Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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christ, you're welcome to blank wins.
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Participatory budgeting event.
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The event where you get to decide with public funds
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should be spent Community voice.
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Community choice is part of an innovative participatory budgeting program
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which has enabled local community groups to apply for project
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funds And today as members of the community the decision
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is yours as you get to decide who should be
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awarded. Central to the program is strengthening and growing our
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community assets such as the skills, knowledge and commitment of
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individual community members.
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The resources and facilities within the public, private and third
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sector grow in our community connections and social capital through
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friendships, good neighbors, local groups and community and voluntary associations
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and developing our physical environmental and economic resources that enhance
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well being.
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Mm But what does the successful project look like?
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Successful projects must clearly demonstrate that they will increase community
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participation, increase the well being of the community now and
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into the future by contributing towards the blinding went we
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want wellbeing plan objectives which are blinded went wants the
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best start in life for everyone.
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Leonard went once safe and friendly communities blended went wants
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to protect our natural environments and blended went wants to
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forge new pathways to prosperity.
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Also, all of our successful projects today will clearly show
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how they support in local communities to recover from COVID-19
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We're really grateful for the support you've shown us today
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and if you would like to support your friends and
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family by telling them about wellbeing activities where you live
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becoming a wellbeing friend might just be for you, you
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will be given up to date information and the chance
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to join a supportive community.
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We will provide opportunities to come together, stay connected and
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support each other to look after our well being for
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more information or to sign up to become a wellbeing
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friend, visit the website www dot i w n.
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Gwent dot Wales forward slash being a wellbeing friend.
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Further details to be posted in the chat.
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Finally, please have you say and tell us what you
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think about your well being the most really special about
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your community by taking part in the Gwent wellbeing survey.
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The survey closes on 30 September and will help shape
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our future well being priorities.
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Further details to be posted in the chart.
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Finally, sharing your views and taking part in events like
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today is so important because we know together communities with
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the Voice can speak volumes.
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Diouf. Thank you.
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