Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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welcome to some stories with Mr Ewing today.
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We're gonna look up into the sky and sea.
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What secrets does the sky hold for us?
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You know, as much as I love to think about
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all the amazing things that happened here on Earth, I'm
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always fascinated with stuff that actually happens up in our
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sky way beyond the horizon line of our earth.
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Up in that fast, fast mystery of the rest of
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the universe.
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So what we call up in the sky, let's talk
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about number one, the son You know, that big giant
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ball of light that's up in the sky?
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Uh, well, it's actually not a big, bright light.
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I mean, in his light.
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And it is hot, but it's a star.
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It's not one of our planet's.
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A lot of people do confuse it with that, but
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it is a giant, massive star that provides us with
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all the light and heat that allow us to actually
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live on Earth and one of the most beautiful things
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that we get to see every day.
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Well, weather permitting is the sunrise in a sunset.
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But that's a huge myth, because the sun doesn't actually
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move the Earth is actually moving, but I'm getting ahead
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of myself.
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Way back a long, long time ago, people used to
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think that Earth was the center of our universe and
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the sun was three or four planets, planets away from
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Earth, that everything revolved around Earth.
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Now, in theory, that sounds like a great idea because
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death puts us number one.
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But over time, we soon realize, and as we educated
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and got stronger and powerful tools and really started figuring
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out what was going on in the universe, that we
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realize that the sun is actually the center of our
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universe and we're three planets out now that brings us
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to a really important piece.
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Now, if you look at our our sketch here, the
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planets are orbiting around the sun.
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The sun actually isn't moving.
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Well, it's not moving around us.
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So if the sunrise and sunset was actually the son
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movie, then in theory, that would be true.
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But it's because the Earth is actually orbiting around the
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sun and rotating on its access.
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That makes it appear that our sun rises in the
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east and sets in the West now to kind of
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give us an idea of what that actually looks like.
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Here's a model and we can pretend this is our
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son and this is our earth and the Earth is
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actually moving around the sun.
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That gives us the illusion of a sunrise and sunset,
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but it's still spectacular.
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When you get to see him is one of my
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favorite things, but we have to remember that it is
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the earth orbiting around the sun, and then this earth
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also moves in another rotation.
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It's a lot of confusion going on, but it's easy
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if you think about this way.
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The sun doesn't move and planets the earth included move
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around in a circle, technically a circle around the sun
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that's called in orbit.
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The rotation comes when the Earth and I know it's
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spelt backwards, is actually what's on imaginary axis, and our
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earth rotates like that as it orbits around the sun.
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So it does two different rotation.
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In theory, One's called Rotation one's called it or in
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the rotations on its imaginary access and then orbits around
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the sons of the rotation is what gives us our
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night day around the sun in the sense on sunrises
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sunsets, the orbit is actually what controls are yours length
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in our seasons that brings us to our moon.
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Now the moon kind of does the same thing that
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the earth does with sun.
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The earth stand still are actually well, it's orbiting around
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the sun.
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The moon is then orbiting around Earth.
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And that's why we see the moon up in the
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sky sometimes and other times of the day.
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We don't now back a long, long time ago, people
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actually believed a lot of different things about the moon.
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Before we had actually gotten there in 19 68th.
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Some people believe there was a man in the moon
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and you still hear people talk about man in the
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moon. Some people actually believed that the moon was made
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of cheese.
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It's not.
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The moon is a solid rock, just like a lot
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of the other planets.
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But it does the same thing Earth does with sun.
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The moon rotates around our earth.
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Now that brings us to another really important thing that
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happens up in our skies.
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The moon and its orbits around the earth changes phases,
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and we have all different phases of the moon as
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it cycles through in a certain amount of period of
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time, and it gives us all these different shapes.
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So don't even actually have really cool names.
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There's the harvest Moon, the one I love, the blood
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moon. And then you've got the Farmer's Almanac that has
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all these crazy kooky names like the Wolf Moon, the
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Strawberry Moon, a lot of different names for our moons.
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But on Oh, it's just the moon.
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And no matter what it looks like up in the
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sky and all these different shapes and colors, it doesn't
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change. It's just it's position in our atmosphere in the
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orbit, and I'm sorry, and our atmosphere of the dust
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and everything will change the way it looks.
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And it's actually the size of it will appear to
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be larger because it's actually closer to the Earth at
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different times of the year.
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But it never changes shape, and it never changes color.
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And that brings me to one of my favorite things
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to look at and I can spend days and days
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looking up in the sky.
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But up in our sky we have uncountable number of
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stars. The cool thing about the stars.
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Actually, that stars already burned out by the time we
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see it come in, Drew are into earth sky.
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Now we can look up the sky all day and
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all night and see some really, really amazing stuff.
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And astronomers, people who study stars over the years and
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centuries actually started naming some of the patterns of naming
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some of the stars based on our Zodiac signs based
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on mythology, Greek mythology There's all different, uh, ways they've
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been named, and different cultures have different names for him
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to like the one of my favorite, which I'll talk
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to you about a second considered the Big Dipper, spending
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on the culture that you were raised in.
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Some people believe that it is a big giant scoop
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or a ladle.
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It's also has the name of a Big Bear, and
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other cultures have different just descriptions of them, and they,
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in those different constellations, actually correspond with other constellations.
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And there's all kinds of stories and everything.
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That's a whole another lesson that if you want to
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dig into there's some pretty amazing stories based on consolations.
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Now I'll tell you a little story about my growing
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up and why I love star so much when I
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used to as a kid go grab, visit my grandfather.
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We would go on the back yard of his house
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and I was out in the middle of the country
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in Connecticut and you could see all the stars at
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night, especially in the summer.
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And one of my favorite things to do is have
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my grandfather would point out all the different constellations.
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Now one over here that I'm showing you is one
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that's called the Big Dipper.
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Now it may be hard to see at first, but
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if you look for this little pattern the four stars
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and then the two that come down from it, that's
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what's considered the Big Dipper.
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It's also referred to as, uh, the Big Bear.
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Now help us see it.
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I kind of rotated it to the side.
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And this is why some people kind of look at
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it as the big ladle, and it just always was
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cool to me.
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And one of my favorite things to do with my
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grandfather was to go find that set of stars, those
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constellations up to the sky, so I hope you get
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an opportunity to get out.
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Look at the different moons.
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Look at the different stars and, you know, start to
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realize that you know, there's a whole lot of stuff
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out there in the universe for us to explore and
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to learn about the earth, the sun, the stars, the
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moon. That's just a small little piece of it.
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So go and look up in the sky.