Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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hi remember roles, and I'm going to be talking about
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the effects of social media likes on the brain.
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In total, 79% of the people in the U.
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S. Use social media.
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90% of that is 18 to 29 year olds, 82%
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30 to 49 years old, and 69% is 50 to
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64 years old and 40% is 65 up.
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An issue with social Media likes is that people rely
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on their likes to indicate their social standings.
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Many people believe that the more likes they have, the
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more people that like them or more interested and what
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they're doing and if they don't have, ah, large amount
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likes, they feel like nobody likes, um or did what
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they're doing just isn't right and a survey done, a
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17 year old said.
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As somebody who gets anxious and occasionally strokes with self
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esteem, Thea want likes on My post can be uplifting
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or depressing next, coming from a 17 year old and
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a lot of teenagers now do go through a lot
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of stressful times and get the press, and a lot
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of this could come from social media likes on social
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media. Many teams and older people see celebrities or models
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off people, and I think that they should look like
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that. And when they put in compared to like they
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get, I think the more the less like they have
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is because they don't look like those kinds of people.
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So because of that they can also their appetite that
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ruins their self esteem.
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They could lose sleep over it and the more time
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they spent looking at the phone due to, like, are
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wondering what the exchange about themselves because they don't have
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a certain amount likes.
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That causes more great matter in their brain and social
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access aspect.
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CE, in my opinion, when constant a social media, it's
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hard for it to not affect you.
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You're constantly surrounded by many things that can alter what
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you think and how you perceive yourself and especially your
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lives can make you think about it.
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Like when I post something and I get likes on
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them like wow, people really like that and enjoyed it.
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And when I don't get a certain amount of like
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somebody's like Oh, I guess you know I could have
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done something different.
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I've gotten better at it because, you know, it's my
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life. Can't really do anything about it.
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So I do.
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And somebody else doesn't like it.
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And, oh, well has their problem.
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You know, I keep it more on my end and
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things that I like and stop doing things on what
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other people would like to just show things that I
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like. A question I had is why are, like, still
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a major concept in 2020 Everybody likes or everywhere you
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see on any social mean that you are are on
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the likes, the comments, that's all you see.
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That's the first thing you see.
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Back in 2019, Facebook had did a test in Australia
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to see what how people were reactive.
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They had gotten rid of, like so about two week
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period Facebook.
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They get rid of the likes, and it just showed
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who viewed it.
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Just The names didn't give a specific number, and Pete
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and people said they felt a little more common believed
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that they didn't see the likes.
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But they were on end on the tip of her
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toes, wondering how many likes they got.
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And they couldn't since they couldn't see a number straight
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away to kind of cut them a little stress.
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But over time they did get used to it.
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But Facebook or followed up with anything after that.
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And we still have likes everywhere we look today, so
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I would like to know why it's still a big
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thing in 2020.