Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, I'm Dave Lichtman.
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I'm the founder of Company called Enable Match Were a
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boutique recruiting firm that specializes in sales Name Look, professionals
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with the basically means is we help companies find the
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best sales enablement Focht out there for their jobs.
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And in doing so, I've had literally hundreds of conversations
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over the past couple years with sales enabled professionals and
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those trying to hire them.
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And what I would tell you is, after all those
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conversations, certain patterns started to emerge from all the conversations.
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I would say those patterns aren't always good.
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And there's some things that I've observed I want to
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share with you here today that are hurting people as
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they try and get a promotion within their own company
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or get a job outside at a new company.
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And those tweets that you can make here will make
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an immediate difference on your prospects of getting his job.
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So my hope is that you can take these with
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you and make those tweaks starting today, so let's dive
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right in.
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I first want to tell you that people in sales
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neighborhood are not getting credit for their work, and what
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I mean by that is, people might be doing great
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enabling programs and driving great results, but they're not getting
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credit for them.
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They're not able to chaia tell those stories in such
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a way that's making people take notice and make them
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want to hire them.
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And that has to change.
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That's we're talking about.
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I want to start with this idea.
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That epic accomplishments are memorable.
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An average accomplishments are forgettable.
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Epic wins memorable, average, forgettable.
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And that is the crux is How can you make
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your stories epic?
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How can you make them memorable?
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Because that is what matters.
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And what I'll tell you is the idea is how
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you tell your story matter.
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So it's yes, it's important what you did so lets
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us all assume that you all did great work.
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If you didn't, that's a that's a separate conversation, But
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so let's assume you built some great programs, did some
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amazing things.
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But how you tell those stories is material that will
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tell you as I talked to companies, they hang up
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the phone with cannons, and they're not that impressed sometimes
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or they don't really understand what they did, or they
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didn't really talk about them in such a way that
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made them feel like I want that person to run
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my program.
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So how do you tell your story matters?
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And so let me let me take you back and
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tell a different story for a minute here.
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So I want to take it back to 1996 the
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Summer Olympics and specifically, women's gymnastics.
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And if you remember back in the day, this sport
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was dominated by the Russian women's gymnastics team.
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This was their sport, always a favorite going into the
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Olympics and expected to dominate.
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But this year was a little bit different.
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The US assembled what was called the Dream Team.
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It was thes girls who were just phenomenal, and they
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were gonna be contenders this year.
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And I want to focus on one of them.
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This woman Carry Struck.
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She was one of one to emerge from the Olympics
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as one who did some amazing stuff, and that's what
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we're talking about.
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So, uh, Carrie Strug, she basically was going into what
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was one of the final events to win the women's
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gymnastics team of it, and basically it came down to
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the vault, the final event and the Russians were, uh,
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basically trailing right behind the Americans and carry through her
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last vault.
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If she did, she does well enough.
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She can eliminate the Russians mathematically from winning, then take
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home the gold for the American team.
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So it's a big opportunity to win it for the
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team. And so carry goes back.
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It's our final ball, and she has got to go
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to the start line and run a sprint as fast
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as she can.
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Hit the vault, spin in the air and stick the
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landing. That's what she's got to do and do it
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well enough to eliminate the Russians.
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So to do this, it's It's a big deal.
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So it kind of all comes down to hurry and
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getting this this fault, right?
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There's a lot of pressure, and so she goes up,
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she runs up and she does this fault.
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She spends in their tucks a little bit too much,
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and she lands.
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But when she lands on her feet, she hears a
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snap. The kind of snap that ends gymnastics careers like
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it. It is not good, and she stumbled and see
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her. Her score was not great.
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She didn't do what she had to do.
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The Russians were not eliminated, but she had a second
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chance to go back and involved again.
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But she's no, she can.
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So she looks to her coach belt, probably, And she's
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about what?
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What do you need me to do?
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And he said, I need you to go again This
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poor girl, literally limping to the start line and she's
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got about has to run and sprint again.
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She kind of stumbles up there, especially.
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She can limping, she goes.
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It there takes a very deep breath and no, she's
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got to land on this ankle.
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That is more than compromise.
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It's injured, so she runs up as much as fast
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as she can gets.
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That sprint going spins throughout the air.
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And if you watch this on YouTube and you can
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and you should and you see her landing, she comes
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round, spins around and she lands.
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But she lands basically on one foot, which is unheard
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of and you look at her face.
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You can see how much pain she's in, and she's
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holding it together as best as she can.
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You know she's got to get this score.
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You gotta stick landing and you're looking her.
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And then I was in the score.
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Start to come across from the judges.
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9.712 She did it.
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She scored just high enough to eliminate the Russians and
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and win.
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And so Belloc carries her off the things that she
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is injured.
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She she has hurt, and then the women's team gets
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the gold.
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They all win the gold because of carries.
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Second vault on that injured angle.
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It is an epic moment, and it's one of ones
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that just just you get goose bumps when you watch
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it. And so why?
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Why do I tell you this story?
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I don't care about women's gymnastics at all.
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I don't frankly don't care that much about the Olympics,
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But that story is etched in my brain from 25
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plus years ago.
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I can't forget I still get goose bumps.
