Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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this purse of cultural stigma of A.
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D. H.
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D. And the postmodern discourse of controlling the narrative.
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I beat a Dema according to the rhetorical theorist and
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philosopher Michel, Fuko.
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Discursive formation is a consistent pattern of discursive use that
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creates knowledge or truth for a culture, it is governed
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by a set of rules established by society.
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Glucose for elements of discursive formation are discursive practices, Rules,
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rules and power.
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At a post modern time.
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These four governing rules of truth shape the narrative of
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what is accepted in society.
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This course that is true because it meets certain rules
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and expectations.
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It follows particular roles or has passed the appropriate tests
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to become truth in a culture.
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Rules over what may be said, Who does the talking
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where the truth came from?
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And decisions about the origins of the knowledge.
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Cultures tend to believe in what they have always known
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and rely on their history to maintain their truth causing
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labelling of the abnormal.
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These subjects are chosen by an elite few.
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And society, as usual, agrees to the knowledge.
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Once the truth producing social begins create the knowledge.
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Society clings to the truth, even if other orators offer
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a contradict contradicting truth.
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Rules of who created the language behind the truth.
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In the post modern world, civilizations have discovered their own
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voice and the power behind it.
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Although a select few are chosen to create knowledge.
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Society now has power to influence the knowledge of creators,
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complexity of postmodern power of spreading knowledge.
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Also in a postmodern world, technology has created an omnipresent
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reality where everyone is involved in the power of spreading
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knowledge. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder generally
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affecting Children, causing an attention impulsivity and hyperactive behavior that
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impair the learning of important developmental social and or educational
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skills. In other words, it's an overly hyped child experiencing
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too many neurons firing at once, causing the tendency to
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jump into a situation without thinking about the consequences in
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her book the management of A.
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D. H.
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D. And Children and young people leading neurodevelopmental pediatrician.
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Dr valery Karpin Applies to blame for daily difficulties and
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80 HD Children to their lack of social skills, learning
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difficulties and destructive behavior resulting in low self esteem, difficult
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relationships. An academic failure when untreated these side effects of
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Children 80 of Child A.
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D. H.
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D. Can cause oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depression, suicidal
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ideation and suicidal attempts, anxiety, eating disorders and substance abuse.
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So it is vital to identify symptoms early to implement
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medication or teach techniques to to maintain the difficulties In
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this study.
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The impact of 80 hp on the health and well
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being of 80 HD Children and their siblings, bye bye
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Bhardwaj. He's good.
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It is implied that siblings of 80 80 Children report
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substantially lower happiness with life overall and with their families.
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Furthermore, they also discover that the reduction of the siblings
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happiness is of a similar magnitude of depression.
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Of Children with A.
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D. H.
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D. Children with A.
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D. H.
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D. Are described as uncontrollable and lazy, according to attitude
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magazine, An online resource for people affected by a TV
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or 80 18.
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Despite evidence to the contrary, many people still don't believe
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that A.
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D. H.
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D. Is a bonafide medical condition.
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They see it as an excuse for sloppiness or laziness.
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Children with A.
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D. H.
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D. Are also called daydreamers for not paying attention and
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society believes they control their parents with meltdowns and throwing
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tantrums. Some view and HD diagnosis as overly medicating Children.
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These stigmas have crossed lines into the minds of Children
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with A.
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D. H.
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D. And they stigmatize themselves based on society's expectations.
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Lauren Amy Powell, Jack Parker An wing hall and valery
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Karpin report and the psycho education intervention effectiveness to improve
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social skills and young people A.
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D. H.
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D. A meta analysis analysis worldwide that there are around
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3.4% school aged Children suffering from A.
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D. H.
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D. Imagine how many lost Children could receive help.
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It's a stereotype or non existent.
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If parents released their denied fears and truly considered that
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A. D.
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H. D.
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Is not a shameful or overly diagnosed condition, the stigma
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of A.
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D. H.
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D. Would disappear.
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There are selected elite representatives in our postmodern world using
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discursive formation to change the truth of A.
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D. H.
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D. The social media stars, the wholeness or family creates
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parody videos about living with A.
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D. H.
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D. Author Rick Riordan based his main character Percy Jackson
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as a Demi god with a.
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D. H.
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D. And dyslexia.
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Happy days star Henry Winkler created the bank zipper series
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featuring a main character with learning disabilities and other literary
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works showcasing the hero like talents found in people with
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HIV. So how do we disregard past generation, past generations,
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dialogue on A.
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D. H.
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D. We become the repertoire and take the power described
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by Fuko by associating positive discourse to the increasingly accepted
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disorder. A.
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D. H.
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D. Did not just appear in recent history.
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Look at all of these successful celebrities and famous people
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who suffered from this disorder dating back to Socrates.
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Thank you for helping me spread my postmodern discourse of
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controlling the 80 HD narrative.