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Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:03
Hello, great to students today for English.
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We're going to be reading the story the seasons off
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Arnold's apple Tree.
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Now, by looking at the illustration off the story or
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the cover page, what do you see?
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What can you describe about the cover off the story?
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You could see a boy climbing up, What?
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An apple tree, Right, So this gives you a lot
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about what the story might be about.
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It's gonna be about a boy and probably his apple
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tree right now.
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If you look at the title of the story, we
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know that the seasons now how can you explain seasons
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for me?
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Well, the seasons are throughout the whole year.
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There are four seasons in a year, which are spring,
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summer, autumn and winter.
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So we're going to understand the plot by understanding how
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this apple tree is going to be moving throughout the
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whole year with all these beautiful seasons.
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So it's important for us to understand the setting and
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the plot.
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So when you look at the setting, what does the
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setting, uh, describe how can you use the setting?
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So we need to look at the illustration.
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We need to look at the pictures on the words
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to describe the setting where Arnold is.
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So can you go ahead and do that?
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So you know that it's in a farmland.
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It's an open land.
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There are no buildings or other long trees.
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So, you know, as you read, Arnold climbs up high
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into the branches off the apple tree.
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He can see far, far away in every direction.
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So, you know, that's what Arnold is climbing it.
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Apple tree on.
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He's looking at the pew, and the view is what
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most likely to be a farmland an open area.
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Okay, what is Arnold doing in this picture?
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So, as you look at this illustration, you can see
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that Arnold has some sort of relationship with the tree.
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Does he love his tree?
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Of course he does.
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And what does he want to dio?
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He wants to be with the tree almost all the
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time. So for him to use as entertainment, he's actually
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making a swing for his apple tree.
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Now he gets to use the swing by hanging the
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swing on his apple tree.
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So isn't this amazing?
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He is entertaining himself by what?
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By making a swing to swing while He's looking at
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the view and being right next to his apple tree.
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Okay, so now what vocabulary word can you use to
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describe the illustration?
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So by looking at this picture, what do you see?
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Arnold is doing?
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So let's read.
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He weaves an apple blossom breath and hangs it from
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a branch.
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So usually, and I well, in general, a wrath is
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what it's a beautiful ornaments, right that it's hung in
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the entrance by the door to decorate.
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What to decorate either a door or a piece of
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um, Well, okay, so this is Thio use or to
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show that beauty and decorate and to make things look
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very beautiful over here, the question is what details help
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you form a picture in your mind off the branches
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that Arnold brings in.
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I'm sorry that brings to his family.
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So Arnold picks that are full of apple blossoms and
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brings it to his family.
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Do you think thes apple blossoms are beautiful or ugly?
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Well, they seem to be beautiful because the word blossom
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iss for a colorful, open flower, right?
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And that should be very cheerful and very fruitful and
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very colorful.
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So I think his parents would be very happy that
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Arnold has showed appreciation to show that he loves his
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family. Now how can you or how can the picture
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and the story help you understand the words decorates and
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clo? Now, for example, you know that there is a
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Halloween day, Okay.
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And on this day it's very special because he needs
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to make sure that history is all decorated and it
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looks nice.
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So the moonlight is glowing.
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It's giving light or shining on the tree.
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Right? And what does Arnold do?
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He puts a couple of pumpkins to decorate near his
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apple tree, and he's wearing his costume.
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Are are a pirate.
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Okay, well, I hope you guys enjoyed this lesson and
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I'll see you guys soon.
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You have a great day.
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