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It was such an epic story that I can't forget
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it, and it's It's one of the most amazing things,
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because epic accomplishments are memorable.
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Carries. Vault was epic, right?
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She had injured her ankle.
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They weren't the favor to win.
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All these things happened, and she's still nailed it.
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That makes it seared in my brain in a way
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that I can't forget it, and that is what you
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want to do.
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So what I want to do is give you some
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suggestions about making your stories epic as well.
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We're not all winning the gold medal, not all on
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injured ankles.
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But I think there are things we can highlight in
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our stories and our programs that will increase the epic
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nous of what we do.
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Because here's what I hear all the time.
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I'll talkto enablement person and ask him about a program
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that they, Iran or that they built and will be
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something like this.
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I joined the company, the on boarding program when I,
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when I was important, was just terrible.
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And so I basically spent the next three months made
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it world class.
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It has a rule place and e learning and all
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the stuff The people's mentors would always great things and
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everyone loved it, got tons of kudos and it was
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much better than it ever was before.
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And that's my story.
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And what I will tell you is that is not
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epic. The program may have been amazing and may have
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been world class, but how you told that story did
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not have its epic nous.
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And here's what I want you to do to 20.
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Change that.
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So here's a couple tweaks.
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First start to talk like a C R O.
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That means crisp a language that me means being terse
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and concise and how you describe what you're describing and
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use words with precision.
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So talk like a C R O.
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And part of that means this and this is a
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key part.
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Here is speak in outcomes, not activities.
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What results did this program tried?
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How did you make things better and talk about outcomes,
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not activities.
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So you built a new our morning program.
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So what?
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Why does it zero care?
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Why is the CEO care?
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Why does that matter?
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And if you're not talking about outcomes and metrics and
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KP eyes, you're framing it in the wrong way.
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You got to start to talk about outcomes.
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What was he out?
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What was the baseline before you started?
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And what was the outcome after?
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That is how Ciro's talk that is, how people think,
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and that's how you need a frame.
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Your experiences related, that is, you need to have a
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story arc.
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Before you started a program, what was the baseline?
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What was going on?
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What was the pain?
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What did you do?
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And what happened as a result, and having a proper
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arc is important.
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And I have here you can see on the diagram
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here that the upward slope is long.
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And that's where you really need to delve into the
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problems or the pain.
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Or why this why things in the status quo were
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not so good because rather than saying with the on
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boarding programming, it was terrible that that doesn't make anything
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seem epic.
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But if you were to say, actually know what like
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when? When people started, they go through boot camp before
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I got there and they would start on their job
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and all this and they realize they're not ready for
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the phones.
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They're not customer facing ready.
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They didn't know her pitch is.
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Therefore they weren't getting their second meeting.
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They weren't able to talk about in prospect, cause they
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don't know our customer stories.
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They weren't building pipeline and we found, was the overall
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team productivity which used to be historically around 80%.
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We only had, like 45% people heading quota like people's
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jobs. Wrong the line, like people were leaving the company
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cause they weren't making money and are Syria was about
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to lose his job and like it was a big
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problem for the company, like we were under some severe
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revenue pressure and like heads, we're going to roll all
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because we weren't on boarding people properly.
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When we're going through a massive hiring spurt like that's
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that has some specificity, you can kind of feel the
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pain, right?
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I get on the front lines, I can't tell my
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story. I can't prospect like you.
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Can you understand the details and there in lies feels
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a little bit more of a bigger So then when
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you say And so what I did was in my
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program, I major, every person knew the messaging.
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We did role plays.
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We've practiced.
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We certified.
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Then we recorded their pitches with all these things.
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And now, as a result, although some people now when
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they leave boot camp, are ready for the front lines
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there right ago, and now we're seeing attainment starting to
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tick up very rapidly over the past several classes.
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So, like you're telling a story, but you can feel
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the arc of it in that ark is where the
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payoff is.
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Intel's why it was bad before what you did and
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what you what happened.
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As a result, if you don't dive in the details
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of why it was bad, it's just not going to
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feel epic.
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And there in lies the part you've got to get.
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So you gotta dwell on that stuff.
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Um, so my takeaways for you, number one again epic
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accomplishments are memorable for every story that you have have
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where every accomplishment, every program you've run, you need to
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understand. Is it noteworthy?
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Can you talk about a baseline and then a result?
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And if it is, you gotta practice telling the story
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and telling it in such a way that you're hiding
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the parts that make it epic.
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Highlight the parts that make people sit back into like,
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Whoa! That was like landing on an injured ankle.
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That was an impressive program.
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Like I, I see what you did, and that's impressive.
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If you don't do that, then it's just not going
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to be memorable, and that's that's a miss.
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So think about your programs and focus on highlighting the
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parts of them that make him epic.
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And I'm a big believer in practice telling these stories.
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Record yourself.
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Listen yourself.
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It's talk like a zero, make it really concise and
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know how to do it.
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Because when you get into these conversations for interviews or
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even we're talking your CEO in the elevator or somebody
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you're passing by, you want a toe.
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Have I what you've done because this is the currency
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with which you get promoted.
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So I hope you all had a couple of good
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takeaways from this.
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And please start using this immediately.
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It is.
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It is the stuff that's gonna help your career both
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now and in the future.
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Good luck, everybody.