Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:02 - 00:02
Good morning, everyone.
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This is Mr Mendoza, Gerardo Mendoza from Sharps and International.
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And, uh, I'm also known as science Mendoza.
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So Thistle is who will be teaching.
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You're either eighth grade for I p c eighth grade
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science or 10th grader.
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Chemistry. Those are my different classes for this year.
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So this is how my classroom looks.
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Andi, I definitely miss my classroom.
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My students, um being able thio to be around them
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and be able thio to get our learning done in
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a actual classroom.
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It's, ah, very crucial that that we go back and
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but definitely, uh, our health and our safety comes first.
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So definitely will let you take care of that and
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make your choice.
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But that's how my classroom looks.
- 01:02 - 01:03
Uh, this is my contact information.
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Primarily off course.
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My email demon does one make sure that it's not
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Mendoza. It's Windows one at Houston.
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I d thought or or through Microsoft teams and your
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Children are already are in a group.
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And I can have direct communication with them through their
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um so I'm gonna go back.
- 01:29 - 01:33
Okay, so right here also, um, I have the down
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that remind up some of you may already have it
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and be using it with different teachers.
- 01:39 - 01:43
Well, um, I have also set up remind up, and
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there's different codes here.
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Uh, but you're only going to sign up for the
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for the class that your child is in.
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So if your child is in, uh, for example, it's
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an eighth grader.
- 01:57 - 02:00
In my first period, they would go to this link.
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Uh, and it is clearly on the top for, uh,
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science eighth grade.
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First period on there's a link.
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But if your child is in second period, I be
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seen they would click here or would sign up there.
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Same ways.
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Chemistry, fourth period or chemistry, fifth period as well as,
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um, my I p c six period or seventh period.
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Um, I P c two I also have an advisory,
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um, class period with 10th graders.
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So if they belong to my 10th grade advisory class,
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they can click onto that link.
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I will make this presentation available.
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So that way the students can click on the proper
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link on dhe.
- 02:58 - 03:01
Help you sign up for the remind up, right?
- 03:02 - 03:07
So, please, uh, signed up for for these, uh, for
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the app that way we can have a direct communication
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with us parents as well.
- 03:11 - 03:12
And you get are reminders.
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Um, never the least, uh, just to say, uh, in
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my class were expecting our students to learn a lot
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of chemistry.
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And in the case of the I p.
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C, we're also gonna be blending, uh, the some physics
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and the eighth grade star, um, material so that our
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students are successful.
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Um, in the eighth grade star exam in May.
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Um, we still have not received many details about dates
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with state, but as soon as that comes available, we'll
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make it available to you also.
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Then you all are also part of the team helping
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our eighth graders become successful in in that eighth grade
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science star.
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As to our 10th graders will do a full year
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of chemistry and so that hopefully next year, they joined
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the chemist AP Chemistry class at our school and growing
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that direction uh, enjoying an and learning the stem content
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that is, uh, so useful in this, uh, in these
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times. Okay.
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Well, um, I I enjoy keeping my students engaged in
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my in my class.
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Um, so I'm sure your Children will will be, um,
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successful. Whether they, um, stay home or go back to
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the classroom, I'll be happily, um, working with them and
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sharing, uh, the knowledge that I have with them.
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So let's have a great 2020 21 school year and
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success is out there.
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So let's go get it.
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And season on again.
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I am Mr Mendoza.