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Hi everybody.
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My name is Sammy berry and this is my review
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of Emily Peters concept analysis of compassion, fatigue and nursing.
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Let's go ahead and start by discussing the importance of
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compassion, fatigue, compassion is a cornerstone of nursing practice and
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is defined as the sympathetic consciousness of others to stress.
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Together with the desire to alleviate it.
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Some of the impacts of compassion fatigue on nurses are
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a decreased empathy erosion of nurses, minds, body and spirit.
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And it's also a factor in nurses leaving the profession.
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We are all aware that there is a really big
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nursing shortage.
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Currently Nurses encompassed half of health care, health, half of
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the health care worker population and it's estimated by 2030
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the nursing shortage will exceed 7.6 million.
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Yeah, the method that Peter is used to complete her
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concept analysis is walker and Avon's eight step model of
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concept analysis.
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I have enlisted for you here but we'll go into
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the more in depth in just a second.
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For the summarization of findings will start with data collection.
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Peters used library databases such as covid, seasonal, complete science
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direct academic one file criminal justice abstracts, education, full text
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psycho articles, psych info, social work abstracts and teacher reference
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center for the defining criteria for her article search.
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She restricted it to english only And a time frame
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of 1992 2017 and a total of 26 papers were
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used in her literature review for related terms to compassion
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fatigue. We have burnout, secondary traumatic stress and vicarious traumatization
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for anti sentence or things that can lead to compassion
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fatigue. It usually is stemmed from chronic exposure to the
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suffering of others.
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Use of compassion and inability to maintain professional boundaries.
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High occupational use of self high stress exposure and laugh
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lack of self care measures.
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So the attributes of compassion fatigue are declining empathetic ability,
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emotional exhaustion, diminished endurance and energy levels and a feeling
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of helplessness and hopelessness for consequences of compassion fatigue, nurses
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usually have an increased amount of work errors.
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They provide poor quality care.
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They start to question their values and then there is
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a desire to quit the profession which contributes to an
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increase in the nursing shortage.
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For empirical reference, there's two different studies that are listed
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on this page here.
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Um but the one that's currently used is the professional
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quality of life scale.
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There are three sub scales of compassion.
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Um It also looks at satisfaction burnout and sts.
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It could be with burnout and sts considered um as
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components of cf.
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It consists of 30 linkage responses that range from zero
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to never experience to five experience very often.
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The other test that's listed on this page is the
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compassion satisfaction of A.
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T. Test.
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This is just an older version of the pro Kuol
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and none of these scales measure compassion directly.
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So peter is her definition of compassion fatigue I think
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is an excellent and there is an excellent definition and
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it fully encapsulates all of the characteristics that go into
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what caused compassion fatigue.
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Compassionate fatigue is a preventable state of holistic exhaustion that
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manifests as a physical decline in energy and endurance.
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An emotional decline and empathetic ability and emotional exhaustion and
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a spiritual decline as one feels hopeless or helpless to
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recover. That results from chronic exposure to other suffering compassion,
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high stress exposure and high occupational use of self in
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the absence of boundary setting and self care measures.
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Yeah, She presented three different cases in her study.
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One was a model, one was contrary and one was
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related for nursing research literature of compassion fatigue.
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I decided to pull an article about critical care nurses
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as I was a critical care nurse and I thought
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it would be interesting to look at it from this
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perspective. So the article I chose was compassion fatigue and
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critical care nurses and integrated review of the literature.
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The results from the study were pretty much inconsistent.
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One study showed that 85% of nurses experienced at least
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one symptom of compassion fatigue during the previous week, that
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contributed to emotional exhaustion and job separation.
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And another study showed nurses scored a 36.6 out of
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50 for their compassion satisfaction score indicating that they currently
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had a low level of compassion fatigue and that I
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see you for nurses, some of the onset of Cf
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can be dependent on work environment, years of experience and
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nurses age for mitigating compassion fatigue.
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I really like that.
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This article went into how we can prevent compassion fatigue
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and nurses and it showed that if nurses have adequate
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coping strategies can prevent it if they're having adequate support
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from management um level of education.
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And this isn't meaning like if they have a two
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year RN versus A BSN, it's more of meaning the
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level of education that the nurses have on how to
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prevent compassion fatigue if they start to speak to others
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about their individual experiences.
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This can help to mitigate compassion fatigue, maintaining professional boundaries
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of patients and silencing responses from patients, which is directing
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the conversation to less distressing or personal material.
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This article talked about its definition was emotional, physical and
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spiritual exhaustion from witnessing and absorbing the problems and suffering
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of others.
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One working with traumatized individuals.
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I do think that Peter's definition of compassion fatigue was
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just a little bit more encapsulating of all the different
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factors that go into play for compassion fatigue.
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But the one word I really liked in this definition
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was absorbing the problems and suffering of others.
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I think the absorbing part is something that a lot
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of nurses can attest to and say that they have
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done. Um sometimes it just feels like we have the
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weight of our patients lives on our shoulders, which can
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I see you, we usually do.
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Um and I just liked that part of this definition.
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But overall I think that Peter's definition of confession fatigue
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is just a better example.
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This article also said that compassion fatigue is used interchangeably
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with burnout, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.
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And then here's my reference page for you.
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Thanks guys.