Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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now, one way or another, whether you're all in on
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a B m or you're still believing hard corn in
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and down.
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One way or another, it comes down to the importance
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of personalization.
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All of these strategies, more and more to it today
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are expected to be personalized.
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We expect our buyers as buyers.
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We expect personalization, but personalization is hard.
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Don't get me wrong.
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Is that same study that we did with Heinz Marketing?
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I showed you earlier, and these were some of the
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things that that we as marketers struggle with, right.
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So unless it just, it feels like it's going to
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take too many resources.
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Too much time our text acts.
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Not gonna work for the level personalization that we want.
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We did another research study recently with Walker Sands.
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We found that for most people, when we define personalization,
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what do we mean?
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Right as marketers we talked about like, Well, I know
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your name, right?
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I know that your name is Steve, and I'm gonna
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put that into the email, be like, hey, Steve, and
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you're gonna be wowed.
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And I was wowed in 2000 and 10.
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That was pretty cool, but it is 2020 and first
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name is not so cool anymore.
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It's table stakes, mashed potatoes.
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You need to give me the content you need to
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feed me in a way where Netflix does think about
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these emails that you get from Netflix 12 times a
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week. I know how often I get them anymore.
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It's really cool when I get that in my inbox
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and says, Hey, Randy, we've got a movie for you
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tonight. Now they get me Thio pay attention by saying
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that they know my name, but I also know they
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just know my name from a database.
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What's really cool is that when I opened up that
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email, all of the content inside of that email is
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gonna be personalized, right?
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They're gonna know the movies that I cared about because
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I told you earlier I watch stranger things that weekend,
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so they're going to suggest something other from a sci
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fi perspective or that takes him back to the eighties.
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Right? Anyways, you get the idea here.
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It's this idea that they can deliver relevant content.
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That's the degree of personalization that we need to figure
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out how to accomplish, and not only do we have
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to accomplish?
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We have to do this at scale.
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We have to do it the way you saw these
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companies doing so earlier, so that every I'd links to
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a experience handpicked for that buyer.
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So the way to do this is what I call
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the content experience framework.
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This is something that I've worked on for quite a
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few years.
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I'll lead to this little later, but I wrote a
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book that really helps walk you through this in a
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lot more detail.
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But there's five steps to this framework.
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The first step is about centralizing the content, finding all
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the blawg assets, videos, guides, all that content that you've
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created and making sure it lives in one place that
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is so important.
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Most of us are contents scattered all over the place.
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It's really hard to find it, right?
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Not only that, but when you think about the impact
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there, it's so important that we that we can have
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content at our fingertips.
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I'm gonna walk you through.
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Each of these steps will start with centralized.
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We'll work through organized, personalized, distribute and generating results, so
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let's jump in a little bit deeper into the idea
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of centralizing, but I'm gonna use a company that we
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get to work with here.
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Do we flip called snowflake?
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Of how they're doing this in such a slick way?
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Okay, step number one for them is this Is that
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centralization of content?
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Think about it this way.
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In your team.
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Maybe you've only been there three months.
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Six months?
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Or maybe there's someone new on your team.
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Do they know what content was created?
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Six months?
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Nine months ago?
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Do you?
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Even if you've been there, it's hard to remember all
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this stuff when we have content centralized.
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We now have access to everything that's ever been created.
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It's not living out there in different Web pages, different
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systems. It's in one system.
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This is what you know.
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You could do this in a spreadsheet.
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You can also do this in uber flip.
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I'm going to showcase as we go through this.
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A little smiley face up there.
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That's our uber flip logo.
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I'm gonna show you how we do this in uber
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flip. But think about hacky ways to do this.
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If you're not yet there in terms of buying a
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c e p.
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Okay, Next step here is organizing that content, getting all
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that content together in tagging that content again.
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You can use this in the spreadsheet.
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If you have a C P.
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It's going into each asset and putting the tags on
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there. Now when we think about tags, don't just think
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about buyer persona.
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Think also about stage.
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Think about your internal stakeholders and how they're looking for
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content. My team.
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We actually tied by salesforce opportunity stage.
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So we know content that works really well at 60%
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persons content.
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That's really for that final Leggett 90% to get you
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over the line.
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You know, we're tagging content in different ways, and the
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key to this, as you see on the right hand
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side here right over here is that allows me to
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create these tailored experiences because we leverage the tags.
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We either do that in a way that leverages personalization
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through a I or, you know, if we want research
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with tags and filters to surface the right content to
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show to our buyer, and that's how we start to
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personalize content experiences.
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I'm going to show you how we do this specifically
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for a B m.
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I'm going to show you what a zai said.
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That how we do it, how snowflake did it in
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this case.
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So they went through and they did all that personalization
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for the buyers that we're gonna buy one toe one.
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So in this case, snowflake, as you can see, was
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signed to this company Definitive.
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They built a page dedicated to riff initiative with the
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right content, the right C.
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T s to link YouTube and sales reps working on
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that account.
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Then they made sure from a distributions perspective, which is
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step forward here from a distribution perspective, it every single
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stage here, every touch point linked to content that was
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personalized. So here you can see in the footer of
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an email from a sales wrap, you click on that
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ad, you click on that little signature, the fancy signature,
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and you're dropped.
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In this case, there's something to Publix in the grocery
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space. They're linking to content that feels handpicked for that
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buyer, same type of thing when they're doing these odds.
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You know, we talked about different channels that we use
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ads targeting epic games, personalized destination yet again, this one
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I find really cool back to definitive what I like
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about this one.
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Why don't you think about this?
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Is they did a personalized ad and they got the
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CEO of the company they were targeting toe like that,
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Right? Like, how often do we get the CEOs attention?
