Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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is a fetus. A person
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does a few just have personhood qualities.
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If you abort a fetus, Are you killing a person?
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Were you killing a fetus?
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And it's a tough decision for those who have too are faced with abortion
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and it's a single mistake that leads them there.
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Um Just a lapse in judgment. So
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I'm Danny kowalski and I'm here today
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in the informative speech to talk to you about
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bring George argument and against mary anne Warren's.
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Um But
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personal qualities argument. And in this speech, I will talk to you today about
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mary anne Warren's personhood argument.
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Then I will go to uh bring rewards, incapacity,
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scenarios and argument and that argument
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along with
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bringing towards potential capacity argument
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and finish off the objections to bring Jordan's
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ideas and the pro life responses to those.
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So to start Marian warren's
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personhood argument.
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Um she claims that
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it is morally permissible to kill a fetus
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because a fetus doesn't qualify to be a person.
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She claims it needs certain attributes
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that qualifies as a person
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and these are
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the ability to reason,
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the ability to communicate consciousness and being sentient.
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And she claims that a fetus is
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doesn't check any of these boxes.
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So she claims, okay,
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it is morally permissible to kill a fetus because it's not a person.
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So she is a
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pro choice believer and there's brings Jordan who is
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pro life and he tries to go against this and
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bring his point of view into light?
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And he says
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that is that could be true. But what about the people that are already
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but they still have the higher cognitive functioning.
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That mary ann warren claims
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that fetuses
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don't have, that's why it's you're able to come.
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So he uses the dreamless sleep scenario, the coma scenario,
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the high crack high scenario.
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And he's saying in all these situations,
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even though there's no higher cognitive function
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and there's none of
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these attributes,
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they're those people are still considered people.
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And if mary anne warren's
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he's saying if mary anne warren's was true
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all of these people,
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if mary anne warren's argument was through all
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of those people in a dreamless deep sleep
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in a coma crack,
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I all of those people would be morally permissible to kill those people
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because they don't have higher cognitive functioning.
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They don't have
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the um
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those personal qualities that mary ann Warren says you need to have
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for it to be morally
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wrong to kill you.
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Um So he says so it brings words obviously believes from this that
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a fetus
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and morally wrong to kill a fetus because it has the potential
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to reach higher cognitive functioning. So which leads me to my next point on
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the potential capacity argument
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bring George exceptions to those.
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So I actually did
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um he says that even though a fetus doesn't have higher cognitive
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functioning at the time it doesn't have the ability to reason.
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It doesn't have consciousness.
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It has the potential
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that's right
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has the potential to reach those,
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excuse me
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has the potential to reach those.
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So, because of that
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fetuses are
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it's immorally wrong, it's morally wrong to kill a fetus. Um
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The potential capacity argument says that
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even though
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they might not have it now,
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they will see the and develop the higher cognitive functioning
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later in life.
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and then his exceptions are
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that if a woman is raped, abused
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and then all of that, he says, then it's morally okay, take an abortion.
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But other than that
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is more, he claims it is morally wrong to kill a fetus.
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Unlike mary ann Warren who claims it is morally acceptable to kill a fetus
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because she believes
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fetuses don't have the personhood qualities.
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What brings short says, no,
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they have the potential
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to have those qualities,
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so that's where they differ on that.
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Um So this brings me to my last point
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the gametes objection.
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The transcendent consciousness objection and the pro life responses to those.
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So, the gaming subjection,
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it goes against bring shorts
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claims about the
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potential capacity argument and says,
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well, a computer has the potential capacity for higher functioning.
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So is it morally
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wrong to kill those?
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And the pro life response would be
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it's they don't have the intrinsic potential to reach higher functioning like a
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fetus does a computer can't become a person that can have higher function,
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but it doesn't have the intrinsic potential to become a person,
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like a fetus that's bring George response and the pro life response
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to that gaming objection.
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Um the independent consciousness objection
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states that
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all those people in a coma in a deep sleep, they had
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consciousness and higher cognitive functioning before they
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went into the state of unconsciousness.
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So they say the pro choice argue
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incapacity scenarios and say that, well, all those people, you just claimed
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those people had consciousness before a fetus doesn't.
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Um So that's the incentive consciousness objection.
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And his response to that brings his response to
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that argument, states that even though they have
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gosh, darn it,
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even though those people had it before,
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that's like saying, you can kill an infant because
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you're saying an infant infant never had consciousness before
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in infant never had higher cognitive functioning before.
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So it's a is it morally permissible to kill infant? And I think most,
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there are a lot of people that would say
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which is what bringing Georgia's use in his
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argument for that response to the independent objection.
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In conclusion,
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this is bring George argument
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against mary anne Warren's argument, one is pro choice, mary ann warren,
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one is pro life.
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Bring shorts.
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she says
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it's morally
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permissible to kill if you use at any
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stage because it doesn't have personal qualities.
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Bring George say it's that, you know, it actually
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isn't morally permissible
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they have the potential to reach higher cognitive functioning.
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They have the potential to
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have consciousness and the person inequalities and
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look at the people who aren't
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uh conscious in a coma in a deep sleep.
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So that's bringing George argument against hers, mary anne warren's.
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And honestly, it's been going back and forth a lot in society about what's right,
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what's wrong.
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as you can see in this graph,
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apologies. As you can see in this graph, America,
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America's view on morally acceptable abortion has been
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And honestly, from when this graph was produced, it is at a record high, um,
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where more people are accepting it.
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my question to you is
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what do you think is a furious
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person doesn't have the personhood qualities? Or
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does it
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not? Does it not qualify as a person?
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Is it okay to
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kill a fetus? Is it not?
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What's your argument?
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What do you believe?
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Join America,
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join everyone in society and make a decision on what you think? This is a decision
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crisis in the world.
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What's your opinion?