Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Yeah, good evening.
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My name is ESko Satch Field.
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I'm a current student at the University of Middle Tennessee
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Murphysboro. And today we're gonna be talking about, is it
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possible to teach sales skills and if it's not possible,
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are they?
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It ain't skills.
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The real question everybody wants to know why are cells
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skills important?
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Well, in my opinion, sales skills are important because they're
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always gonna be around.
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They're always going to be useful.
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Someone's always going to have to make the deals.
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And even when we worked through an automated society, someone's
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gonna have to make those deals, robots can't make deals.
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And that's the truth.
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Some of the things that make a good salesperson successful
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is Be able to build a rapport between two people.
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Be able to create relationships out of thin air.
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Someone who can meet people off the street and an
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hour later they may be going and having dinner because
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they're the kind of people that can build relationships that
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quick. And the main thing about this paper that we've
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talked about is when you're looking for a person to
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start a new job and it may be a entry
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level skills job, well you can't really base new hires
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off their own numbers if I were to go get
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another job and yeah, it was an entry level, it
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was a more senior level job.
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That company would want to see my sales numbers, they
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would want to see my growth and they would want
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to see typically at least three years Of you know,
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2-3 projected organic growth shown over the years that done
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for that sales company.
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And they want to see those numbers on your resume.
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And if they like what you're saying that it is
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it is their absolute uh huh you know job that
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they can call your own employer and say, hey did
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this guy really make deals like you said, he did,
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you know, and they will absolutely do that, let alone
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you know, any other ways they're going to interview you.
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But the main problem with new hires as they do
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not have the they don't have a way to look
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at these new hires and say, you know, what were
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your numbers because if these new hires that our entry
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level when they're coming right out of college, you know,
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how do you how do you gauge if they're actually
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sellers? You know, and you know in my opinion, one
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way you can do that is you can look at
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their college experience, were they involved in greek life?
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Were they, do they excel in varsity athletics?
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Because typically good sales people that succeed in athletics are
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team players, they're competitive and they're used to that team
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drive and they're usually pretty social people.
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That's one way you can kind of get an idea
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of of you know, if they can make themselves, we
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discussed greek life but you know one of the best
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ways to figure out if somebody is going to be
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good for sales is to have a good salesperson there
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to interview that person and you know a good shells
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person is an expert at reading people and you're gonna
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have to you're just gonna have to have that salesperson
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there and you're gonna have to get their opinion on
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what they think about this person.
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You know um when you're in sales, you know back
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when I used when I first started out my first
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sales job, I used to sell printers and coffee papers
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And I used to hit 40 doors a day, I
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would hit 40 and code call 40 businesses by myself
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a day working 100 commission selling office supplies and you
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know, it was a tough job, but it really taught
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me how to read people and that's one of the
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ways you can do that.
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You know, you can, you could either see if they
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were good at athletics, they were successful and you know,
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a varsity sport, they were acting for the fraternity or
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sorority or you know, you can get somebody to actually,
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you know, come down from your company and read them
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and figure out a third good salesperson and figure out
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if they've got that national I and the last thing
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that I'll say that you can do to figure out
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if somebody is going to be a good salesperson is
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to just having shadow you for the day.
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And you know, if you can see how they interact
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with other people, you're gonna get a really good idea
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how they're going to interact with people when they're on
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their own.
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And you know, and that's why I always come back
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to say that the importance of sales skills makes big
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business. Thank you.
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My name is Esko Satchel.
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I appreciate everybody coming today.