Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, everyone.
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So my project is on.
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Should Freud's theories be abandoned?
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I'm in mining, missing that, by the way, and just
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a little overview here on what we'll be talking about.
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So I'm gonna start off with the introduction of Sigmund
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Freud and just you know what he's well known for
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his life and stuff like that.
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Then I'm going to dive into a timeline which will
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basically categorise the time points at which he came out
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with certain theories and books and such like that.
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And then we will do it or of you of
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his most, I guess well known theories and what they
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mean and how he came about, um, discovering them.
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And then we will go into the analysis of these
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theories. So basically, I will, um, present the experiments that
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are done to prove these theories or not group them
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and basically what people have been doing to try and
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scientifically proved them.
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And then we will describe the strengths of these theories,
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the weaknesses and then my conclusion as to, you know,
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back to the question.
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Should Freud's theories be abandoned?
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Basically, should we still teach in the classroom or not?
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All right, and now moving to the introduction.
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So who is Freud?
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Fried is an Austrian neurologist.
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He attended the University of Vienna.
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I believe he studied medical school there.
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Um, he's known as the father of psychoanalysis and some
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of his most major of books that he's published.
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They're called The Interpretation of Dreams.
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There's one called the I.
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D or The Ego on the I.
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D. And then I actually read one called Totem and
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Taboo. It's basically about neurotics, and it's very interesting.
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I recommend it all right now.
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Moving on to the timeline.
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So start off.
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In 18 95 Freud studied lots of things about hysteria.
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He There was a key study that he became fascinated
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with and a colleague of his.
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They, uh, did a book about the studies of hysteria.
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And then we go to 1900 where he published the
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interpretation of dreams.
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And this was a big turning point in his career
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because people on basically started really listening to him and
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found his works fascinating on his theories.
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Fascinating, Um, and then in 1905 he published Freud's theories
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of sexuality, so he came out with a book called
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Three Essays on the theory of sexuality.
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And, um, they highlighted basically, the psycho sexual development stages
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and the Oedipus complex and stuff like that, Um, and
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obviously very controversial.
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Um, but so nonetheless a theory of hiss.
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In 1910 he, uh, hem and a few colleagues They
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created what's called the International Cycle Analytical Association for the
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I p.
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A. And then somewhere in between this point and 1936
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he did a lot of studies on defense mechanisms and
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stuff like that.
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Um, and he just highlighted some of his theories and
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his daughter, Anna Freud.
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She was very interested in this, and she, um, basically
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made some of her own.
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She came up with some of her own defense mechanisms
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that went off of his original ideas in 1936.
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All right, now, going into the actual theory ISS key
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theory is we'll go more adept in to each one
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of these, but here are just a overview.
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So he did a lot about dream analysis, psychosexual stages,
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defense mechanisms and the unconscious mind or the psyche.
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So dream analysis.
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It's quoted as the Royal road to the unconscious Dreams
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provide I d impulses with a stage for expression.
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All right.
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And Freud also theorized that there rose two types of
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content in dreams, one of them being manifest content, which
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is what the dreamer sees and remembers and the other
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being Lee in content, which is basically what's really being
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said in that certain dream.
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And he also theorized a lot about dream symbols.
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Um, such things as like a house is a symbol
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for a human body.
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He also said, a lot of things about sexual symbols
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being in dreams such as like a pencil signifying male
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genitalia and a lot of stuff like that, which is
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ties into this whole idea about the unconscious, all right
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now to the psycho sexual stages.
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So he basically theorize that there were certain stages, uh,
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that highlighted a certain point of development that also tried
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into sexual development.
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So the first waas the oral stage, which is the
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1st 18 months of development on this, included the mouth,
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lips and tongue.
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And if you develop Orel personality, then you would be
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more inclined to drinking or smoking Um, on lenders.
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That anal stage, which includes lots of toilet training on
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the phallic siege, which is ages 3 to 6.
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This is basically where he theorized that kids search desire
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ing their parents sexually, which is called the Oedipus complex.
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Well, part of it at least, um, basically, he theorized
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that, uh, sons and daughters have a sexual desire towards
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their opposite sex parents.
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And for example, the sun, um, basically desires his mom.
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But he does not like his dad because, you know,
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he has to fight his dad for his mom's attention
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and suffered that.
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And then there's the late in C stage, which is
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when the sexual desires in this stock.
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And you can see examples of this in the playground
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for kids tend toe, just want to play with their
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own, um, with the same sex, really.
