goal is to establish the National Science Development Lord.
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The next one is the Marcos era.
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During further and Marcus presidency, the importance given to science
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grew. It was clearly stated by the former president in
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the Philippine Constitution amended in 1973 that in term off
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national development priority shall be given in the advancement of
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science and technology.
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Aside from that one of his greatest contribution is the
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establishment off Gaza, which function is to give environmental protection
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and utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the safety of.
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He also established the National Academy Off Science and Technology
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in 1976 to have a scientist whose experts to science
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and technology the last one is the fifth Republic.
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After the term off, President Marcos President Corazon Aquino replace
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him in the presidential seat on her term.
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1986. She replaced the National Science and Technology Authority, the
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Department Off Science and Technology, or the U.
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S. D.
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Giving the science and technology assists in the government cabinet
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in 1990 state of the nation address of President Corazon
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Aquino said that science and technology developed should be top
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three priorities off the gold movement to implement the development
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plan they have made.
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In July 1992 President Fidel V.
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Ramos reported in his third Sona that there was a
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significant increase in people who Waas, specializing in the field
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of science and technology.
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By the year off 1998 it was estimated that the
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Philippines has 3000 competent scientists and years it was always
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during this Fifth Republic when the government provided 3500 scholarships
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for students who are interested in taking off course has
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related to science technology.
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It was always so this time when science and technology
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personal were given priorities by the government by approving that
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the are a number eight for 3, 1919 97 or
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the Magna Carta for science and technology personnel.
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Its purpose is to give incentives and rewards to people
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who made an impact and influential in the field of
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science and technology.
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In 1990 during the President Joseph destroyed this term, the
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Internet age was pushed for the advancement of school and
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industry. Then it was under the term of Gloria Macapagal
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Arroyo. When science and technology reach in the golden age,
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numerous loss and projects related to science were made to
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push technology forward creates the economic law level with the
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country like are a nineties are a 93 67 or
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the Biofuels Act at that promotes the development and usage
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off biofuels throughout the country.