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adolescence By ELISA RoHaas.
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what is adolescence?
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Adolescence is a time period from which an individual goes from
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a child to an adult at the onset of puberty.
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During this time period, we can see individuals have physical, cognitive,
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emotional, social and sexual changes.
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This could be the time of according
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to the Stanley Hall Storm mistress,
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this can be
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defined as a time of turmoil and difficulty.
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Adolescents ages from 13 to 18.
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During this age, range of time,
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individuals go through many different types of changes.
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They start off with beginning puberty,
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with some of them starting off earlier than others
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or some even starting off later than others.
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Some changes that occur are body shape,
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in fact, pubic hair.
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And for females, it includes breast development and menstruation.
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some key milestones
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would be during this time period.
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Many adolescents start to not only think about themselves,
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but they start to think about how the world works as well,
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such as having their own goals and understand the consequences of their actions.
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The individual's emotional maturity will be different at the starting age of 12,
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compared to someone who was 17
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when you were younger, you tend to be,
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tend to be really immature and make
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All kinds of amateur jokes.
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But once you reach the age of 17,
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you start to realize that you need to grow up and start
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acting like an adult if you want to be treated like one.
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Strategies, Tips,
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slash techniques There are several several strategies or
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techniques to help individuals during the stage.
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One strategy for parents to have a warm,
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loving and positive relationship with their child
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with having this kind of relationship their child will be doing better in school.
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And how, plus mental health problems,
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viewer sexual partners and increase the likelihood of using contraceptives
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to continue on.
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Another strategy would be to celebrate any and all kinds of progress.
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Another strategy would be to always ask for help no matter what it is for.
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And no matter what the outcome could be,
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because not asking for help will result and worse outcomes
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then you thought can happen.
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The last strategy would be try your hardest and
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best that no matter what the outcome is,
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then you know you tried hard and
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your best for the outcome.
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