Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, everyone out there in Prezi land.
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My name is Lance Black, and I'm with Gabby Wireless.
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I want to take some time today and talk about
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how we could be intentional with Tech during this new
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work from home life that many of us are living
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but first a little bit about Gabby Wireless.
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Gabby is the only company that provides a simple, safe
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and age appropriate first phone that connects families, protects kids
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and encourages life beyond the screen, said another way.
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We are the child's first phone with age appropriate tech,
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so we know a thing or two about being intentional
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with technology.
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So why is it important to be intentional?
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With tech in Jena, look, we have more tech now
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than we've ever had before.
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Between laptops and phones and tablets and smart watches, it
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seems like we are almost always tether to some kind
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of tech.
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This causes us to deal with the constant notifications and
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the risk of formal.
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The fear of missing out with social media can be
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harmful to adults and also to Children who are learning
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how to use tech from their parents.
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Yes, they are watching us.
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Yeah, being intentional with Tech is even more important now
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with remote work in these strange times that we're in,
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where many of us find ourselves working remotely from home.
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So now there is no physical separation between home and
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the office.
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This blurring of home and office workspace can cause us
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if we're not careful to be less intentional in our
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work and personal lives, thus causing us to be less
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effective in each.
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My wife and I have six Children, and four of
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them are grown and out of the house.
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However, they have not forgotten how good of a cook
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their mother is.
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So every Sunday afternoon, we together for great food and
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a few laughs.
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One of the purposes of this Sunday dinner is to
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be intentional on strengthening our relationships as a family.
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This only happens when we leave our phones in the
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basket on the table in the hallway and truly connect
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with each other during dinner.
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Candidly, this rule is a struggle for some of my
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kids, and they initially fought the phone basket mandate.
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However, I think they would all now agree and say
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that we have grown closer as a family because of
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that now that we focus on connecting with each other
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instead of perhaps checking the latest sports score, I'd like
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to quickly go through a few things that you can
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do starting today to live Mawr.
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Intentional When working from home.
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First, be mindful of your notifications.
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Onley have sound notifications for really important things.
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A phone call from your mother in law is not
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one of those, by the way, everything else can wait
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until you're ready to address it.
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Sound notifications can be easily cause distraction and take you
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away from the task at hand.
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I think it's also good to set some no phone
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times for your phones.
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Consider putting your phone away after you've done work after
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you're done working for the day.
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It could be tough to fill always on when you
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work from home, so taking more time than usual away
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from your phone can help separate the day and help
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you be more mindful of your family time after work.
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Another good thing to do is to take screen breaks
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during the day, set aside time to distance yourself from
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Alltech and screens for sometime during each day.
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Take some time to get away from your screen and
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go for a walk outside or do anything to step
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away from it all for just a minute.
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It could be a phone meeting that you take as
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you walk through your neighborhood, or perhaps a gardening break
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to think about a tough situation that you're dealing with.
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How about this one?
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Keep devices out of the bedroom.
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Whether you stick to your no phone times or not,
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try to keep your phone out of the bedroom.
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The blue light can harm your sleep schedule and make
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it difficult for you to sleep when you're ready to
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fall asleep at night.
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By leaving the phone in a different room at night,
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you can.
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You can help ensure you're not tempted to scroll through
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media or to check email one last time before you
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fall asleep.
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Another good one.
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How about you keep your co workers in the know
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about your work times?
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Maybe you plan to work from 8 to 5 every
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day, or maybe instead, you're going to start earlier so
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you can don't have uh, since you don't now have
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any commute time.
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Whatever it is, keep your team up to date and
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when you plan to be available by phone each day,
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that will help people know when it's acceptable.
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Call you and when they should opt for an email
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that you'll get tomorrow instead.
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This goes for how you communicate with people, too.
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Reach out to others and asked when they want to
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be available by phone.
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Another good one here.
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How about developing a family plan?
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Not only are you surrounded by tech more, but sore
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your kids.
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Maybe you have little ones that are now doing zoom
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calls with friends or for school.
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And you have full fledged teenagers who can't get off
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social media, whatever it may be, develop a family plan
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so you can all be more intentional with tech.
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Maybe when you put down your phone for work.
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You and your family all have a no phone our
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dedicated to family time.
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Look in this new, blurred world of work and home,
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it's never been more important to be intentional.
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With tech.
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By being more intentional, we will be more productive, will
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have less dress and will commit fewer errors and accidents.
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Now that sounds like a way better life to me.
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We've talked about a few things that you can do
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to live more intentionally.
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So here's my challenge to you this week.
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Choose a few small ways to be more intentional with
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your tech so you can live beyond the screen.
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Your boss and your family will love you for it.
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Thank you until next time.