Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello J. P. S. Team members. I'm melissa Cook.
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I work as a clinical resource specialist
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on the cardiovascular intermediate care unit.
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I worked at JPs for about 13 years now moving from
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bedside nurse to CRS nurse at the end of 2013.
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Today I wanted to share some information on getting started
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with the nursing professional development program
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because I've had some team members mentioned to me that they felt overwhelmed.
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I wanted to explain the steps and simplify the process.
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So the perception is not that it's unobtainable or overwhelming
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but that you can do this
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and you get to decide how much you want to do.
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So thank you for joining me today as we take
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a fresh look at the JPs nursing professional development program
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before you jump right in.
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It's important to check eligibility criteria
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to ensure you're able to participate.
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You must be a full time or part time employee with at least one year.
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Our inexperience,
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you'll need to complete at least one full year of service as a JPs nurse.
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You must not have any written or final counseling.
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Met expectations on your annual review which is proficient or exemplary.
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It must have met all units specific requirements.
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Special note for new hires is if you submit within 18 months of higher you
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can include 17 months of data and this can help you score some extra points.
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there's six categories as you can see here, service quality stewardship,
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population, health people and academics.
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In order to submit a binder,
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you have to have points in at least five of these six categories.
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The program had some changes this year. So now all submissions will be due in january
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there will not be a july turn in
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since the manager needs to sign many of your forms,
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I would suggest turning in early so there's adequate time for review.
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Previously there have been some binders that needed some corrections
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prior to submission.
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So turning in the first week or two in january allows you time for any changes.
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As you can see, there are four tiers,
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each with different point requirements and incentives awarded.
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Team leaders need to submit for level three or 4 of participating
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only staff with their nursing certification
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like P. C. C. N. R. C. C R N. Can submit for tier four
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certification. Study guides may be available in your department and J. P. S.
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Also has a certification reimbursement program.
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So if you don't have your certification it's a good goal to work towards
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setup is easy. You'll need a three ring binder
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at least six dividers
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and you can get the page flags if you like, which do help it look nice and organized.
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I've grouped the most commonly used forms into a bundle.
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You can print out with one print.
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There may be some included you may not need
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or there may be some activities you're interested in that are not in the bundle.
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All of the forms are available on the internet site for nursing.
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Just select in PDP,
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there's also an M. P. D. P.
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Booklet which explains the program in detail if you'd like to check that out
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Most of the activities require supporting documentation but
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each form details the criteria for claiming points.
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Point allocations and limits are also listed on the forms.
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So make sure you read them carefully to make sure you fulfill the requirements
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Please make sure you have solid points and at least five
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of the six categories or your submission will not be accepted.
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The plus is that you get to select which activities are
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of interest to you and do the ones you like.
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Some of the activities are completed while you're on the clock
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and some activities are completed off the clock.
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Please be advised that the committee will not
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accept items you place in two different places.
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Double dipping is not allowed.
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An example of this is attending a conference or
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grand round and claiming points for that activity.
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And then also trying to claim the see us from that activity in the category.
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For additional ceos
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some activities are a year long so you'll want to plan ahead
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hand hygiene
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committee attendance.
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Super user unit officer. These are all good examples of that.
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Some activities require several weeks to months of short
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burst activity like completing 50 chart audits or tracers.
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Here's an example for tier one obtaining 100 points.
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Um it's 70 cents per hour on our hours worked which is 36 hours
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a week per 52 weeks in a year for a full time employee.
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So that comes over that comes to an additional $1,300
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just for submitting the work that you may already be doing
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and adding on to. That becomes easy.
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There's so many opportunities on the units to become engaged on either shift.
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So running through these really quickly. There's wows from patients or leaders.
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There are five points each. You can be a super user on your unit.
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Precept ng will get you one point per 12 hour shift
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with a student or two points with appear that's new.
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Um critical staffing is 7.5 points per shift. That's 12 hours
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if you have your BSN, if you're a T carR certified.
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If you have open heart training with six patients or any other specialty skill,
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you could look at that.
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There we have trauma talks or grand rounds almost monthly.
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If you attend one there are five points each and then see us.
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If you do 20 then that's five points.
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You're about halfway through the year or sooner.
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You should re assess your progress towards your goals so you can stay
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on track and alter plans is needed according to the point you've obtained.
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If you need other activities to participate with,
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you can check with your manager for opportunities on your unit,
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your cRS nurse, clinical mentor or educator
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may also have some suggestions to offer
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some units have MPD piece super users that can serve as
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a resource for you as you work towards your goals.
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There's also an email set up for questions at MPI DP questions at
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JPs health dot org if you need to use that as a resource.
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But please make sure you ask someone for help if
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you need it so you can achieve your goals.
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Early feedback is very helpful because it helps you stay on track
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and still allow time to work on additional items is needed.
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Remember you can do this. Our staff worked very hard.
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So we would love to see you participate with this
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program so you can get the differential you deserve.
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Make sure you set your goals work towards them throughout the year,
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asking for help when needed,
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submit your binders in january and get paid your differential.
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We're here to support you. So if you need any help getting started,
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please reach out to me and we can spend some time getting you all set up