Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello and welcome to my presentation titled ICO Feminism as
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a design solution.
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My name is Nina.
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Image on my P number is 2551440 on I am
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a student off the Montfort University pursuing my Amy in
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design innovation.
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Firstly, I'd like to give an introduction about my major
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research project on to talk about its background on dhe.
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Why? I actually chose this topic.
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The world has started witness many kinds of major environmental
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degradation caused by the activities of human beings on dhe.
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It is all done in the name of futuristic development.
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Environmental degradation has hence turned into a very common concern.
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Mother had been discussed off the town Mother emerges as
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a link to another media aspect in the world, which
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is woman Woman from different parts of the world are
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coming together to protest the oppression against rape culture inherited
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STS inheritance systems, unequal pay, lack of access toe work
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on many other social injustices.
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Women revolutionaries from around the world are no longer afraid
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to call themselves as feminists.
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Most people take the term feminism Toby showing hate towards
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men. But in existence it is simply about equality and
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making sure women have the same opportunities as men.
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The motivation on dhe, the personal impact that this topic
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has had in my life.
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Yeah, coming from far India, a fast developing country with
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a population of 1.3 billion.
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Having unfortunately witnessed several incidents with respect to the oppression
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off women very closely has had an immense impact personally
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and it would be safe to call.
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This is one of the driving forces behind the choice
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to research about the oppression of women in our society.
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Also having come from fashion, design, background, fashion design, both
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have become an important aspect in life design, thinking, skills
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and eye for design.
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And everything seen around is a quality that has helped
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in recognizing a solution for the proposed came around equal
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feminism. Yeah, the aims and objectives off this project.
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Yeah. The project aims to investigate the relationship between the
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degradation off mother Earth on oppression of women on propose
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a design solution that serves a beneficial purpose based on
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the undertaken research, talking about the objectives, The main objectives
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are to conduct secondary research about sustainable fabrics and raw
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materials that can be so slow.
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Cally to conduct.
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Secondly, research about recycling and up cycling off comments to
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conduct primary research about ethical fashion around us to develop
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a strategy and campaign based on the design specification.
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Report on to evaluate the strategy and campaign, using user
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feedback to discuss about the methodology that was involved.
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Firstly, the aim, motivation and background were realized.
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Onda Secondary research and literally review WAAS conducted based on
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the topics of sustainable fabrics, the raw materials that could
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be used in the project, natural light techniques and trends
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also about how slow fashioned, uh could be made trendy
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sustainability on ethical fashion for the primary research was conducted,
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um, on how uh huh Both isil could be naturally
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lied at the comfort off home.
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On a new online questioning survey, WAAS sent out toe
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people from different ethnic and social backgrounds on They were
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asked about ethical fashion for the focus group waas, conductor
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toe get reviews and feedbacks and all this data waas
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on lies to develop a design that was further evaluated
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to get a final outcome.
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Yeah, that was a part of the introduction moving on
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to the research.
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Secondly, research involved in this project mainly the literature review.
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A brief off off the literature review would be that
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harmful practices tend that tend to explore the environment and
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social structures that oppress women, among other groups have an
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overlap. And this is believed Toby called a Zico feminism,
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eco feminism that exist many ideas like racism, sexism, deep
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ecology, religious ecology and T nuclear movement and social ecology
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from the storm of capitalist patriarchy.
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In today's world, feminism about is about making a change
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in the general attitude involving all kinds of men and
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women. As it is a moment for all people and
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not just women.
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About 3 ft off.
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The population on this earth depend directly on activities based
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on natural resource is for their livelihood.
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Making these resource is so important for us.
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That was a brief off the literature review moving on
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to the primary research.
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The BIOS persona that eyes, uh, expected for this product
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would be men and women aged 23 to 38 year
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old millennials, who are single and married on belonged to
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middle or upper class, with a kn income level of
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£24,000 annually.
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Um, who are basically working as businessmen, designers, philanthropists, et
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cetera on dhe.
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Their basic, mainly lifestyle would be working, attending gala parties,
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events, press meets, gallery openings, etcetera.
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On that, Hobbies include shopping, reading, working out, cooking, painting,
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etcetera. Um, the results from the online survey, uh, showed,
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uh, were asked.
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People were asked if they related to ethical fashion on
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dhe. These are the results.
