Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Coach Cooper here with your mindful practice for today.
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Today we're going to do a quick two minute breathing
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exercise. Just some reminders.
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When we practice mindfulness, we can practice mindfulness no matter
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how we're feeling, no matter what's going on, we do
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not need to look like this to practise mindfulness.
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There's no perfect pose, no perfect way or no perfect
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time to do mindfulness.
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That's the great part, and we don't need to be
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all then or balanced Cool if you are.
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But we practice mindfulness to simply come into the present
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moment to pay attention and to release some judgments.
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So no matter where you are today, I invite you
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to practise the technique called box breathing.
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This is a new breathing technique that I am excited
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to share with you.
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It is one that I personally use, often as a
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way to help my nervous system calm down, especially if
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I am activated and in fight or flight.
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It can bring us out of our fighter flight into
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our parasympathetic nervous system that we talked about when we
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talked about flipping our lids, this part of our brain.
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Then, once we calm down, has the ability to help
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us make better decisions.
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Teoh. Help us rest and digests and take care of
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ourselves. So it is a simple technique which will go
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like this.
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We will begin together and I will lead you through
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for the first couple of rounds.
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It starts by breathing in for a count of four,
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holding your breath for a count of four, breathing out
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for account of four in you guessed it, holding for
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another count of four.
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It is sometimes helpful to breathe, aim and out through
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the nose, but you don't have to do it that
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way. You can see what's best for you.
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We will begin by finding are comfortable position and suddenly
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ing aim.
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If you'd like to repeat after me or say along,
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I've got my feet on the floor, I've got my
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spine in a line.
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I've got my hands in my lap and I've got
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my heart to this guy.
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If it feels good, you can close your eyes or
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watch the screen to help you focus on the breathing
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technique. We'll begin with the sound of the bell to
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bring us into the present moment through our listening and
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then begin just fine tuning into the breath just the
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way it is without trying to control its taking a
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few brats.
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Just know this scene, what it feels like to be
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breathing in and breathing out after your next exhale.
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Together we will end how, for a count of two
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three or holding to three four, exhale to three four
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Hold two three for continuing with the in How Holmes
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exhale Hold in home Holmes X Him.
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Oh, now you can continue moving at your own pace,
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maybe extending be length of five counts or even making
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it a little bit shorter.
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And if it feels super challenging, I give you permission
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to go ahead and drop the project altogether.
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And just pay attention to your breath.
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Birth you more time remembering to celebrate Amy awareness that
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comes up remembering them, most importantly, where practicing kindness and
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compassion for ourselves, especially as we are learning a new
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technique. After you finish up the next round, we will
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end with the sound of the bow to bring us
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back on, and if you like, you can place your
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hand on your heart and just take a moment to
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thank yourself.
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Your willingness to practice your mindfulness today to try a
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new skill.
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I know.
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I am so proud of you for your willingness.
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I hope that this skill is helpful.
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And again, if not, that is okay.
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We remember that we have so many different ways to
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practice our mindfulness right now.
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So my wish is that you continue seeking out that
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which is helpful for you.
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And until I see you next time peace in