Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:09
Okay, hey everybody, I am doing my presentation on meningitis, we will jump into it.
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Starting off with characteristics so within your spinal cord and
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brain there's gonna be an information of fluid that occurs
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and when this happens a personal first notice headaches, fever, stiff neck,
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vomiting, seizures,
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not hungry, not thirsty sensitive delight. And we'll have a rash.
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And newborns will communicate that need as well as having majority
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or all of those um characteristics and they will character.
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They'll communicate this need by crying, screaming or excessive irritability.
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Here is a
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good little picture here or the top,
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you can see what a normal meninges I believe
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it's pronounced looks like and then you can see
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when it's infected um just how irritated and inflamed that is.
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So the cause of this is typically caused by a
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viral infection and if we look closer into the bacteria,
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bacteria enters the bloodstream and travels up to the spinal cord into the brain.
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And that's how the inflammation infection occurs.
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And this happens most often in Children under five years old,
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but it's also common among individuals under 20.
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Um and then people who have a compromised immune system are at high risk
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now to the effect, his poor little kiddo makes me so sad.
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Um So sometimes if a parent or a person who feels like they have
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go to the doctor as soon as they notice their symptoms,
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um sometimes I can heal after a few weeks with proper medical assistance.
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if somebody kind of second guessing themselves or doesn't trust their instinct,
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This can be life threatening.
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So areas that meningitis can affect our hearing loss, brain damage, memory,
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difficulty learning disabilities, kidney failure, seizures in death.
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Um The biggest treatment for meningitis is being vaccinated.
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Studies show that being vaccinated is the
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um leading treatment of preventing meningitis.
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So they recommend vaccinating your child as soon as your doctor recommends.
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Um And if you haven't been vaccinated with meningitis then
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you um they do suggest looking into that and then
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um talking to your doctor
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and then also to keep your area as clean as possible.
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Studies also show that any community living center
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um This even counts as just living with your family.
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Uh Meningitis is more present in a busier area.
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So make sure that you wash your hands and clean your space as much as possible
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and stay in your room or stay home if you are feeling sick
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and then of course seek medical attention like a. S. A. P. F.
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You fear of meningitis because the sooner you catch those
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symptoms and try to reach him before it gets dangerous.
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The better off you will be
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some resources for the families that
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the first one that resource provides information
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support to families of a loved one with meningitis or that has meningitis,
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just a good resource for how to better support them.
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And that second one down their teachers, family about prevention
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and then finally my references there. I just use the one with the mayo clinic.
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So that is all we have. We'll zoom all the way back out.
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Thanks for watching. Bye.