Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi there, Marie Crutchlow here from Envision I am a
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senior experienced designer on our people team and I have
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the pleasure of thinking about ways to engage and support
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are fully remote workforce at envisioned day in and day
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out. So today I'm really excited to share with you
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how you can design your own personal operating system to
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ensure your successful in your remote environment.
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So first things first, remote life is great.
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It provides us a ton of flexibility in our day
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and really true authorship and how we leave together work
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and life.
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But it can be challenging to find your groove and
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then and find a healthy way to integrate work and
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home. So today I'll be walking you through some key
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elements to think about as you designed your personal operating
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system for remote work and ensure that you are successful.
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So to get started.
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First up on my list is creating your physical space,
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so were greatly influenced by our physical surroundings.
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The think back to the places you've worked over the
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last few weeks, maybe our kitchen countertop, your couch.
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Maybe you have a dedicated desk space and really reflect
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on where you felt the most productive where you felt
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the most energized, where you felt the most grounded and
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confident and start to think about those different places and
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what elements around you made you feel that way.
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So if you go to create your space for a
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where you typically want to be working while you are
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remote, think about those elements and how you might include
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them. Another important call out here is ergonomics, so it's
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super easy to correct the laptop, settle into your couch
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and knock it up again for new hours.
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But sometimes that's not very healthy for our bodies.
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So you sure that you're tuning into how you're feeling
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physically as well as mentally.
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I should plan your space one.
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We're not here.
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As you wrap up the end of the year day
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kind of really productive work day.
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Be sure that you're setting yourself up to have a
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productive off hours day as well.
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So tuck your laptop away somewhere where it's not super
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easily accessible.
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It is quite easy to see it out of the
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corner of your eye and say, Oh, I'm just going
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to do that one more thing before I'm done for
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my day and before you know it, you've been on
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your computer for a few more hours, so make sure
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that you put your laptop in a space where it
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will not be a distraction in your off hours.
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Lastly, approach appear on creating your space.
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Embrace nature.
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It brings some great color into your space.
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You could bring in a plant or maybe some flowers,
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and that fresh air is great for you as well.
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Studies have even shown that house plants can make you
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more productive in your work.
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So go find one today.
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So next on my list of ways that you can
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design your personal operating system is being really intentional about
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how you spend your time.
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So again, think back over the last few weeks is
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you've been working remotely and take a look at your
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calendar. Maybe you're a project load the different tasks that
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you created and start to bucket thes out into, like
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the main types of tasks or activities that you were
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doing. So for me l use myself as an example.
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I spend my time in about four different ways.
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So the 1st 1 being facilitating workshops and course is
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very much like this.
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The next heads down creative design work, also collaborating with
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my teammates in meetings and then finally, administrative tasks like
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checking email.
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We're getting caught up on instant messaging, so think about
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that for yourself.
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And once you know how you're spending your time, those
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buckets of time think about how much time you need
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to dedicate to getting these done in a really great
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But so think about what you can squeeze it in
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between meetings and think about where you need bigger blocks
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of time to do quality work.
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So for me, it's really easy to check the melon
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instant messages between meetings where I need definitely more dedicated
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heads down time to do great creative design work.
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So each week I look at my to do list
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and put blocks of time on my schedule to reflect
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those tasks that I need to get done.
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So once you have laid out your tasks and you
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know how they might align with the other tasks you
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are completing that week, think about when you personally feel
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most productive.
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Are you a night owl?
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And that's energizing for you or you more of a
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morning person.
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So whatever it may be, think about that for yourself
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and try to align your deep thinking tasks to when
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you are gonna feel most motivated to get them done.
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Last note here similarly, to how we talked about storing
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your laptop away.
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At the end of the day, we encourage you to
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apply the same thoughtfulness and intention to how you're spending
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your spending your time off works when you're not working
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here, um, really related to work.
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So think about how you want to receive your notifications
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in your offline.
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Ours said something that stresses you out.
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Or does it make you feel prepped and ready for
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the following day?
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Figure that out for yourself and then structure that in
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your personal operating system.
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Finally, pro tip here with how you spend your time,
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be sure to even put brakes on your calendar.
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I know this sounds a little bit silly, but I
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have heard many stories from folks working remotely who sit
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down at the beginning of the day, and then they
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don't get up again until they're ready to sign off
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for the evening head.
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They have had no brakes, and that is a really
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great recipe for burnout.
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So be sure that you're giving yourself some space to
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take breaks throughout your day To make sure you feel
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energized throughout next year.
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Let's talk about building a routine so you have your
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physical space considerations figured out.
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You're being really intentional about how you want to spend
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your time.
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Let's leave it together and talk about building a routine.
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So we've all heard the expression match.
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Humans are creatures of habit, and that includes good habits
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but also includes not so great habits.
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We, as people tend to repeat patterns of behavior that
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help us feel really comfortable and in control and a
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routine of a great way to be thoughtful about how
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we do that, building healthy habits that ensure we're setting
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ourselves up for success and completing our goals.
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So take working in an office, for example, you probably
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wake up in the morning, maybe grab a bite to
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eat exercise, get ready for your day, hop in your
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car commute, arrive at your office and settle into your
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day and so on and so forth.
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So when you're working remotely, it's easy to skip almost
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all of those steps you could really roll right out
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of bed and hop on your laptop, but don't do
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it. That is not great for you from a mental
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perspective to settle into your day.
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So I encourage you to create a routine for yourself,
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even in your remote environment.
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So maybe you wake up early and have a cup
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of tea or coffee get caught up on the news.
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Maybe that looks like an early morning meditation.
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Maybe you are getting some exercise outdoors with your pet,
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Whatever that may be.
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Make sure that your structuring a routine for yourself so
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that you have space to settle into your day and
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same thing for winding down once you've had a really
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productive work day as well.
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So just to wrap here routines are fantastic.
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Thio keep you aligned to your healthy habits and help
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you achieve your goals and a protest with routines.
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Um, make sure that you are including time for some
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authentic connection with your teammates.
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Those water cooler conversations or moments of running into each
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other in the hallway don't exist in our remote environment.
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You have to be really proactive and scheduling those, and
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I encourage you to do so.
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So put some time on a teammate's calendar to chat
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over coffee.
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You can catch up on work, or you could even
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talk about their weekend or your latest and greatest passion
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projects. Whatever it is, this is a great time for
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you to personally recharge, but also build deeper bonds with
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your teammates and great team.
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Connection just helps you all be more productive together anyway,
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So it's really a win win.
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Finally, you have your space.
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You know where you want to be.
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Spending your time.
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You know how you want to be spending your time
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intentionally. You've got to a routine nailed down.
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Try this out for a few days.
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This is your new personal operating system.
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See how it goes, and if it's not going well,
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change it.
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So that's really the beauty of design.
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You can put something out there, you can try it,
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you can learn from it, and then you can change
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it and make it even better.
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So I encourage you to do that for yourself.
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And once you find your best recipe for your personal
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operating system, be sure to share that with your team
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and your manager so they can support you in sticking
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to that, but also so they know what activities you're
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planning to do for your day.
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And they can best connect with you when it makes
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sense for them to do that.
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Well, so that's around you now know how you can
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decide your personal operating system to be successful in remote
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work by thinking about your physical space, how you could
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be really intentional with your time and how you can
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set yourself up for success with a routine.
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So I'm really thrilled for you to go out and
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try this.
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Thank you for tuning in.
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If you have any questions at all or would like
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to chat more about designing your personal operating system, please
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find me on Langton.
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I would really love to chat more.