Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi everyone.
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This is my groups, P.
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S. A.
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Project and we have the topic of neglect slash abuse
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of seniors in this presentation will be discussing the growing
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problem of the neglect and abuse of the aging population.
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So you may be wondering what is elderly abuse?
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Elderly abuse is the mistreatment or neglect of a person
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in the aging population.
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This can include physical emotional and sexual abuse neglect and
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financial exploitation.
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It is important that we as a community, especially as
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our community's future nurses, that we are knowledgeable on the
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topic of elderly abuse.
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It can occur in almost any environment and it is
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most prevalent in the community setting.
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We'll be discussing each type of abuse Red flags to
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look out for statistics, prevention and resources for this population.
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According to the World Health Organization, one in six people
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60 years or older experienced some form of abuse.
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At least 10% of adults aged 65 or older will
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experience some abuse in the given year, 5.2% is financial
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exploitation, 5.1% is caregiver neglect.
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4.6% is physiological or emotional abuse.
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1.6% is physical abuse and 0.6 is sexual abuse.
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There are many forms of abuse.
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There's physical emotional sexual financial exploitation and neglect.
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Physical abuse is the force to threaten or physically injure
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an older person.
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The following are some signs and red flags to look
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out for an elderly patients that experience physical abuse bruises,
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broken bones, cuts, sores, burns and untreated pressure ulcers.
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The next type of abuse is emotional abuse.
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Emotional abuse occurs when an older person is yelled at
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saying hurtful words, threatened, belittled, being ignored or isolated abusers
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choose their victims that really have visitors are outside.
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The content lack the ability to communicate, suffer from dementia
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or have higher wealth and assets.
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These are some red flags you should look out for
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with emotional abuse, refusal or unwillingness to make eye contact
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with them closed body language, sudden unwillingness to speak or
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answer questions, sleep changes and depression.
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Okay, the next abuse is sexual abuse.
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Sexual abuse is forced, misled, threaten or otherwise.
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Course upon an older person, including anyone who was unable
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to grant consent.
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This may include unwanted sexual contact or penetration or non
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contact hacks such as sexual harassment.
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Um Some red applies to want for stds that are
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stds, um anal or vaginal bleeding bruising around the breast
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or genitals and bloodied clothing or Betty.
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The next type of abuses.
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Financial exploitation exploitation can be defined as theft, fraud, misuse
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or neglect of authority and use of undue influence to
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gain control over older persons, money or property.
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Example of this is chasing an elderly persons, cashing an
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elderly person's checks without their knowledge or permission or foregoing
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their signatures.
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Some red flags to look out for financial exploitation would
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be unusual.
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Changes in their bank account, sudden changes in their will,
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fraudulent signatures or financial documents and unpaid bills.
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The last type of abuse is correct.
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Caregiver neglect this form of abuse is defined as the
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failure or refusal to provide for an elderly, elderly persons,
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safety, physical or emotional needs.
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These needs can include food, water, shelter, clothing, hygiene and
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essential medical care.
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The following are some red flags to look out for
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the lack of basic hygiene, poor nutrition, lack of medical
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aides, lack of appropriate clothing, dehydration, bed bound without care,
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poor living conditions and untreated pressure ulcers to prevent elderly
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abuse. We must understand and address the factors that put
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people at risk for or protect them from violence.
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We can listen to older adults and their caregivers to
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understand their challenges and provide support.
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Report abuse or suspected abuse to local adult protective services,
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long term care, but or the police, we can educate
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ourselves and others about how to recognize and report elder
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abuse. We can learn how the signs of elder abuse
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differ from the normal aging process.
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Remember to check in on older adults who may have
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a few friends and family members when it comes to
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resources for elder abuse.
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Many local state and national social service agencies have resources
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available to help seniors who are being abused.
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There are also websites based around educating those who are
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okay. Oh, the issue as well as hotlines where you
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are able to report it to learn more about the
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law surrounding elder abuse, visit n C e a dot
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a cl dot gov.
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This is the National Center on elder abuse.
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They also have a hotline that can be called anytime.
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As always.
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If you know someone who is in immediate danger, contact
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911 or the police immediately.
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Okay, Thank you for listening to our presentation and be
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sure to look out for world elder abuse awareness day,
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which is June 15.
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Thank you.