Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi my name is Vanessa jean and I will be presenting
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a simulation case design focusing on a tracheostomy related emergency.
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Um Specifically a trick dislodge mint.
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So this simulation session was developed in response to nurses observation of
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an influx of a more diverse patient population onto their unit.
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And they specifically work on a hematology oncology unit
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and they've noticed an influx of patients with solid organ malignancies.
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And with this influx they've been
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challenged with providing care that involves skills
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in which their competencies are limited such as tracheostomy care.
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So the institution we're learning will be
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conducted as a teaching hospital that contains
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a simulation center with multiple simulation labs.
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Each simulation lab is set up similarly to a
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patient's room and um learners have access to mannequins,
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medical supplies such as tracheostomy straight care
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kits and code cart's if needed.
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The intended learners are all oncology nurses
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with greater than one year of experience.
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New graduate nurses are provided with a class that's similar
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um to this one.
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So therefore this class is intended to support more senior level
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staff members who have limited
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exposure and knowledge gaps regarding tracheostomy
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with the necessary resources.
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Um This session would require a lead stimulation instructor or debriefing
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two simulation instructors that would serve as
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a covering provider and a respiratory therapist.
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Mannequin with a tracheostomy,
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A tracheostomy kit and an additional or two
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additional shyly tricks of a size six and 8
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suction setup oxygen set up
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crash cart,
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continuous pulse oximetry monitoring and continuous telemetry monitoring
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a monitor to display vital signs and an I. V pump as the patient will be receiving
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I. V. Antibiotics.
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So learners will be um top based surrounding
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three different learning objectives.
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And with these learning objectives we will be
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assessing learners based off of critical actions.
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So for the
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first learning objective
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it states upon completion of the scenario the learner will be able
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to investigate signs of respiratory distress
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associated with a dislodged tracheostomy.
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And we are assessing whether the learners
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are monitoring for breathing and ensuring that the
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they have a patent airway
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assessing oxygenation status with a full set of vital signs,
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assessing lung sounds,
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assessing the tracheostomy and secure mint
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of external pieces and assessing whether they're
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encouraging the patients to cough out secretions if they do have any?
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And are they remaining with the patient throughout the emergency?
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The second learning objective states at the
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learning at the end of the learning session
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the learner will be able to demonstrate
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proper procedure to manage this large tracheostomy.
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The critical actions we are assessing for.
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Are the is the learner um calling the provider and giving report and S. Bar format.
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Are they ensuring that the room is set up for a patient with a tracheostomy?
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Are they providing trick care in accordance with the institution's policy?
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Are they attempting to suction the airway as needed?
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Are they changing the inner cannula?
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If one is present.
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Are they frequently assessing the status of the patient's airway
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um that they locate the Ambu bag to ventilate the patient
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and that they seek additional assistance by using
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the staff assist or rapid response alert system.
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The third learning objective states at the end of this session the learner
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will be able to demonstrate productive and
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professional behavior during a trick related emergency
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critical actions that are paired with this. Are
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are we assessing that the learner is
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frequently assessing the status of the patient's airway?
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Are they delegating roles to each team member during the staff,
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assist or rapid response?
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Are they utilizing effective communication
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strategies with the interdisciplinary team
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with the patient?
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Um And
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is the recorder during the rapid response
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recording effectively.
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The overall design um
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consists of the simulation session being conducted in the sim center room 105.
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There will be five learners to each session.
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There will be a prebrief to orient learners to the environment.
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We will be using a high fidelity mannequin that has a tracheostomy.
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We will also be using embedded participants for the roles
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of respiratory therapists and a covering provider in our case.
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We have a physician assistant
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and then we will debrief using
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um the good judgment model.
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So again learners will be pre brief for 10 minutes.
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The simulation session will run over 15 minutes
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and then we will debrief for 30 minutes.
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We will also provide learners with an algorithm.
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So learners and facilitators will be provided with
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the emergency medicine clinics of North America's tracheostomy
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de cancelation algorithm. I know that's a mouthful.
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Um This will just guide learners throughout their interventions
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while ensuring that they're providing evidence based care.
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So we also expect the learners to fully
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immerse themselves in the simulation session actively participate,
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work effectively as a team and receive and provide feedback to both
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their peers and the instructors
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and for our evaluation plan. We'll be using three different tools.
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The first tool is creating,
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creating competency evaluation instrument and learners will be
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evaluated by the debrief for to assess for
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learning and it's a 23 item question and answers are given on a like Earth scale.
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Second tool is the debriefing assessment for simulation in healthcare
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and a debrief for will be assessed by an assigned clinical educator
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for the effectiveness of their debriefing and educating skills.
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And it's six questions also on the lid growth scale.
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The last tool is the simulation effectiveness tool
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And the learners will assess the overall effectiveness of the simulation
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case and it's 20 questions also on a like earth scale.
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So lastly I would like to know if anyone has any
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questions and if you do please feel free to reach out
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to me
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and thank you all for listening and for your time.
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