Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Mhm. Welcome to this session and editorial writing.
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Writing an editorial is a great way to share your
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perspective or advocate for a cost to a wide audience
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effective. Editorial articles can raise awareness of an issue while
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also influencing other people's opinions on that topic, shaping how
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others think needs your persuasive power of words and how
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these words are organized.
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Knowing how to write strong editorial can allow you to
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make your voice heard, generate discussion in your community or
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take a stance on behalf of the group.
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In this video.
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We will review what an editorial is and how to
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write a good one.
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Just very quickly, let's review the editorial page is considered
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the voice of the paper and of the editorial staff.
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It contains a short essay, the chairs and opinion and
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a current event or a social issue aimed at persuading
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the reader to consider your perspective and change their opinion.
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All right, let's take, for example, the topic about lockdown.
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This topic generates different points of view.
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One side would say that this is necessary in order
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to control the spread of the coronavirus.
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Well, the other side would say that this will cripple
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the economy.
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How about you?
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What's your stand on this?
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Whatever you decide, that's already a good argument for this
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topic. But before we even start thinking of writing an
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editorial article about Lockdown, let's review First the elements of
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a good editorial article.
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It has to have an introduction, argument, evidence, counter argument,
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reputation, conclusion.
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Let's discuss this one day.
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One. The introduction builds the reader's interest in the topic
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and gives you an overview and gives an overview of
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the issue.
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Going back to lockdown, what could be a good introduction
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for that article?
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Well, you may begin with an emphatic statement or a
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maximum. For example, the law might be harsh, but it's
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the law.
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You should stay inside your homes no matter what.
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Or you may use a generation.
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For example, A 65 year old grandmother was arrested on
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her way to the pharmacy to buy paracetamol for her
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sick grandchild.
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Or you may use a question, what would you feel
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when your Children are crying of hunger and could not
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go out to look for food?
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There are a lot of ways of saying your introduction,
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such as a quotation and order a striking statement about
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the topic of prophecy or a reaction.
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Mhm. So whatever you choose, whatever fits the context, whatever
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fits your style, the next thing that you will do
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in your editorial is to present your argument.
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Which side are you?
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What is your stand in this?
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So that's your argument.
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The argument presents your opinion along with reasons why the
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audience should agree with you.
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For example, you're not in favor of lockdown because it
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will leave many people jobless and subsidies will eventually lead
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to government bankruptcy.
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Could ever determine where this pandemic is going to end?
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How long can the government sustain doling out subsidies?
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Since they strongly believe this argument?
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You have to lay down the facts.
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Do you have statistics such as an unemployment rate, delinquency
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rate and their implications?
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Side coated statements?
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And these are your evidence?
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Is the evidence supports your argument with facts, research or
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anecdotes the next You should be able to present the
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counter argument.
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All editorial writers should establish credibility by presenting a fair
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review of the perspectives involved, hence addressing the opposing perspective
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is very necessary.
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So what could be the reason?
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So the opposing view should be able to present that.
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And after presenting the argument, the counter argument, rather, then
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it's time to refute it.
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After sharing the counter argument with a reader with a
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reader. The writer must explain why that argument is not
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accurate or relevant.
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Refuting the counter argument allows you to promote your point
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of view.
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While still seemingly fair it is.
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In this part, we can also offer a solution and
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lastly their conclusion in the final paragraph of your editorial,
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summarize your point of view and remind the reader why
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they should care about this issue.
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The last part drives home the final important sort or
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direction. This conclusion may be in the form of advice,
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a challenge.
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A man purchased a rounding out for a simple summary.
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All right now that they have the components.
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How do you begin?
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Well, first you have to decide on a topic, since
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editorials are basin opinion.
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Your topic should be arguable and have multiple points of
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view. Your essay will reflect your personal bias or the
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bias of the group you are representing.
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So you should expect some of your readers to disagree
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with your stance.
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And that's okay.
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You might select a controversial topic that involves politics to
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provoke conversation about your writing regardless of the topic you
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choose, make sure that you can write about it passionately
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and focus and why others focus and why others should
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agree with your perspective as you decide what to write
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about. Keep in mind that your topic should be specific.