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So back to accelerating the buyer journey?
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If we actually succeed, gain the CEO toe like the
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at and potentially click through to a piece of content
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there. Well, we better make sure that CEO convinced because
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we're not going to get that CEOs attention too often
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we got to accelerate that buyer journey.
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We gotta push them all the way through.
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And this is where we start to see the results
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and Snowflakes case.
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Look at this two times as likely to close a
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deal where they add this level of personalization and three
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times the deal size.
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No wonder they're in the midst of the most successful
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AIPO we've ever seen.
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All right, so when it comes to personalize content experiences,
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this is the recipe for winning this framework.
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If you want to check out as I said earlier,
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you can get this.
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You can go to uber flip and check out the
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curriculum that we've actually built around this, but also, you
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can just download my book, which has a little less
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uber flip, you know, throughout the book.
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Of course.
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All right, so you know, you're at this digital experience.
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Normally you're in Cleveland one way or another, you've got
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to go back to the office or call someone up
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on zoom after this and figure out how to change
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priorities. So I wanna army a bit with just some
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some stats that throw around in the office, get people
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to kind of, like, you know, perk up now for
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one. This that I actually don't believe.
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I can't believe it's this low that Onley 80% of
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us expect a personalized buying experience.
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I mean, that's like, How is that possible?
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We've talked today about the reality that there's platforms like
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Netflix that are built completely on being personally like when
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I'm on Netflix.
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It is personalized for me, not just my name, the
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content. When I'm on Pelt on working out in my
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basement, right, that is completely personalized to me.
- 07:37 - 07:41
When I opened up Amazon on my phone, it's completely
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personalized to me.
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All these channels are personalized to me.
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and you're telling me somehow we don't expect personalized buying
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experiences and b two b.
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We absolutely do.
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Whether we whether we admit it or not, the question
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is whether you're living up to it.
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The question is whether or not you're reaping the results.
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88% of people there seeing a lift when they start
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to add levels of personalization.
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And I'm willing to bed that sometimes that's just knowing
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the first name.
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Imagine if you start toe, add that content personalization into
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there as well.
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Now, just because I say make it a prior doesn't
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mean it's always easy.
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Most of us say we're going to do personalization, and
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we're not happy with the results.
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It's because we're not going beyond that first name.
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We're not going beyond to really make sure that the
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entire experience matters.
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Let me sum it up for you a little bit
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like this.
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From a marketing perspective.
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Forget about marketing.
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Actually, from a business perspective, your entire business is built
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on a number of pillars of investment, right?
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One of them is where, as marketers where his businesses
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were investing in data and it makes a lot of
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sense toe to investigate.
- 08:42 - 08:44
In fact, my team investing data, there's great platforms out
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there, like six cents and demand, based on Bambara and
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others that help us understand buyer intent today.
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That's really important, especially because, as we said, we're gonna
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spend a lot of money and distributing right getting eyeballs
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to our brand to our content, getting them to flow
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in cost dollars.
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It's a big part of our spend.
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It's that channel umbrella that you saw earlier in my
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presentation today.
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The third one here is our salespeople.
- 09:10 - 09:10
A zay said.
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I love a good salesperson.
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If I could get my sales people in front of
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buyers, they're going to close deals and I got good
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sales people.
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And but salespeople cost a lot of money.
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For most of us on our P and L salespeople,
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head count is one of our most expensive line items.
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Now everything here makes sense, right?
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We spend big money on data, big on distribution, big
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on sales people.
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Here is the problem.
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We spend all that money, but then we dropped the
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ball. When it comes to the experience, we pull them
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in. We've got their attention, but we give them a
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terrible experience, right?
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We give them something that looks like this.
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Yes, I bought it.
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But it's apple.
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Are you Apple?
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Are you going to get away with this?
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This isn't even apples content.
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They've got other people creating content about that.
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That's power, right?
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When Apple, when you buy from Apple is a great
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experience, right?
- 09:56 - 09:57
They're focused on the experience.
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As much as they're focused on their product on their
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data on everything that they're doing.
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That's where we need to put our focus.
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We need to invest in the experience, a content marketing
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world. I want you to think about that, right?
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If your content marketer, if you're a demand marketer, I
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want you to invest in the experience.
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And if you're not willing to do that, if your
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organization is not doing it, you may want to question
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spending any of those other dollars, right?
- 10:20 - 10:23
There's no point in flushing money down on data on
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sales people on distribution.
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If we drive people to a terrible experience, I thank
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you for tuning in.
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I know this isn't a regular world.
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I wish I was here with you.
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Uh, you know, sporting some more orange to I kind
- 10:35 - 10:36
of got a bit of an orange tint on one
- 10:36 - 10:39
of these bottles as I look back behind me, but
- 10:39 - 10:42
I hope you enjoyed today If you enjoyed hearing me
- 10:42 - 10:45
talk, have a have a listen to my book.
- 10:45 - 10:46
Either is an audio format.
- 10:47 - 10:47
Grab the book on Amazon.
- 10:48 - 10:51
Wherever you you enjoy consuming that type of content the
- 10:51 - 10:53
most. I could go to my site down there.
- 10:53 - 10:54
Be dash ran dot com.
- 10:54 - 10:58
I thank you for joining me on this acceleration of
- 10:58 - 10:58
bio journey.
- 10:59 - 11:01
One big thanks again to the team of president.
- 11:01 - 11:02
Pretty cool format.
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Thank them for playing this together.
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Thank my friends.
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A content marketing world for inviting me to be part
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of this until next time I hope to see you
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in Cleveland.
- 11:11 - 11:11
A content marketing world.
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2020 What?