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- 00:05 - 00:09
Florence vs Arizona 2009. A civil case revealed
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a little bit about the back of the background flores versus Arizona.
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It's civil rights case for right students
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Which happened in 1992, I lost.
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That brought my parents of the Children in Roman Nogales unified school district.
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The plaintiffs alleged civil rights of limited English proficiency and students
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which were violated because of the program of instructions,
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did not include the following
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inadequate language acquisition,
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academic instructional programs and funding for
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at low risk
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low income minority students and english language learners.
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They also argued that the state, via related to the federal Equal Education Act E. O.
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The Equal Education Opportunity Act 1974 E o.
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A stands for all students Enrolling public schools are
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entitled to equal educational opportunities without regard to race,
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based religion, disability
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and english learners
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and nationalities, different nationalities,
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who is Miriam flores,
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Miriam flores is a student at the Coronado elementary School in Nogales
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her kindergarten year, she did receive assistance as a,
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as a, as a non english students speaking
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then when she was moved to as a third grader, she no longer had this assistance
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um in her class
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and she didn't understand what the teacher was saying and
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did not understand what was going on in her class.
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So in regards to that her mother Miriam flores
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decided to sue the state
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because the district because the Nogales school district felt
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provide those assistants for her
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as an english learner.
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So the outcome barriers school must work with the L. E. L. L.
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To overcome barriers by providing E. L.
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Students with a program that is designed to make them competent and speaking,
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understanding and writing in english
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students should receive the standard curriculum
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to our students in the school district.
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The impact that this uh civil rights movement lawsuit
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was is that it increased the barriers for latino
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students and other language minority students obtaining the resource
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that they need for their education in class.
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So here's a statistic. Um, here is some
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numbers of levels of students
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in Arizona, which is a percentage who are E. L. Students.