Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi everybody. My name is Ruben van Burkle and today I'm gonna be sharing with you.
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My I. S. U. Media presentation um on hunting,
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I chose hunting because it's a it's a main theme in
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the novel that I read the moon of the crusted snow.
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Um I really enjoyed the novel as it highlighted hunting a lot.
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There was a lot of different areas where depicted hunting
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really well and I really enjoyed reading through that.
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There was also a couple areas that depicted
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fishing and trapping and gathering scenarios
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which I really enjoyed
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to start off here.
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I included a couple of different photos from
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some fishing experiences I've had in the past.
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Um Starting on the top right, I have two smallmouth bass that I caught below.
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It is a pickerel. To the left is a pike.
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Um To the left of that is more pickerel and in the top left corner is a bourbon
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bourbon are very rare fish and I felt pretty privileged to catch it.
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One of the first things are gonna be touching on is the origin of hunting.
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So hunting started off as a nomadic thing
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in which our ancestors
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searched for different things that they could eat, plant and grow.
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Um And this is where people refer to as a hunter gatherer stage.
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Um After that was the beginning of a hunting
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revolution in which people started to develop techniques to
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target different certain species of animals and they also
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developed things to lure animals and trap them and
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and things such as that after that was when
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agriculture and livestock farming started to come in.
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Uh This was somewhat a downfall for hunting as people started
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to develop farms and different areas where they house chickens and
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and cows and different animals like goats and things such as that
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making things like dairy and
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causing for no need to hunt anymore.
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After that hunting became somewhat a privilege.
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Um So it was a scenario where it was almost only for
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the elites you would have to be very close with with royal or
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something like that to be deemed worthy of the meat of an
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elk or or a deer as it was really highly looked upon.
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Um And lastly was the revolution of hunting in which
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they started to implement permits and a licensing system.
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This is a blessing in disguise as as people started to over hunt.
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Um and this really helped the
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populations of different animals kinda repopulate and
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it's also good because the money that goes towards tagging and permits and
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included a list of licensing and permits as
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I found when I first started getting into hunting
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um as a beginner,
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it's really tough to understand all the different
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permits and licensing that they have in place.
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So I'm gonna be explaining some of that.
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Um So as we go into gun licenses here, there's two different types of gun licenses,
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uh non restricted long guns which is a short P.
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A. L.
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Course um in which you learn how to handle a gun use a
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gun loaded gun and clean a gun and things such as that.
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Um, and for more advanced people,
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um you can apply to get a restricted firearms license.
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This is very,
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very hard to obtain um as it gives you
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access to different um semiautomatic rifles and and dangerous guns
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below that, I opposed those are almost unregulated as
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anybody who has an outdoors card which I
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have labeled below the hunting licensing part.
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Um They can shoot any animal or any type of small
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game as long as they have that license with a bow,
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there's no bow license.
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Um Moving down here, there's a duck stamp.
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People like to obtain the duck stamp so that they
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can shoot different types of ducks such as puddle ducks and
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and swamp ducks.
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Um And lastly there's a there's a tagging system
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where there's numerous tags that you can obtain um in
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which you would be able to shoot some some
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larger game such as bears and and female deer,
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which is a doe is a very, very popular tag.
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Um On the far right here I have ammunition. Um
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This should go as uh go as, this should go unexplained,
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but no explosive ammunition is really allowed.
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And that's the only restriction. Um Really under ammunition.
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When I first started getting into and researching hunting,
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I found it really tough to understand the different types of guns
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and rifles and shotguns and handguns and things such as that.
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So I've included a table here and I think it'll give a bit
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of a depiction so that you guys can understand what I'm talking about.
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So when I refer to restricted firearms, these are military grade guns,
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automatic semi automatic rifles and shotguns that
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they can shoot
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automatic means that it can shoot a full barrel
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bullet or a full clip of bullets without reloading.
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And that would be something like a machine gun. Um, or an assault rifle.
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Moving to non restricted firearms. I have included a 22 lever action um,
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Rifle and a 12 gauge 12 gauge pump shotgun.
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just the way that you load the bullet into the chamber and these are low power guns,
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but they do the job when you're, when you're looking to shoot some smaller um,
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the two guns on the right here I would be able to
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handle on my own as I have a non restricted firearms license
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and I just thought I would mention that.
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So next here,
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I've included some really important techniques that people
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have adapted to start using over the years.
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The hunting game has definitely gotten a lot more technical
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and people are buying a lot more things to,
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to lure animals in.
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But these are the main ones that people like to use. So
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first off we have baiting baiting would be things such as salt in a tree and the
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deer would come up and lick the salt and then come back numerous amounts of time.
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Um, I think odor goes self explanatory.
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some animals have pretty sharp noses and they'll follow
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the odor as far as they have to.
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Um, calls also self explanatory.
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There's lots of different um,
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instruments you can use that make duck calls and
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turkey calls and things such as that uh,
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stands are just tree stand and people sit up there and they get
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that way they get a bird's eye view on what's going on.
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Blinds are on the ground, but they,
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it's like a tent that camouflages you away from any any animals.
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People like to use traps to catch their kills a lot easier.
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Um, and decoys are used when you're hunting very smart animals.
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and those animals will come in and check out
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the decoy and that's when you make your shop
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lastly. But most important, I've included dogs.
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People use numerous, um,
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different types of dogs to have a successful hunt.
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These dogs have really keen sense of smell and sense of hearing and so it's really,
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really good to train a dog that can go and fetch
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animals for you or help you target a certain animal.
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I have pictured in the background here a
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a black lab who has went and retrieved a puddle duck for its owner.
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So transitioning into my next point here,
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I've included a full slide deck about apparel.
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Peril is really important when people go hunting.
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I think it's definitely underappreciated.
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if you have the right set of clothing and the right setup can make a hunt a lot easier.
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So first off here I have at the top,
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most people believe that a solid set of camo will do the trick.
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It is much more than that. Soundproof, smell proof waterproof.
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Those are the big three tricks to having a good hunt,
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obviously waterproof to keep you warm.
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But these animals are very smart. So the sound and smell proof,
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it's definitely very important.
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Different patterns is really important as, as you know,
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we live in Canada and we get snow and we get,
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we get trees that we get leaves on the ground and everything like that.
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So it's important to have different patterns,
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sweat absorbent clothing and also orange clothing for a certain
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portion of the year where bucks are being hunted.
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Um, and that's just for your safety.
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Next, I've included a list of different types of fish. So um,
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these are common fish that you could find, you know,
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maybe at a lake where your cottages.
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Um, if you have one.
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So I've included winter, summer and river fishing, whitefish, pike, lake trout,
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herring perch, wildlife, bass and catfish in the winter.
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And a lot of those fish you can also catch in the summer. Um,
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Rainbow trout and speckled trout are definitely the
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hardest to fish to catch along with salmon.
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Um, and those you can catch in the river.
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Lastly, I've got fishing tactics tactics slash feeding.
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So for our deep dwellers, we've got the trouts and the different types of,
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we've got whitefish, we've got um perch
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and those are those are tough fish to catch because they're so
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deep down um as well as bigger fish like sturgeon and musky.
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And that the easier fish to catch are the shallow feeders, they're way more active.
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That'd be your bass, your perch, muskie if you catch them at the right time.
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They're very, very aggressive
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and same with pike.
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Um And those are the big long fish um
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that you'll likely see a lot of money and gold.