Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, I'm Jennifer Larson coming at you from Castle Rock
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Charter School.
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With my problem of practice presentation, I chose to focus
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on a digital workflow for this project to streamline and
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save time.
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Reporting at Castle Rock is very time consuming, very cumbersome.
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And I have projected that a digital workflow will cut
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the amount of time it takes teachers to complete their
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required reporting process by half.
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I love efficiency.
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I love technology.
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I love this project.
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And I really believe that Castle Rock teachers make a
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positive difference in their students lives and saving teachers time
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on paperwork will hopefully allow more time to focus on
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student achievement.
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An overview of the implementation process.
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The first thing I did in August was met with
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my administrator and pitched the digital workflow process.
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Received approval on excuse me on August 19th, that air
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Welcome back staff meeting.
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I communicated the digital workflow vision, timeline and goals to
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the staff and then immediately sent out a survey to
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the teachers because I really wanted their concerns at the
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forefront. I wanted to start talking about concerns right away.
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The two things that rose to the top first is
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this the right time for such a big change.
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The beginning of the school year was crazy and was
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adding another layer of bigger digital shift.
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Really, Was it the best time?
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And then the second concern was about technology needs.
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About supporting and training the staff on dhe.
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Really, the spectrum of digital confidence we had.
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We had the whole gamut from those that are scared
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of technology, those that air embrace and love technology.
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So we answered those concerns, knocked it out of the
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park with our partnership with the Butte County Office of
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Education. Ed Tech, Team Janet and Laurie.
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We contract ID Teoh have full blown training and support
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for the entire first semester, and we immediately drove into
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Zoom, made sure everybody had, you know, zoom confidence and
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then went right into the G suite for education, starting
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with Google Classroom and then drive all the way all
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the way down, even hit some really good APS for,
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you know, tools that we felt were independent study appropriate.
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So from there to make sure that the digital workflow
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was seamless with the technology is we purchased the Adobe
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D. C.
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Pro software, making sure that all of our devices and
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operating systems.
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We're talking with these forms.
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We have an e signature embedded platform here because we
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need to make sure we're staying audit compliant with all
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of the required signatures.
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And then we also licensed purchased a license with the
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dark star, uh, to make sure that our audit firm
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is happy.
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We also identified five teachers to pilot this process through
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second semester.
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So that's where we are with implementation wth e challenges.
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At this point, if if there's anything that I can
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speak to on this point, it's just patients.
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We have a big team, and some personnel changes have
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taken place.
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We welcomed a new baby and the I T department,
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but really, it's just patients and covetous Sloan.
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Everything down.
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Um, so a CE faras challenges goes, We just need
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to be a little more patient and, you know, changes.
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I need to be completely transparent were on Lee about
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halfway through this implementation process, the pilot will is scheduled
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to start January 25th, and at that time, I think
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you know, if there's any changes need to happen, they
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will be revealed through this process.
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Those things we have been considered or different things.
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We need to troubleshoot well, no more when this when
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this is in real time.
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So analyzing the outcomes, it's the partnership with Butte County
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Office of Education has been, like I said, absolutely amazing.
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The teachers are attending the Monday training's great feedback from
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the office hours that Janet and Lori are providing, Um,
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and from there, that really does filter down to the
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students when our teachers are confident, then they're able to
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support, um and train their students.
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So it's been important that students seem this see this
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as like a seamless process that there they just don't
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understand all of the back end, um, stuff that's taking
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place. So we have our software.
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We have our licenses and contracts.
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Everything's up and moving, so the outcomes with that's been
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fabulous. And the team you know, we have accounting involved.
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We have I t involved.
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We have our compliance clerk involved, and everybody is really
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taking responsibility for their aspects in their contributions to this
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workflow. So we are continually communicating, asking questions and just
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continue to work together.
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So has this been successful?
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Well, our short term goals are on track we're meeting
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our deadlines.
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Eso The process at this stage of development has been
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a success.
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We have a great tech buzz on campus, and I
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think you know everyone from staff, teachers, parents, students.
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Everyone's feeling very supported, managing the process in terms of
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students and teachers and administrators.
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It's all about communication.
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I meet with my administrator weekly.
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Talk about where we're at.
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Talk about where we're going.
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Um, make sure that again, the staff and the teachers
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air feeling supported and heard and making sure that our
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family engagement seminars that we are providing our students and
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families with all of the tools that they need to
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be successful.
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Alright, so that's about it for now.
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Wish us luck.
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And if any of you have any tidbits of advice
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in terms of digital workflow, I'd be happy to listen.
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All right, Thanks, everyone