Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Oh, welcome, everyone.
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In this video, we're going to talk about algorithms and
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protests and how they are related to the computers.
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An algorithm Issa conjuction off operations that solved a mathematical
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process. Computers that really related to algorithms because, as you
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know, computer use a finance system, which is based in
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one on zero numbers, so thio to combine them on
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to keep orders and perform different tax, different taxes.
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Computer smile Must use Calgary mathematical algorithms system a binary
- 00:45 - 00:56
Oh, uh, mathematical in an algorithm.
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The order is really important.
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If we change the order of the operations, we're not
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going to get what we want.
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For example, when you are going to turn on a
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car, you have to follow the the order of the
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things to do.
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First, you must put the key into the car on.
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Then you have to turn it around.
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If you try to turn it home without putting the
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key inside the whole, it's not going to turn on.
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Same happens if you want to open or you if
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you tell the computer to open up a program.
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There are some elements that some things that you have
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to do but i una If we change the order
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of things, if we try to open the the the
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animation before clicking it, we're not going to define which
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program is it going to open?
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Wow. The simplicity is also very importantly for for computers,
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because we try, we have to try Thio.
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Give us less task orders to the computer as we
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can. Programa Very obvious mm in computers.
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As we have said, program is based in mathematical algorithms
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because computers are based in the by by language, which
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is ones on zero number.
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So you combine those way have to use mathematical algorithms.
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All these mathematical algorithms can be represented in what is
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called a flow chart.
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Floater is a diagram that represents a process or a
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workflow. And, as we have said, they can be used
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to represent algorithms, flujo filter, assume, represent down, Professor.
- 03:30 - 03:36
Oh, the Yeah, there are some symbol specific symbols that
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we must use when we're drawing a floater because its
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symbol is going to mean something.
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You have here all the symbols that we are going
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to use.
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The first one which is around the circle, is the
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Terminator. We can use it for the start before the
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ending, A similar the then for any process or for
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any actions were going to use a rectangle.
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So every time we see a rectangle, we already know
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that that's going to be a process on action representing
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professors or Internet professors.
- 04:23 - 04:26
Or when we have, we want to introduce a decision
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or two paths or two variables we're going to use.
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They cannot introduce.
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The delay is going to be a with a circle
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on one side.
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L is delays a really important when we're talking about
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computers when we're talking about programming because, as you know,
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electricity and computers really, really fast.
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So if we don't introduce delays, we aren't going to
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be able Thio see what's happening or made to see
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the results about what we're there for me is what
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I intended with K.
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Did that, uh, that we can introduce into the computer
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or when we are going to collect some information from
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outside. It's going to be given in a movement.
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Uh, for example, if we're collecting the amount of light
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that we have in our room to turn on or
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off the lights, automated Lee uh, that information is going
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to be represented in that symbol.
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Yeah. And on the other hand, if we want to
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give some information outside, for example, through a screen, we're
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going to use the document symbol, which has a line
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like this on the lower part, that simple is going
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to be used when we want Thio.
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Give some information after performing a task.
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For example, if we want to turn on the TV
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a. The the thing off the way to represent the
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images are appearing in the TV should be in that
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symbol. Finally, here you have some examples off different mathematical
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algorithms represented in a flow chart, as you can see
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in both of them.
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To start at the end has the same symbol on
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then in both of them were going to introduce some
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information, and the first one, the one on the right.
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You can see that we are interesting three numbers in
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this case.
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Three. That valley.
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We're going to use that that's a symbol, and moments
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on then we introduced the decision making symbol on.
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As you can see, it's going to give us two
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possible option recision.
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Making simple is the only one that can have two
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arrows coming out from form it.
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Those, um, produced what we're going to think that that's
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nto. In that case, it's going thio Compare the number
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A with the number B and the number of the
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with the number six.
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If they think that you have in There is yes.
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Is that the number eight on the number of B.
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The number is higher than the number B and the
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university. It's going to give us a non answer how
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well, maybe in a screen, it's going to tell us
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that the number A is the highest represented.
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And if the answer is no, you're going to use
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to choose another fat, and you have thio compare the
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numbers again.
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He knows well, we're process and the other option.
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In the other example, you can see that we are
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introducing two numbers instead of three.
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Again, we use the same simple changes with the numbers
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on. Then you have a rectangle because you have we
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have to make an operation.
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It's a process professor in action on that is inside
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so okay on then it's going to give us again
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two options.
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So if you have two options we have to put
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the decision making him and its option.
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We're going to choose one or the other on again.
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We have to document symbol.
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So it it is telling me that I am going
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to get that information ridden somewhere in a screen water
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way will keep working on this.
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How to represent your project, your project into a flow
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chart. Thanks for watching.
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We'll see you next day.