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And then the last is the genital stage, which, um,
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basically, when kids hit puberty and their sexual desires return
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this theory of his cause a lot of controversy.
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And honestly, it's one of the points, in my opinion
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that, um, I think is very controversial.
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A swell moving on to defense mechanisms.
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Um, this key theorize that strategies used to protect your
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ego from anxiety caused by unacceptable thoughts, slash feelings.
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Eso some examples of this are repression, denial, projection, displacement
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reject our regression and supplementation.
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So, for example, if you deny something that's happening in
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your life, this is a defense mechanism to protect you
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from unwanted anxiety.
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Um, it's basically, um you don't Your ego doesn't want
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to accept that knowledge because it will cause yourself anxiety,
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were it.
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And going into what I find is the most interesting.
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Is that unconscious mind that he, um your eyes vote.
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So if you divided the mind up into three sections
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the conscious, pre conscious and the unconscious and then there
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were certain factors in these consciousness.
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Um, as you can see from the picture that I
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included here, they're called, um the factors air the I.
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D. Ego and Super Eagle.
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So the conscious is the most basically conscious stream.
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You can recognize things and everything.
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And the unconscious you have no idea about on the
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pre conscious is not there.
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You can't really think about it that much, but you
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sort of can.
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And the super ego ego and the idea are all
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included. And the idea is very much in the unconscious
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area of your mind.
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All right, so testing these theories the actual scientific proof
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of these.
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Um, so we're gonna over how you test them, And
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this will include some research and statistics on the subjects.
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So dreams.
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So some of the ways that people tried Teoh analyze
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his theories of dreams where to record and interpret the
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content on The researchers have actually found that dreams are
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not random whatsoever, that they can be influenced right?
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Fears, problems and issues before you go to sleep or
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just near everyday lights.
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Um, but the only thing about is theories where that
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symbols could not have been have been 100% um, defense
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mechanisms. They use a lot of projective testing.
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So this is like the row Shaq in ink Watts
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stories. T T.
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And some researchers have actually developed detailed coating systems to
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turn the responses from like these in clots into scores
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that can determine what level you have on a certain
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defense mechanism, all right, And the cycle sexual stages, um,
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so this is very it's very difficult to test this,
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of course, because it's hard to test somebody throughout their
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entire development, especially with this sort of theory.
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Um, but we can see a little bit of evidence
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from personalities resulting from the lack of stage pleasure or
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trauma from it.
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Um, and he used a lot of case studies to
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back this theory up, but in the end, it's not
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scientific, and it's not proven or anything like that.
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It explains behavior, but it does not predict it online.
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Testing the Unconscious Basically, Freud did a lot of a
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served observable behaviours again, like the psychosexual stage.
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He did a lot of case studies, Um, but you
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can kind of observe from dreams.
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Projective tests free association, 40 in slips, diagnosis, accidents and
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so symbolic behavior.
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Um, hypnosis was a big thing of Hiss.
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It's kind of in the book and then wonder strengths.
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I think that he created a good basis for other
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theorists to base their own theories off of, like offered
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other Carl Young, um, Miss, the other near for it
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in theories are based off with his stuff.
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He's also credited, credited with developing psychotherapy, which is pretty
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important. I would say, um and then lots of evidence
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are in defense of his dream theories, and I think
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history theories air the most at the most scientific out
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of everything.
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I would say All right and two weaknesses.
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This theory is like the psycho sexual stages and some
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even of the unconscious.
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They're not testable, and most are found to be extremely
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inconclusive. Uhm, and another thing is his heavy reliance on
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case studies.
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His theories are applicable sometimes, but not with everyone.
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So you know, with case studies your only studying one
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person. But it doesn't apply to everybody, and he also
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has a He paints a very negative picture of human
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nature and also relates everything to sexual desires what she
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focuses a lot on in almost every one of his
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theories. So I personally think that his theories on dreams
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the unconscious and defense mechanisms should be taught in the
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classroom because I think they are worth talking about, and
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they're interesting and they do have some evidence to back
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themselves up, and there's somewhat testable.
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But on the other hand, I think the psychosexual stages
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are here, not a scientific whatsoever, and I don't think
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that should be taught in the classroom.
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It might be a little controversial for me to say
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that, but I don't see how they relate to anything
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whatsoever. And there, plainly unscientific so I think that half
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of his things should be taught, but not the psycho
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sexual stages.
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All right.
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And that is my presentation.
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Thank you for listening.