Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi. I'm Katharine Zaleski, co founder, president of Power to
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Fly. You're joining me from my work cabin out here
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on Long Island and all the sticky notes behind me
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are one of my productivity tools around organizing the mega
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virtual summit that power the Fly's hosting from June 15th
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to the 17th around.
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How we build more diverse and inclusive workplaces.
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So I encourage everybody to come to the summit.
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Diversity Reboot 2020.
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If you're someone who runs a workplace or you're someone
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who's looking to join a new workplace, that's gonna be
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a great gathering of leaders.
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So today I get to talk to you about, while
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productive time of management, very exciting.
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So starting off with my hacks, what is your best
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time management hack?
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Great question.
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So my best time management hack is, um, I get
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up early before my kids, usually around 55 30 in
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the morning.
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It's the time when I can think most clearly.
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And, um, Mr planning out my day.
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I don't plan out my day with a list of
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to do items because that never works.
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What I do is I write down the outcomes I
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want for the day the top three outcomes.
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We try to break it up between work, family and
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health. And then under those outcomes, I list of the
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different items that need to get done.
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Will you meet those outcomes?
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That's super helpful.
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Then I actually take that list of items under the
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outcomes, and I start planning them.
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My calendar using the Pomodoro method One door method is
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a 37 30 minute.
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Um, it's time tool where you focus on a project
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for 30 minutes.
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Sexually. 25 minutes, you go a little longer, and then
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you get up and you walk around every after 25
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minutes is done.
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Take a breather.
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Come back to it.
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The idea is that, um, people concentrate best in those
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increments. And I really need to break up your day
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into different Pomodoro owes to get a project.
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That's my time management Hack there, back to the main
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screen. Sorry that it is really fun.
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Tool that I'm learning.
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Um, daily work.
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What does your daily work plan look like?
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Well, I said that I wake up around five.
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In the morning.
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Um, I try to get all the thinking work done
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in the morning than starting at nine o'clock.
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I have team meetings.
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I have client meetings.
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I have conversations with potential investors.
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So, really, what I try to do is focus thinking
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time in the morning and do the calls more in
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the afternoon.
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Now I have a six year old who I'm also
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home schooling and a two year old who is watching
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a lot of YouTube.
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So in the morning, I try to be in a
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place where I can monitor the six year old classroom
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activities because she can't read yet.
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So I have to change around the zoom conferencing for
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her. But the mornings air more open in the afternoons
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or for calls, um, and then really try to wind
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down by around 36 try to turn the phone off
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around eight, have a bath, really clear my head, and
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so that I could be up early the next morning.
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It's no what then, meals.
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How do you fit in lunch and other breaks while
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working at home?
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I don't do a good enough job of this, and
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I did a better job of this before.
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We're all quarantined because I would actually go out to
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lunch with people, which was nice, but it would take
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a lot of time with New York City and travel.
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So, um, what I try to do now is actually
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blocked time in my calendar to say that I'm every
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lunch, um, and go and I sit with my kids
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and have lunch at that time.
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And, um, focus and focus on what I'm eating and
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enjoying what I'm eating because there's nothing worse than, um,
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not thinking about what you're eating.
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And that's how you eat.
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You don't get any moment so well, so I try
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to do.
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And one, it would take time for that That way
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more in the morning.
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I have a philosophy that bigger breakfast better and smaller.
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Let's see distractions.
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How do you minimize distractions?
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Well, I'm lucky enough that I can escape to shed,
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um and have a family member helping with the kids
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when I need to get away.
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Um, but I would also said the best way to
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minimize distractions is to not try to do two things
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at the same time.
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Last night I was working on a Lego project with
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my daughter, and I was thinking about the whole time
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and Donna Me was doing that, that there's just no
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way that my daughter's Michael Project is gonna work out
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or my work has been work out.
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I'm thinking about two things.
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So back to the Plumadore method, I find Pomodoro method
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that allows me to focus in the moment exactly what
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I need to focus on, and that's very helpful, and
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I can take through my list on that.
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I turned off slack.
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I turn off some you know, for certain periods of
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time. I literally block in my calendar and tell people
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that I'm unreachable.
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Long listen, escalation.
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They could always call me.
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So it's just really important to turn off only messaging
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as well.
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So until I try to minimize distractions, well, let's see
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kids very APRA pro after the distraction part.
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How do you manage your time with Children home?
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So manage a lot of kid time around meals.
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Obviously, homeschooling is a real challenge, especially when you, for
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certain ages, where you need to really work with the
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child on the directions for homeschooling if they can't read
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et cetera.
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So, um, I tried.
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I focus on my kids when I can focus on
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my kids, and then my husband takes over and vice
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versa. My husband and I actually sit down around 8
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45 every morning, and we dial and my mother in
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law who's not with us, and we go over my
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daughter schedule for the day.
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And my mother in law is now doing distance distance,
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learning with my daughter, where, through an iPad, she will
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read her a story and they paint a picture together.
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Or, um, the work on, you know, even some sentences
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together that my daughter will show her.
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So there are definitely ways toe loop in, um, other
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adults in your life you can who are not here
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with you.
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We've been successfully doing that for the last three weeks,
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and it's just been a total game changer.
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It's given me another two hours back in my day,
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So thank you, Grandma Jessa.
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Final A's other activities.
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How do you fit in other activities, like reading classes,
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webinars, et cetera.
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It's funny.
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Before Kobe, I actually get a lot of on listening
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to audiobooks, cause I'm commute.
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I don't have that anymore.
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So my reading is going down, which is a little
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sad for me.
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Um they read an actual book at night.
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I'm reading, um, the violin, the something wrong, that valor
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about Churchill, which is actually really emboldening right now at
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night. And then I'll listen to audio books like Eckhart
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Tolle A or business books from her business Review, um,
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and what I'm sometimes like in the past or when
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I'm trying to be on the stationary bike just to
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get the time in.
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Um, sometimes, frankly, when I'm putting my two year old
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to that, I'll put an air plot in and cover
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my hair.
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And just like as I'm holding him, the helps on
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the reading front audiobooks of great for me.
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Um, classes have been hard edged, working a lot right
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now all the time.
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And then I do a lot of do a lot
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of athletics.
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I actually I'm a big sailor, could surfer and now
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here on Long Island and have been getting in the
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cold water even when it's getting dark, which is a
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little crazy for people.
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But it's my biggest really release and, well, just really
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help cream my defective on life to be out there
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with the fission, understand that the world continues no matter
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to do thinking then.
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So, um, I highly encourage getting out into nature.
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When? If you can.
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I know a lot of people are very much doc
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in cities and furious, but, um, that has been helpful
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to me, so yes.
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So thank you very much.
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I hope this was helpful.
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Um, And again, check out our virtual summit for three
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days from June 15th to 17th.
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It's free diversity.
- 09:00 - 09:00
Reboot 2020.
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Random with love for you to come and join the
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amazing speakers we have.
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We're talking about building our communities and our workplaces through
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more diverse, inclusive teams and also want to welcome people
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who are looking for jobs.
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Some have a lot of jobs the child fair and
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said so much.