Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, Doctor Day.
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OK, for my first digital journal entry for Foundation and women's studies.
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Um First of all, I was so excited for this class.
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I just want to start off by talking about this concept that we've been
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kind of bringing up um during the first couple weeks of class.
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Um And that's just the fact
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and idea of so much of women's studies being made up of oral
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stories and just stories that have been passed down from generation to generation.
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I think this is such an important topic and so many of our stories as women
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just go untold and
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you know, given no importance.
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I think it's a topic that is so undervalued and just really not talked about.
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Obviously, patriarchy's goal is to kind of silence us women
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to do just that to like put to sweep our stories under the rug.
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So I just love this concept and I love talking about it.
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Um For me personally,
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like the way it really shows up is the stories within my own family.
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Um And that like relating to gender. So like,
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for example, like
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I have a younger cousin, she's one year younger than me.
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is like growing up, we kind of hated each other just because
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we have the same exact name. Like I'm Ana
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Luisa Armed
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is Gonzalez and she's Ana
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so like same first name and same last name.
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It's just like she was me but in Mexico and I was her but in the US.
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but we just like little kid drama, like we hate each other.
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But now that we're actual like,
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you know, women, like we're grown up now.
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Um as grown up as I can be at 20 whatever.
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Um we love each other like we're inseparable when we're in the same country,
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Um But we went on vacation together this past summer with my dad, my mom, my brother
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and like we just shared a room and we would stay up all night, like just like giggling
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and just like telling stories
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and trying to piece together
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why our family is the way it is specifically the men.
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So specifically our fathers,
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um she's from my dad's side and my dad only has one brother.
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So specifically trying to piece together like, ok, our dads are both such angry men
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and our dads. My dad is this way your dad is this way like huh this connects with this.
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Oh, my mom told me that this happened when our dads were teenagers. Huh?
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My mom told me that this happened and that our grandma was this way.
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And that made this be like this.
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So, oh my God, it's just so crazy in my head. Like
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our dads tell us nothing.
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And here we are doing all the emotional labor and just piecing things together.
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Obviously, we're getting our information from our mothers.
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Our dads really will only talk about
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when they were really little.
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And then after they had us,
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everything in between is just like a mystery blob that we just like, collected,
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like pick up the puzzle pieces like from our moms
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and then together just kind of like poop
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poop, piece it all together
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it's just, it's so strange but so wonderful all at once.
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oh my God, I just went, went,
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we actually piece things together and like tell these stories.
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I just like in my body, I feel
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just, I feel it like in my chest but such a happy, like jittery type of feeling like,
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I don't know, it's just wonderful to have women to actually
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exchange these stories with.
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Um I'm getting a little off track so I'm going
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to get back into the topics I want to cover.
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But yeah, that's just like,
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I'm so glad that was such a big point of the class and
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of the curriculum this semester because I think it's such a wonderful thing.
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Ok. The thing I'm mainly going to be covering today um
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for the rest of the video at least
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is going to be um Adrian riches reclaiming on education.
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It was either reclaiming or reclaiming. I don't know. But
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yes. So
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I love this article. I feel like it sent me
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into a bit of a spiral.
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Oh my God. Just, oh, that class discussion was great.
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But um it really made me think like what if,
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what if men didn't create everything and ruin it?
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Um I don't know. I just,
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I need to log my thoughts one minute.
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I think the phrasing, I know we talked about this in class, but the phrasing
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and the differentiation between claiming versus receiving
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is just something that I've never really thought about before.
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And I feel like before this, I just use like receiving or, you know, just,
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yeah, I use that type of language um in relation to my education and academic life.
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But it really is such an important and like notable difference in the wording.
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I feel like with men, it's always,
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even if it's not said it's always,
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we always view their education through the lens of claiming.
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It's something that's rightfully theirs and something they're entitled to.
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Um Obviously, there's a patriarchy, a lot of men feel entitled
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as women, it's just we're always kind of receiving like things are
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done to us, we are receiving things.
