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- 00:01 - 00:06
my name is Grace Martinez, and for my humanities class,
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I will be doing the nerd stereotype and television.
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Um to begin with,
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we are going to move on to kind of like the character of
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the nerd I picked er goal is kind of like an example,
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not as a character, but as an example of what the nerd stereotype is.
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The nerd stereotype is kind of like the geeky friend who
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knows everything and is always problem solving everything and is always um
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you know, there for the group and
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kind of the brains of the group, they don't have the charisma,
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the other friends have, they don't have the, you know, jock type background,
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the other ones do,
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they're just the brains and they figure out
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all the issues that everyone else is having
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and that's their only personality that portrayed in shows,
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but that's not always going to be the case with these other characters.
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Uh my first character I'm going to be
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speaking about is Spencer Reid from criminal minds.
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He is kind of like the stereotypical nerd where he solves the issue right off the bat,
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but throughout the show,
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you kind of notice that he blurts out random
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facts about whatever is going on during their case and
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sometimes he catches it and apologizes for it,
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or sometimes his teammates catches catch it and kind of make fun of him for it.
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He has an episode where he's not as athletic as his teammates,
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so one of his teammates, make fun of him and make him do a test to, you know,
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just play a prank on him,
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a physical test to play a prank on him
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because he's not as physical as the other teammates.
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And in the end it's not for real, they're just playing around with him
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to freak him out, thinking making him think he's gonna end up
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end up getting fired from the team, which obviously doesn't end up happening.
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Spencer Reid
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has incredible, incredible photogenic memory.
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So it helps them a lot during the cases.
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Uh and a lot of the time with the nerd stereotype,
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that's a common type thing where the nerd remembers everything and
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it's kind of like the Sherlock Holmes of the group.
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My next character is Freddie Benson from Icarly.
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He's the nerd tech friend,
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he's he works on the like behind the behind the scenes techie things of the show.
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He works with the cameras, he does the audio, he does the special effects,
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he works with greens, greens,
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he does all the editing for the girls for the show
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and he kind of takes care of that for them.
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He they do point out a lot that he's the nerd and that he is nothing else but the nerd.
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He that's his only personality and that's it.
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Uh with a lot of these characters that's kind of what they do.
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But we as an audience see more than that when watching these shows,
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but with Freddie they do play a lot on that.
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He's a nerd and that's it and that's the only personality trait.
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My next character is velma Binkley, she's from Scooby doo.
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She kinda dresses the way you think a nerd would dress covered in clothing,
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head to toe with the turtleneck.
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Where's the glasses? Has a nasal kind of voice. The way
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people think nerds would have
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very hardcore on solving the issue of finding all the clues,
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solving all the problems and truly is the brains
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of the group and the show really circles around that
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even in the remake movies,
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they they do that often.
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Velma does kind of get fed up with that a few
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times and does point out that she's more than that.
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her teammates do
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put more credit on her name and
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what's the word? They kind of
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value her more after she points that out.
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My next character is Dwight schrute from the office, he's a beet farmer,
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he works and a paper making company.
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He loves to compete with his fellow coworkers.
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He wants to be number one, he wants to be the boss,
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he wants to kind of rule the world type thing.
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And he talks a lot about paper, he talks a lot about
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his beat farm were bears or his video games and he had
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a lot of knowledge that he does share on the show and
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he does get bullied a bit for it from his co worker, Jim who plays a lot of pranks on him.
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Uh Dwight as you see is also wearing the glasses, the way a lot of nerds do. Uh
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because television pictures, nerds a certain way, which is with the glasses,
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a turtle, like uh they're covered head to toe in clothing,
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or they have a boring hairstyle and whatever,
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but Dwight
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has that typical kind of nerd style to him, but he also adds to it
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as the show goes on, he's not just a nerd, but he's also, you know,
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a beet farmer who has like a kind of a bed and breakfast type thing at his farm,
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and he has a lot of charisma and he is very
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hilarious on the show and he brings a lot of fun
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to the show and he's kind of lighthearted and yes,
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he's serious at times, but he is, to me what makes the show enjoyable to watch.
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My last character for the nerd evaluation stereotype is uh Sheldon cooper,
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I he's from The Big Bang Theory, I didn't watch the show as much as I should have,
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my parents watched the show my brother did and
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I kind of just watched it in the background,
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but what I picked up from it is that Sheldon not like being wrong, he was always right,
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he worked, I think with Nasa about astrology and
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a lot of space and science type things and he was into Star Wars and into
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all the other kind of like marvel things, or you know,
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comic book things that a lot of people associate with nerds.
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So he too was also the stereotypical nerd that people pointed out.
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But he's also he too also had a lot of charisma
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behind it and made it very funny and enjoyable and didn't
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make it seem as though
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nerds were just
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one type of way nerds could be
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enjoyable to be around. And
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there are also people
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with this presentation, I wanted to show that
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are more than nerds, they are also people and they have
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uh more than just knowledge despair in society.