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66.1% replied positively and were able to relate to ethical
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fashion. When asked if they care about who makes the
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closer the people who are involved in the manufacturing off
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governments, 61.3% were, uh, interested to know about how their
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clothes are made, who makes their clothes, while a 17.7%
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reply negatively.
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And we're not interested or did not care about who
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would make their clothes.
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Hence a lot of awareness.
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Sicilia Toby spread about ethical fashion when asked about sustainable
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clothing. Uh, if it was a way to change the
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world, um, 80.60 majority watered Yes, which is a very
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positive result.
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When asked if they were willing to other respondents and
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the participants, when interested on if they would make a
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shift from fast fashion to slow fashion.
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After the survey questions, 71% responded positively and hence weaken
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imply from this that this small survey has in itself
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created a lot off awareness on dhe, although 12.9% have
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replied negatively.
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Um uh, it could be taken as, ah, lot off
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awareness is yet to be created.
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That was a part of the primary research moving on
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to the design nationals.
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Some of the key findings would be the observation secretary.
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Research helped in the better understand off the process of
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dying with natural flowers.
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It also give insights into how each flower disposes color
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differently onto the fabric.
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Hence, a rough design can be envisioned, and flowers could
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then be picked based on the preference of colors The
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morning used.
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Wild dying actually was distilled vinegar on DDE.
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This is how 100% effective as the fabric still tends
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to lose the color.
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One incidents with soap or detergent.
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Henson Understanding was developed that naturally dyed fabrics must only
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be rinsed by hand.
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Using cold water, tow a while using color.
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The results from the online's away gave a better understanding
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off the extent of awareness that individuals possessed about ethical
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fashion Onda majority off 71% showed intrigue towards willingness to
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make a shift from fast fashion towards slow fashion.
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Post survey.
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However, there are still certain factors that holding that hold
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them back from fully indulging into a sustainable lifestyle.
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Moving on to the design development.
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The concept behind this design, The concept Bold is a
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pictorial representation off the entire team mode and inspiration behind
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this project.
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Ideation. Each picture puts across a meaningful message of why
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it was inclusion how it connects to the Project title
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of ICO families.
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Um, as a design solution.
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The project aims to give equal opportunities and support the
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woman in need by a woman for a woman, and
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hence equality is presented in the image.
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There's a hole in the world created by all the
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fashion waste and the woman in the images trying to
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sew it up.
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The future of fashion is sustainable, and hence a fashion
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illustration. Off model In a recycle print T shirt with
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a skirt made out of cut bits from waste, Bob
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brick can be seen in the free go, the image
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of a child working at the government factories used to
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talk about the poor, working conditions in developing countries, child
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labor and to create awareness about ethical fashion.
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The measure of a bride holding flowers is used to
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depict the concept off fashion here.
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Loon, as this project remote, testable sustainable fashion and aims
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to create awareness fashion here, loom is a good principle
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to apply to one's water.
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The concept is to use flowers from brides, wedding ceremony
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or any such special occasions, such as Birthday, anniversary, Woman's
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Day or Mother's Day to Die piece of silk fabric.
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The result would then be a beautiful and unique naturally
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died flowers calf that whole memory off the occasion from
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where the flowers were collected.
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This is a part off how the natural dye was
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conducted at home.
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Initially, flowers were collected from a nearby parks and gardens.
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They were spread out randomly on the piece of silk
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fabric. Uh, this will Winninger was used as a morning
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and spread all over the fabric.
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The fabric was then rolled up and tied, using a
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court and thread on steamed for about one or two
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hours on an electric rice cooker.
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Later, the uh dried flowers will wither off and right,
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and the fabric was dried in shade.
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These air some off the initial sketches, some mind maps
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behind the ideation, Ah, fishbone diagram and the word cloud.
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Here is the final result and naturally, flower dyed silk
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scarf for evaluation.
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After further evaluation, thes were the concluding statements that were
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realized that the patronization could be improved.
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A packaging could be dissension to show the final and
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product it could be made more inclusive.
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The life cycle of the product could be increased in
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ideation about how exactly an awareness campaign could be presented.
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The recommendations would be to give a backdoor picturing ization
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off the final product to make more very designs and
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present in way showing included Witty towards and men to
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describe. Its packaging make it more long lasting and a
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campaign for awareness.
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This would be the gun chart for time management.
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Your other references.
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Thank you so much for listening