Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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today we'll be presenting on scientists that contributed to the
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cell theory done by jennifer Levi Julia and Alameda and
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the first two scientists have contributed to
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the cell theory are hans and Zacharias johnson
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The biography
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in the late 16th century a father and son Dutch duo
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by the names of Hans and Zacharias Jensen discovered that by
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placing lens at the top and bottom of the tube and
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looking through objects on the other end would be magnified.
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This device was a so called compound microscope.
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The images appeared blurred since there was no way to increase the resolution.
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The major contribution is the invention of the compound microscope.
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The next scientist is antony van Leeuwenhoek biography.
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He was a dutch naturalist who made improvements to the compound microscope.
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These modifications resulted in the discovery of bacteria.
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Then later on microbes, red blood cells, sperm cells and even mold spores.
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His Microsoft was a simple single lens one but
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it had better clarity than the compound microscope.
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Major contribution
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discovered existence of single cell organisms.
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The next scientist is robert Hooke biography.
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Hook was an english scientist who got a thin
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piece of cork and examined it under a microscope.
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He absorbed box like formation and therefore made the term cells
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major contribution
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facilitated the discovery that cells are the smallest units of life.
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The next scientist is
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slidin disliked the emphasis from classification placed by modern
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botanists and preferred to examine plant anatomy under a microscope
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a year after she died and designated the cell
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as a fundamental component component of plant structure.
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Swan did the same but for animal structure.
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As a result,
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he and Theodor Schwann put up the concept of spontaneous genesis,
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major contribution
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proposed spontaneous generation.
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The next scientist is Theodor Schwann
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Sean examined animal tissues with newly potent microscopes.
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He was able to see and
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note the many characteristics of animals because of this.
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As a result,
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he collaborated with sliding to suggest the spontaneous generation method.
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He was a physician and physiologist from Germany.
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Major contribution helped propose the spontaneous generation concept
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and finally,
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the last scientist is
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Rudolph Virtual
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All cells originate from other living cells according to german,
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physician anthropologists, pathologists, pre historian biologist, writer,
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editor and politician, virtue.
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This developed into self theories. Third component,
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according to virtual idea, cells cannot arise without previously existing cells,
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just as animals cannot arise without previously existing animals.
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It wasn't the first time,
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but it was proposed that both healthy and pathological tissue
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new cells developed from pre existing cells.
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Major contribution discovery was made into the third part of self theory.
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Thank you for listening to your presentation