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Hi everyone.
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My name is Melinda Farrell.
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This is my persuasive speech.
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Today's day is August 6, 2021 and today's speech password
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is popcorn.
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How many of you are familiar with vaping devices of
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any kind?
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They go from a variety of names ranging from Hyde
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to smoke to mods, to jules, but regardless they are
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all a habit forming way of inhaling.
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One of the most problematic and addictive drugs known as
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nicotine. E cigarettes were invented in 2003 by Chinese Pharmacist
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Tom Week, an attempt to help cigarette smokers quit.
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I personally didn't think about purchasing a Vape for many
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years after I had smoked cigarettes of which there was
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only a handful.
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So for me and many others the draw to vaping
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had nothing to do with quitting smoking cigarettes but more
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the societal impact that they've been had on us as
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teenagers. I can remember the first time I even thought
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about purchasing of ape, I was 16 years old, walking
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behind a grown woman who had a box mod which
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for those of you who may not know are the
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bigger devices that blowout more paper.
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I can remember it smelling like cotton candy and that's
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all I needed to know that I wanted one and
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from then on was that the danger of E cigarettes
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is extensive and also very valid and concrete.
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In August of 2019 alone, 678 people were hospitalized in
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the US due to lung-related illness.
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The lung related illness was targeted and linked directly to
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the use of vaping products.
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Now 678 people might not seem like a large or
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daunting number, But the median age of those admitted was
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24. So that's a little more scary.
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Makes a little more real For me.
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At 21 I know if I was admitted for a
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lung-related illness due to something that I considered almost a
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hobby or just a bad habit, I would be mortified
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and also fear for the rest of my life's health.
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Common additives and vaping devices are dia settle, which is
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a food additive formaldehyde, which is which causes heart and
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lung disease and is also commonly known as putting on
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corpses as well as acrolein, which is a weed and
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pesticide killer.
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I think that if we advertise that more than everything
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else that has to do with tapes, no one would
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pick it up or There would be very few because
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I know that if I was told that at 16,
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I probably would've never touched one.
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Along with the danger, There are the risks obviously a
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nicotine addiction, mountain throat irritation, coughing and wheezing, asthma, chest
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pain, mood pressure, heart rate, upset stomach and nausea.
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That wasn't scary enough along with quitting.
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Those comes withdrawals, withdrawal symptoms are extensive as well.
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Um symptoms.
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Some of the symptoms include anxiety cravings, depression, difficulty concentrating,
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increased appetite, irritability, restlessness and sleep sleep difficulties.
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And that's only to name a handful.
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I feel it's better to avoid nicotine altogether than have
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to deal with the extensive period of the withdrawal phase.
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I also feel that that's why so many people give
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in to continuing their nicotine addiction after they try and
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quit. It's really hard to quit when you have to
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deal with these symptoms from ranging from days to weeks
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to months.
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Some people feel better after a week.
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Some it takes two months and regardless, I think that
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it's easier to give in than tough it out through
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those symptoms.
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Me and my fiance recently quit smoking nicotine smoking vapes
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and for him it was more the sleep difficulties in
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the irritability.
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For me it was irritability as well as difficulty concentrating.
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We powered through.
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I'm not saying it was easy though, stemming on from
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that. This is an actual screenshot of my actual google
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search history.
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When I look up disposable vaping devices as you can
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see, they are bright in color.
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They come in a variety of shapes and sizes as
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well as flavors and puff count, but stemming off of
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that, the future.
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So when we think of the future, we think of
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the younger generations and I feel that the vaping companies
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are targeting them directly.
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They will never say that and come out and say,
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oh we're targeting, you know, underage kids.
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But the fact that they have more than just tobacco
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and menthol flavors.
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If I go back and show you, they range from
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pena colada to blue raspberry, to watermelon, to coca cola.
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But regardless, they're advertising bright colors and flavors which appeal
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to Children.
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People want to quit as well separately.
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Over 100,000 young people aged 13 to 24 enrolled in
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a free text message vaping cessation program within its first
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year, which demonstrates a strong demand for vaping support.
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The program, the free text program is called, this is
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quitting. I enrolled as soon as I started this project
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and since then they have sent me several texts, um,
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recommending what to do instead personally for me, I find
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that fidgeting and chewing gum is really helpful as well
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as drinking more water whenever I think about it.
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They also send messages from other people that subscribe to
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it, giving motivational messages on why you should quit or
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what it does to your body and how healthy you'll
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feel after the fact.
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And I find it really helpful.
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I thought about it a lot less and they send
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me a couple of day.
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So it's really helpful during downtime when I when I
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keep thinking about it or I want to reach for
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something and they send me a little message and I'm
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like, can't do it anymore.
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So I find it really helpful.
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I also think it's really important that you see that
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13 year olds enrolled in this program.
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So obviously it's affecting the younger generation.
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All of this being said.
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I think it's important to stop vaping now rather than
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later. If we imagine a world in 50, 60 years
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when we're all old and gray and we have to
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explain to our grandkids why we are suffering from lung
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illness or lung cancer or lung disease or even cardiovascular
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because of a silly habit that we picked up to
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kill time.
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That doesn't sound appealing.
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But I feel like the future is optimistic, but it
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can only be optimistic if we do something now rather
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than later.
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So I encourage all of you to share this, this
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these facts and this information with those you love and
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stop this trend in its tracks.