Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, everyone.
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Today we are going to be discussing fire drills
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and what to do during a fire drill the steps that need to be followed,
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the signs that need to be looked out for
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and what to do after the fire drill has ended.
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These will also apply to an actual fire,
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so we're going on to the steps. The steps that need to be followed are
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as follows.
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Step one.
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Get up out of your chair calmly without screaming. Without running.
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Leave everything that is not on you where it is
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and get out of the classroom door.
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Step two. Line up outside of the classroom
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without running and quietly.
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Step number three. Follow the class leader, which would have been selected
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before the fire drill
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to the emergency assembly point.
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This point is far enough from the away from the school to be considered safe.
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Step number four
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When in this assembly point,
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get into your alphabetical order.
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If you don't know your alphabetical order,
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just ask your friends or wait for the class register to register.
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To be read.
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Step number five.
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Check that you have the correct person in front of you and behind you
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um, step number six. If you're missing,
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there's anyone missing.
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And, you know, they were at school, and you don't know if they've gone home.
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Tell your teacher raise your hand and say, Ma'am, this person is missing.
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Step number seven.
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Listen for your name and respond when the teacher calls it off of the class list.
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Step number eight. Listen to all the instructions and announcements being made.
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Now we're going on to the signs
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These need to be looked out for before anything happens.
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So I would suggest looking out for them now. Already.
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So one is your emergency assembly 0.2 and three are your
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fire alarms that get pushed when there's an actual fire.
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Four and five are connected. Five shows you where four is. Four is a fire hose.
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Number six is your fire extinguisher line to
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show you where the fire extinguisher is,
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Number seven is your emergency exit.
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This will generally have an arrow with it.
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Number eight is your first aid kit. For if anyone gets hurt during an emergency,
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we are now going on to
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the details after the draw.
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Once the draw is over,
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follow the instructions that are given by any member of staff, including
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your teacher, your grade head, your headmaster, your deputy Headmaster,
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Any administrative staff, it will generally be to get back to class
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in a neat and orderly fashion.
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Thank you for listening to this presentation.