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Keeping the scope of your editorial in a certain aspect
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of an issue will keep your argument strong and help
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the readers stay focused.
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A well written editorial devotes multiple paragraphs to supporting one
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specific idea.
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Once you have decided on a topic, then you have
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to research about it even though an editorial is opinion
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Biggs, it is still important to provide your readers with
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well researched evidence to back up your ideas.
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You can convince your readers of your credibility by demonstrating
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knowledge of what other prominent voices have to say on
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the topic, researching your topic can also help you decide
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which particular stance you will take and create an article
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that contributes new ideas to the conversation.
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Now, after selection and researching an issue, then you write
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an outline to keep your ideas organized and ensure that
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the main points of your editorial flow with the introduction
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will always be at the beginning of the essay and
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the conclusion at the end.
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But you can organize your body paragraphs based and what
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form that fits your essay.
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The best the best list each main idea as its
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own paragraph, making sure to provide evidence for each idea.
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Once you finish the planning portion of writing your editorial
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start to write by adding details their outline.
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Some people prefer to start with the introduction, while others
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focus on the body of the paper first and write
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the introduction at the end.
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Try to write down as many ideas as you can
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first. You can at first and then go back and
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edit your paper.
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Getting started in the paper can be the most challenging
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part of the process for many writers.
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If you find yourself having trouble beginning to write, look
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back on your research for inspiration.
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Yeah. Before submitting your editorial article proof, read your own
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work, make sure you have created a professional quality piece
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of writing.
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Many writers read their work allowed to check for tone
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and flow.
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Another popular proof reading technique is to read your paper
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backward, starting with the last sentence and moving to the
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introduction. This process helps catch spelling and grammatical errors that
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you might have seen the first time.
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You might also consider having a trusted friend or colleague
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greed and summarise the main ideas of your paper for
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clarity. All right, so I would like to give you
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more tips.
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A good editorial can focus on any topic as long
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as you can make a strong case for your opinion
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and right with your audience in mind, focus and why
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a reader should care about your issue as well as
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why someone might have a different opinion.
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Understanding both sides of an issue will make your editorial
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interesting to a wide variety of audiences.
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Use these tips to make your editorial as convincing and
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relevant as possible.
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First you have to be decisive, your editorial needs to
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take a firm position on your chosen topic.
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Any time you mentioned an opposing view immediately explain why
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it is incorrect and why readers should agree with you.
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Instead convince readers to consider your ideas by displaying confidence
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in your stance, then be able to offer new ideas
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during the research process.
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See if there are any aspects to your issue that
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others have not yet.
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This cost Well anyone can have an opinion adding something
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new to discussion about, show that you have put careful
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thought into your piece.
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Okay then be able to provide solutions If you draw
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attention to an issue in an editorial, provide possible solutions
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to the problem.
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You want to avoid simply complaining so that the audience
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can find value in your work and consider taking action,
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accepts. And whenever possible, choose a topic that you are
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passionate about your writing will reflect that you actually care
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about the issue, making your paper more interesting to read
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and more relevant to the readers summing up, let me
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borrow these lines from one of my references.
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They said that a good editorial should express an opinion
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without being opinionated.
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It should teach without being pedagogic.
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It should transform without being evangelical.
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Mhm. It should engulf without drowning.
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It should motivate to action without making you dictatorial.
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Mhm. It should enlighten without getting your dogmatic, prejudiced and
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egotistical. The last and probably most important good editorial should
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be brief.
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So it's time to work.
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The following slides will give you instructions.
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You have to write an editorial of 200-250 words about
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the topic, whom shall we vote for president in the
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2022 elections?
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Mhm. They get catch a diet though and you don't
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have to mention things as you write.
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Be guided with the following criteria.
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Each criterion is given equal weight.
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First is your viewpoint, then the evidence followed by analysis
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and persuasion, and finally the language.
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So good luck and may the force be with you.
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Thank you so much