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to think of that through education is just so mind boggling because
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obviously, like no one is entitled to anything. And like, I don't know, it's just
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to get into that type of mindset that you're claiming
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something that is rightfully yours and something that has always
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been meant to be yours
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is just, I don't know, it just makes me feel so like,
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like, I don't know, physically, I just feel like it, like, I don't know, it makes me,
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like, want to be a little taller and like, sort of shader
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and I guess just more confident, um,
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in my academic life And yes.
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OK, another thing that sent me into a massive spiral
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was um we talked about this in class. I
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have a terrible memory.
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I try to remember as much as I can, but I'm almost certain it was in relation to,
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to um reclaiming an art,
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oh my God,
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reclaiming an education.
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But it was just the fact that like, obviously our systems are created by men. And so
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they are shaped around
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needs and just like men's ideals, you know, through a male lens
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and just the idea of like, how would academia, how would our educational systems,
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how would school and higher education
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be different
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if it were made for us or if it were made
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by women?
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Obviously, like the first thing that comes to mind is just like the,
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how, how undervalued emotional intelligence
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is and how um
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how discouraged it is in academic settings.
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Um As if you can't be logical and emotional at once, like, you know, of course, like
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um under a male lens. We just kind of assume that those two
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cancel each other out and that any emotion makes an argument illogical.
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Um But to take it even further, like
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we didn't really talk about this in class, but I
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OK, I feel like at least are people um who get periods and who menstruate
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to me. It like, oh my God, it is so mind boggling that like men wake up and like,
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OK, I'm not that good at science. So maybe there's you, you can tell me as like a,
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as like a stem undergrad person,
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but for men, at least like from what I know their hormones are
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steady, right?
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And I think when isn't it, when you,
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when men wake up they have like a burst of estrogen,
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I believe or some bodily chemical that makes you
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like energized and ready to take on the day.
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Um It boggles me and I've been like really getting into this lately
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and like they're trying to learn as much as I can about it,
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but it really boggles me
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that at least
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for me like
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whichever phase of my menstrual cycle that I am in.
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It could completely change my mood and will completely change
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the way I'm able to live my life.
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Um with this for me, at least there's also some
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intersections with disability
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and with my A DH D like.
- 08:37 - 08:38
Yeah. Anyway, it's like lil
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face for me is terrific. Terrific. Not terrific. Terrifying. Sorry.
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Terrifying and terrible.
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So it's just like in the sense, like, I don't know, like,
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how would academia be different if these type of things were taken into account?
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if we were allowed, like,
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time off and time to actually recharge our bodies
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and like take care of ourselves in that sense.
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Ok. The next thing
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I was searching the text for this exact quote.
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I looked kind of quickly and I couldn't find it.
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So it might be something that you had mentioned in class or I'm just bad at looking.
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Um But it was just the idea that the article that the speech brought up that
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if we as women don't take ourselves seriously
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and we don't take our education seriously.
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It's a matter between life or death.
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Oh my God. Ok.
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- 09:25 - 09:27
oh my God, this is just so
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true and so,
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like, deeply applicable and so d
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so many different situations.
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Um I want to get just into my situation,
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at least for it or how it resonates with me personally.
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I feel like growing up, um I just never really was,
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there was other aspects to it, but I think I was just never really expected
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do academically well or like,
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have any higher aspirations, um educationally and both career wise. Um
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My dad, my mom, like, they're very big,
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- 10:06 - 10:07
What's the word?
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They're very big advocates and like they very much pushed me to,
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you know, think higher, like pursue higher things.
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But I think just in general being raised as a woman
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and identifying as one,
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it was just always kind of like, oh, like
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you'll get married, you'll have kids. Like, what do you need a career for anyway?
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little woman, like,
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- 10:28 - 10:29
in that sense.
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So, like, I just kind of like, honestly going into college, like,
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I don't know what I wanted to do.
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Like, I didn't really, like, think of myself in the sense, like, and like,
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have higher aspirations.
- 10:37 - 10:37
- 10:37 - 10:40
I didn't think of myself as necessarily, like
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- 10:41 - 10:42
say, competent.
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That makes me sound like malicious, like, terrible to myself, but just like,
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you know, I didn't think of myself like
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as like, so like high achieving and all that.
