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Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, everybody.
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I am excited to be able to be with you
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as a part of the main board meeting and provide
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some information that I think will help you be not
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only just better board members, but better leaders in the
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communities and ministries and work that you do for those
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I haven't had the privilege to meet before.
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I'm JD Schramm.
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And yes, I am married Thio, Reverend King Bagel.
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And in conversations with Ken as well as with Jim
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Blake, we've looked at What do I have in my
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tool kit that could be valuable for all of you
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in the work that you're doing on behalf of unity.
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And what we determined was for me to create a
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session based on a book that just truly love looking
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at how we can embrace radical candor in order to
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deliver effective feedback both to our staff as well as
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to our volunteers and even, at times too, congregants or
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individuals in the ministries that we lied and that we
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serve. What I'd like to do is just give you
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a brief understanding off what radical candor is and then
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cue you in for the assignment that that we will
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be asking of you in advance of the main meeting.
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So what radical candor is is It's looking at feedback
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across to axes how well we're able to challenge directly
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and how well we're able to care personally.
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And so, uh, if we are first talking about it,
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we're not able to do that.
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If we don't challenge people directly and we just care
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and care and care as a leader, we could be
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providing Rhona sympathy.
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Or worse yet, if we don't care and we don't
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challenge, we fall into a box of manipulative insincerity.
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According to the author Kim Scott and the bottom right
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quadrant, if we're able to challenge directly, we don't care
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about the people that were giving that feedback.
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Thio. Frankly, it's just obnoxious aggression Now.
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Admittedly, all of us fall into one of those buckets
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from time to time, depending on the situation.
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Depending on our stress level are temperament the person that
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we're interacting with.
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But what we want to strive for as leaders is
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that top right quadrant, which is being able to be
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radically candid.
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That's where we both challenge directly, but care personally about
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the individuals and the volunteers the recipients off our feedback.
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So what we will do is we will look at
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this in a really engaging, fun way.
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I wish we could all be in person.
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I think in May we're still probably going to be
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in a virtual environment.
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But through the exercises that I have planned, we'll be
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ableto look at these skills and these concepts so that
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we can all be more effective now.
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Between now and the board meeting in May, you will
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receive a copy off Kim's newest book, the updated version
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of Radical Candor and all I ask that you do
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between now and the start of the board meeting is
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just read through the first two chapters.
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If you have gotten through Chapter one in Chapter two,
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we should be in good shape for the plan that
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I have for you.
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And so, uh, watch for the book to come in
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the mail.
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Um, read the first couple chapters, feel free to skim
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ahead and look at other chapters.
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But to be ready for the conversation, we're gonna have
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just one and two.
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And then, as you get more familiar with the concept,
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look for opportunities to use radical candor in your ministries
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and in your work inside of the half day that
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Jim and can have scheduled for me with you in
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May plan on and engaged half day of training I
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wanna have some fun.
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I want Thio Love the phrase that Kim Scott uses
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toe learn while laughing.
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And I've also got access to a video that Kim
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Scott has produced together with, um second city television, Uh,
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in Chicago, looking at the feedback loop, there won't even
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be some actors that you recognize, uh, in in the
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video clip that I'll be able to use well, layer
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that with discussions and ah, chance to play with some
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of the concepts and some of the information.
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So if you have any questions after you receive your
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book, feel free to contact me.
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It's just j d a JD Schramm dot com Glad
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to answer questions or brainstorm with you before we meet
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and delighted to be able to be a resource to
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you after we've met.
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So with that, I want to thank you for all
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that you do on behalf of the Unity churches and
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the Unity Board.
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And I look forward to having some time with you
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in the May meeting.
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Thank you so much for all that you dio