Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Good morning, dear students.
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How are you today?
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In today's video, we're going to talk about Jesus heals
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and for gifts of paralyzed man.
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Of course, we decided to talk about this because we
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were talking about healing examples of people that were healed
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by Jesus and by God.
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And in our text we have an example of John
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Raja and we read the text and we went over
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its okay with many discussion questions in the You see
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now we're going to take another example of the healing.
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We're also going to be talking about what it feels
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like to be healed and the meaning of miracles.
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So let's start off together.
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Okay? Jesus healed a paralyzed man.
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Now this miracle reflects the idea that people shouldn't just
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follow society.
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They should make their own path and help others that
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need it.
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Regardless of what people think and say about the situation,
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they should have faith and believe, even when others don't
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want you to.
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So it's your common sense.
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It's your conscience.
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It is your decision to help others.
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How would Jesus time?
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How would Jesus have understood the miracle Jews from the
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time of Jesus would have understood it as a situation
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where Jesus was doing things for the right reasons because
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he was helping and sticking up for others that needed.
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There may have been other people who did not understand
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why Jesus was doing what he did.
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They might have judged him for helping a paralyzed man,
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just like in the miracle.
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There were also people who did not believe he could
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heal until the man got up and walked.
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They were doubtful that he could do anything to help
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the man.
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So everybody was shocked when Jesus actually healed the man
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and he stood up and he started walking.
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So you can tell that Luke wrote it because he
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talks about Jesus as helping the people that are in
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need. Major themes that look expresses include the idea that
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Jesus does not exclude.
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He helped everyone who needed to be helped, whether they
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were women men, poor or sick.
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So he doesn't discriminate between people.
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Anybody that needs help.
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Jesus. Well, he shows Jesus in a very positive light
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as wanting to help the less fortunate.
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In this case, it is a paralyzed man in this
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miracle, if faith is a central requirement for a miracle.
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How does each recipient demonstrate faith for before or doing
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their request?
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In the parable, Jesus said to the paralyzed man that
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Hiss sins are forgiving when he says that some men
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questioned his authority by saying Onley, God can forgive people
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of their sins on Earth.
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Jesus then says the son of God has the authority.
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He then tells the paralyzed man that his sins are
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forgiven and to go get up and take his math.
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The paralyzed man gets up and walks away in front
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of the whole crowd.
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So the crowd doubted him at the beginning of being
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a healer, of being someone that can actually do miracles
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and that only God can heal.
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But he said, me being the son of God, I
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can actually also do that, and I have the authority
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to do that.
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And then he told the paralyzed man to get up
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and carry his mat.
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How do they demonstrate change after this experience of Jesus?
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When the paralyzed man walks away with his math and
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the crowd and teachers see this, they learn to have
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faith. They also learned that they, too, can forgive people,
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not just God, miracles are demonstrations of God's kingdom.
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How does your miracle reflect these realities?
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The miracle reflects God's promise of unconditional love because Jesus
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heals and forgives the paralyzed man.
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He does not care that the man is paralyzed or
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what sins he has committed.
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The miracle reflect Scots commitment to the poor people and
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outcasts of society by Jesus healing the paralyzed man, Jesus
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is helping a man who is considered an outcast at
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that time.
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The miracle reflects God's complete control over the power of
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sin and evil.
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By testing the teachers in the crowd of faith attempt,
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the miracle reflects God's offer of complete reconciliation by forgiving
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the paralyzed man of all of his sins.
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No matter what the sins are, the miracle reflects God's
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presence incarnated in Jesus of the history because Jesus is
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the one who's performing God's tasks on Earth by forgiving
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people. So, everybody, we have reached the end of our
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video for today.
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If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, and
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please make sure to scroll through the you see for
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more information and tutorial.
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Have a lovely day and thanks for listening