Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello today,
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I'm gonna be talking to you about my design and my responsive web app called
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where you can find my music on any stage in any city.
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So the objective of my app was to design a responsive app where
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a web app where users can easily access information about live music,
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performances and venue information based on the user's location.
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I definitely think that I was able to meet the objective
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um for Rudy.
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and I'm excited to show you how I feel. I did that.
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So to start out I will talk about my mood board. So I knew from the very beginning,
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kind of the vision I had for this app, I knew I wanted to incorporate
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imagery with bright colors
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and I thought that the best way to do
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that without distracting from either or would be to
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use um muted black and white photography as the
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background for all of my screens and then use bright
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colors for my text.
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So you'll see.
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I use a lot of this bright pink, I use a lot of bright white um and then also bright red.
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I think that it pairs very nicely with the black and white imagery and
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then the fonts that I chose I think parallel really nicely together as well.
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I wanted a more
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creative decorative font to be for the logo.
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Um and then I used a more simple font for the body text
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and I think they para nicely together.
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So for user personas I have right here. Um
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I definitely wanted this app too
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be able to be used by any demographic.
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I think the purpose,
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the sole purpose that it serves definitely is something that
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any demographic would use at anybody at any age.
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Um But I do think that the style and design
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is target a little bit more towards a younger audience. Um
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but again the sole purpose that the app serves
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is definitely not limited to any demographic or age.
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So yeah,
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then here are some of the first screens that I have one through four.
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Um these are flow that I walk through in
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these screens in the next four are to purchase a ticket to a show.
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So as you can see here they use the filters to search by genre,
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location and date and these are the shows that come up and then
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they end up choosing the coital show and walk through purchasing that ticket.
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And then here you can see that they are
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letting you review it um and then showing you your
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confirmation and then this person is going to their profile
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so they can view their upcoming shows and that is the last screen that you see.
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And then here are the presentation mock ups.
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This is one of the three that I created um
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using the different screen sizes and breakpoints to show that
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this is going to be easily visible on all different types of devices.
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And now I'll just kind of talk through some of the points
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that are in this assignment.
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So I touched on the objective a little bit on the very beginning.
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I definitely think I met the objective and created an app
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for people to be able to find shows based
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on their location and find information about the venues.
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I did have a few roadblocks. I think that the biggest one would be
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in the very beginning when I was
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kind of designing the
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uh, you know, or
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figuring out the design that I wanted to go with.
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I knew that I wanted to do bright colors and I
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knew that I wanted to use a lot of imagery but
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kind of
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figuring out how it was going to do that.
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And I was a little bit overwhelmed with ideas and things were starting to
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get a little bit messy because I had all these different color combinations and um
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photography ideas
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that it got a little bit overwhelming and I started
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putting some options together that just weren't complementing
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each other because they were both too loud.
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Um so finding that happy medium with
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sometimes some busy photography and bright colors,
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it was a little bit of a difficult process, but I do think I executed that.
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I do think that it ended up working out in the
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end and I really like the way that it looks.
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another roadblock that or an obstacle that I had um was and
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I touched on this a little bit um a few moments ago,
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just making sure that nothing was
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being distracting or overpowering anything else.
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I think you have to be really careful with
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that when you are creating something that has aspects of
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it that are very loud or bright and just
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making sure that there's just the right amount of,
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you know, whether it be a decorative font or a bright color or a text or image effect,
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making sure that
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there isn't too much of that to where it
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becomes distracting and that is something that I did have
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to pay attention to um throughout this whole process
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and make sure that I didn't didn't do that.
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and as far as research goes, the insights from my research and testing
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had an impact on my final design. I would say by
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the process of me really realizing how important it is
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to get others feedback and others point of view.
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Um, I think it's easy as a designer too
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become biased and be distracted by your own vision.
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But what we have to remember is that our vision is being created
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to be enjoyed and used by the public and by other people.
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just because we might really like something doesn't
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mean that it is going to be um generally
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accepted or appreciated by the public and that's what you want at the end of the day,
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especially when it's something that you're trying to make money off
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of and and sell to clients and and all that,
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it's not just for your own personal use.
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So I feel like that was something that I really had to come to
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terms with and really realized through doing
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the research and testing with users and
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and really letting their feedback sink in.
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Um and then if I could have changed um anything or done anything differently,
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I don't think I would have because
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I wouldn't have learned the things that I did.
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Um and I actually really like how everything turned out,
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whereas in my last project I wasn't super happy with the design.
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Um I wasn't
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really pleased with the way everything turned out,
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but just kind of had to go with it because I was so far along,
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but this one actually really like, and I feel like um it embodies me as a designer.