Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:02
Yeah, Children.
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Today we're going to discuss about the animations.
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Custom animation.
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There are four different types off animations.
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Just see what did they?
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What is animation?
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We can make our slides more exciting by applying some
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movements toe the text objects used in those slides.
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This can be done by using custom animations.
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In other words, through costume animation, we can control the
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way by which individual things should appear on the screen.
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Yeah, first custom animation will be entrance animation.
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The examples off entrance animations are appeared.
- 00:55 - 01:01
Box circle flying fly out plus flesh, etcetera.
- 01:02 - 01:06
There are so many examples off entrance animism now Next
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one is in phases.
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Emphasis The examples off these animation change fund change font
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color, speed, Blust and transparency Emotional birds Examples of motion
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birds four y star five point stir six point Stir
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circled diamond, et cetera.
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Okay. And last one is exceed how the slide will
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exceed from the screen.
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Examples. Fly out circle, crawl out, pick out STLEDE plus
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etcetera. These all are about the examples off animations, different
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types of custom animations