Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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I welcome to Sam stories with Mr Ewing.
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Today's book that I've chosen is titled The Coral Kingdom
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Right there.
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Now the Coral Kingdom is about one of the most
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beautiful places on earth, actually underwater, called the Great Barrier
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Reef and the Great Barrier Reef is located off the
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coast of Australia.
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And I'm probably not the only person that thinks it's
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probably one of the most beautiful place on earth because
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it is considered one of the seven natural wonders of
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the world.
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Another interesting fact about the Great Barrier Reef is it
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is so long it's actually longer than the Great Wall
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of China.
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Now the Coral Kingdom is a beautiful, beautifully illustrated book.
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And that's one of the other reasons that I chose.
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This book is that the drawings and illustrations of the
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sea life that exists in and around the coral reef
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are beautifully, beautifully executed.
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So let's jump in tow Our story today, The Great
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Quarrel Kingdom by Lauren ALS and Jenny Weber Come and
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see the coral reef, beautiful beyond belief.
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From up above, you'd hardly know.
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So much is going on below coral larva, young and
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free drift on currents through the sea until they find
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the perfect spot.
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A rocky shelf, a sunken yacht.
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Together, polyps build a home layer by layer.
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Horror is bone.
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I know this book because it's under water and there's
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all kinds of stuff.
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Makes me want to be a pirate.
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Another thing that makes you want to do is there's
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a lot of terms and vocabulary in this book that
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you may not know, like Paula or larvae that was
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on the page before I take a moment.
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If you ever find a word that you don't know,
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try to figure it out based on what's in the
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book, but also look it up where fish and shrimp
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and sea horse thrive.
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Sharks patrol and Dungan dive Over many 1000 years, this
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colossal reef appears through the growing at a snail's pace.
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It's visible from outer space.
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Every creature plays its part to make this living work
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of art.
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This is another place in the book that I pause
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because I was like, It's the reef living.
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Is that what they're trying to tell me?
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And I did a little research.
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What's your guess?
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Do you think the reef is alive?
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You should look it up.
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Let's take a dive.
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You want to know what colors do the coral grow?
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Here's another place that I had to stop.
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I I actually stop a lot in this book because
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there's so much information packed in here and it really
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is piqued my imagination.
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But I was wondering how many different colors air there
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of coral?
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How many colors do you think there are?
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It might be a good time to do a little
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research. Or let's read along in the story and find
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out again, beautifully, richly illustrated off the life that exists
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in the coral reef.
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The coral kingdom.
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Coral, yellow, bright and bold.
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A salty sunset flecked with gold, coral, crimson, red and
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rose where camouflage small, small creatures pose as coral branch
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or feathered arm staying tucked away from harm.
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And if you look at our illustration here, you notice
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that some of the sea creatures of the same color
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as the quarrel.
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If you notice over on the side, there's a fish
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tucked below some of the quarrel that you can hardly
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see and different species use camouflage to remain safe.
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It just says in our books, Stay tucked away from
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harm and it's one of the way they're able to
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exist within the coral reef.
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Coral, turquoise, emerald, jade, living jewels that must not fade
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as turtles.
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Cruz among the weed upon their backs that cleaners feed.
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Now here's a good opportunity to think about a word
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that we know cleaners, but in this context of the
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story, I'm like, Well, I don't see any cleaners, So
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I'm gonna go back and re read this section as
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turtles cruz among the weed upon their backs.
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The cleaners feed.
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There's my clue to what cleaners is referring to says
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it's on the back of eternal.
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And if you notice the small fish that are on
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the back of the turtle, those there are cleaner fish.
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They're actually helping to keep the turtle clean.
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Color Purple, royal and grand a throne emerging from the
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sand as gentle mink wells glide past Ah, blue ring
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octopus holds fast.
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It's really amazing how all these different forms of life
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exist all together in perfect harmony in this beautiful ecosystem.
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Coral, dark and inky black were sulking.
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Nighttime hunters track.
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That's another hunter.
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I know of the term hunter people that go out
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and hunt other animals like, you know, with bows and
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arrows and guns.
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But I think sea creatures were hunters, too.
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You know, it kind of gives me some indications of
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what they are in my story, but this would be
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another great place to go out and do a little
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bit of research.
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But corals, whites a ghostly fright.
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Something's something here is far from right.
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What's giving us a really important information?
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Because it was talking about all these beautiful colors.
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But some of the coral is turning white.
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I wonder what's causing that.
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Let's lend a hand.
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We want to know how we can help the coral
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grow under of growing and the white has something to
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do with each other.
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To keep this treasure of the sea, we must choose
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greener energy.
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Wait. Our energy sources affect the coral to see.
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This is where this story is actually giving me all
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kinds of other things that I want to know.
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Research about the coral reef.
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The time is now the chief chances breathe.
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Stand up and save the coral reef.
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So that in the future of sorry, let me read
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that so that in future, all will know this coral
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kingdom down below the coral Kingdom.
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I hope you enjoy this book by Lauren ALS and
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Jenny Weber.
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I really find the Great Barrier Reef to be one
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of the absolute beautiful places on earth.
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And this book does a beautiful job of presenting the
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research and the information that provides us to kind of
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get an indication, are inkling of what the world is
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really like down there.
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And I would really love for you to go out
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and do some research to find out why the coral
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is turning white.
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And that's one of the biggest problems that we have
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going on out and in the world that is affecting
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this amazing, beautiful ecosystem, the Coral Kingdom.
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I hope you've enjoyed the story story today and thank
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you, as always for coming and listening to our story.