- 10:50 - 10:51
- 10:52 - 10:57
that for me also, again, has some intersections with um disability and a DH D like,
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I just feel like just in general,
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I'm a very, I'm very doubtful of my actual like,
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abilities like intellectually because of that. Um
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So I try to, you know, not think of that that much and not let it um
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take control of my mind.
- 11:11 - 11:14
Um But even last year, like,
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again, this goes back to the masculinization of education.
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I was with this one
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man, terrible man
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who was a STEM major.
- 11:25 - 11:28
And obviously, um you probably,
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you probably know this from your undergraduate in um
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in STEM, but a lot of men in the stem field just undervalue any of the arts
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and belittle and, like, obviously as a woman you're already belittled.
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So it's like, oh, like you're really going to kick me down a notch for,
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um, studying gender to a lot of people. It's like,
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what are you doing that for?
- 11:50 - 11:50
- 11:51 - 11:52
but, yeah, like that just,
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it kind of made me, like, doubt my,
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my abilities and just,
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like, what am I actually doing? Like, what is this education, like? Oh, my God.
- 12:01 - 12:01
Like what?
- 12:02 - 12:03
Um I don't know because I was viewing it
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through such a masculine lens and also through such a
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just like financial lens. Like, what am I actually going to do with this?
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Um And obviously I know the value that is here
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and I know how important these type of studies are
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but like that is how deeply rooted and how
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deeply the patriarch is able to penetrate that.
- 12:21 - 12:23
Like even me as a Gsws major,
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I was over here like trying to change my major to global studies.
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Like, girl, you do not want to learn about international law, like,
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what are you doing?
- 12:29 - 12:30
- 12:31 - 12:34
But so like that all made me so doubtful and just like sent
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me down like a spiral with like my academics and just like,
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oh my God, like, how am I going to do this?
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Like, what am I doing? Like, you know, just
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not taking myself seriously kind of um
- 12:44 - 12:49
undermining my abilities and like belittling myself like, I don't know,
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terrible time.
- 12:51 - 12:52
- 12:53 - 12:55
in the summer, I was like, really,
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really, really thinking about like dropping out or taking a break just
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again because I feel like those the
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that structure has never been there for me as a woman and as a young girl to see myself,
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like, actually
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doing more and like pursuing a career. Like, I'm like, yes, I'm here learning.
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I enjoy learning. But like,
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what am I actually going to do with this? Like, how am I going to live?
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Like, what am I going to do?
- 13:19 - 13:19
- 13:19 - 13:22
And a lot of that just stems from there not being like,
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you know,
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nn no representation in the sense um that there is like for little boys of like, oh,
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like be an astronaut.
- 13:31 - 13:31
- 13:32 - 13:33
do this, do that, you know?
- 13:34 - 13:34
- 13:35 - 13:37
So um
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I was very much considering that and then I was like fixing
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up my schedule and I realized I had classes with you.
- 13:43 - 13:44
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honestly, that was very much a big motive for me not taking a break.
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And I'm glad I did it. I feel a lot better this semester. Um But a large part of that was
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- 13:54 - 13:56
I mean, at the time, I guess I didn't really know it but looking back on it,
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like a lot of that was me like sitting down and just like being like, ok, like,
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I have to take myself seriously,
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like, I
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want to be able to make a career for myself. Like I want to be taken seriously.
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If I want to be taken seriously, then I have to take myself seriously.
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I have to stop like,
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undermining my abilities and just assuming that I'm incapable of like doing this,
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I have to take myself seriously and then others will as well.
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- 14:22 - 14:26
And from there I figured a lot out and I do want to talk to you about this more,
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but maybe it's not the time in the journal entry.
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But, um,
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uh, now I'm trying to, like, set up bigger goals for myself. So
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I've been feeling very motivated this semester.
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I've been trying to do a lot of things in relation to, like,
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you know, setting up like a good career for myself. Um,
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and this has to do with, um, with reclaiming an education.
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Um, but like,
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just having these higher expectations for yourself and
- 14:46 - 14:49
taking yourself seriously has been so much for me
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and I guess I haven't really realized that until now that I'm looking back on it.
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But, um,
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I think I'm running out of time. I'm going to see if I can add on to this.
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Give me.