Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello and welcome to my professional development.
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I would like to start off this presentation with this little
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why shouldn't you let Advanced Math intimidate you
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because it's really easy as fun.
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So the objective for this professional development seminar
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is to highlight a few topics that you
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can use in your classroom so your math teaching is easy as pie as well.
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So I would first like to introduce myself,
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That's me. I graduated with my bachelor of education in 2010 from you.
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I recently finished my Masters of Education
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from T. R. U.
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And I will be completing my postgraduate certificate this summer from Queens.
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Which leads me to my first activity is I would like to get
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to know you a bit and what year you became a teacher.
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So follow the link here on the presentation.
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There's also a link and a QR code on your handout and I would like you
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to just add what year you became a
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teacher or another milestone in your professional career.
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Thank you very much participate participating.
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So let's start off with our first topic,
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differentiation is tailoring instructions,
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activities and assessments to meet the individual needs of our students.
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This is important for three reasons that I've highlighted here.
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The first is it shows that the teacher cares and considers their students.
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It means they take the time to get to know their students
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value their students and the way that they learn their abilities,
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their styles and their interests.
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So there
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so that way that the lesson is interesting to them.
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A second reason why it's important it allows us to meet
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the needs of our students for them to become successful.
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We allow all the students to have access to
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the same classroom curriculum by providing multiple entry points,
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learning tasks and outcomes that are tailored to them so they are successful.
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And the third reason,
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or the third reason why it's important is because it actively engages
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the students.
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The instructions, the materials are presented at the student level
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that engage them at their level of process of thinking process
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that way they have the best learning environment.
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There are a few ways we do this and we usually call them tears
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and we differentiated in three ways.
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One is the content,
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that is what the students need to learn
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or how they will get access to that information
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that could be simple as visual versus
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or or
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the second is the process,
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the activities in which the students engage in to make sense of the content.
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So that could be worksheets,
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that could be activities that could be gains and lastly is the product.
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So what can what we ask of the students to demonstrate their learning,
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This could be a project, it could be a test.
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So we differentiate differentiate in these ways to meet the needs of our students.
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So our lessons are tailored to meet their needs so they can be become successful.
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Our second topic here is
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creativity isn't always thought of in the math class,
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but it has many benefits because it makes the math class more engaging,
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encouraging and inspiring.
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Some of the benefits I highlighted here are one
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that improves cognitive function.
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Creativity is a whole brain endeavor is not a left brain or right brain
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hemisphere thing is the two hemisphere communicate
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together to improve your cognitive brain function.
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This includes critical thinking, problem solving and creative process.
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The second reason is it has
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this fun and relaxing.
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Students love the opportunity to relax and use the creative
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size and lets them enjoy the process or the outcome.
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And the third reason is it allows for students to discover who they are.
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They have the opportunity to share a hidden side of themselves and learn who they
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are and recognize how they fit into the world and express themselves that way.
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One of the ways I want to highlight, Oh sorry,
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here are some ways we can actually implement this creativity in the classroom.
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We have stem lessons
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literature such as a math story
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games or Gamification of the lesson
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technology, which there are a lot out there, art
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and nature
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and now here I want to highlight one of the ways
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we can add creativity into the lesson is by student choice.
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This is a way to foster creativity because it provides
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students choice and that we value them in their opinion.
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It helps them,
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it helps empower them and leads them to their independence
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and we can learn a great deal about them as well and see how they want to
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demonstrate their understanding and helps tailor the lessons to their needs and
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preferences and it makes the lesson more meaningful and engaging to them.
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So student choice is one way to empower them
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and show creativity for them
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to make
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a lesson more enjoyable.
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So we're going to move on to our third topic here. Our third topic is self assessment.
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We have formative and some motive and this is a way of formative assessment
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that we can include in our classroom to help our learning easy as pie.
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Self assessment increases a student's ownership of their learning.
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It's important because it allows the students to monitor
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and reflect and take responsibility for their own learning
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and that also can be a testament on their effort, progress and achievement
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and with that we have goal setting where students can reflect on where they are now,
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where they intend to go and what they need to get them.
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So in some ways we can help our students with this
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is by making sure self assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning.
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It's just part of the routine
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to make sure there is time for them to actually incorporate self assessment and
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reflection in our learning.
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Three give examples of previous work,
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so they know what is expected of them and
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even help them along with some reflection question props
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for use the feedback. The self assessment gives feedback to the students
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and gives feedback to the teacher. So use it and use it as a conversation with them
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A rubric helps the students know the criteria to
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follow so they know what is expected of them.
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Six allow opportunities not only opportunities in time but opportunities
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in a variety in various way for them to demonstrate their
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self reflection and lastly communicate with parents and ensure that
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they understand the purpose and the importance of self assessment.
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So that leaves us to our halfway point and for
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our next activity which is a self assessment activity.
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I chose this because it demonstrates how this works in a real life context
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and for you to reflect on yourself.
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So in your handout there is space for you
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to write your answers to these two questions.
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Which of the topics do you already include in your practice?
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So we've already talked about differentiation,
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creativity and self assessment and which of these topics
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do you want to include in your future practice
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as you guys work through those questions?
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Um Make sure you take the time to talk to your peers about what you want to include
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in your future practice and why do you think
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you'll be beneficial and how you could do that
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as you guys are finishing off here.
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If you could also give me a thumbs up or thumbs down on how the presentation is going.
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That also gives me a quick feedback as well
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which is the beauty of self assessment that it
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gives information to the participants and to the teacher
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which is me on how things are going.
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Alright let's continue on with our presentation with our last two topics,
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making mistakes. So mistakes happen, we are only human.
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The important thing is we learn from them
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so we need to shift everyone's perspective. Everyone including teacher
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student and parents. That
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productive struggles of mistakes can be beneficial.
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It helps,
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it's a
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effortful learning that develops perseverance and helps create
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creative problem solving
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and learning from our mistakes can help
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perseverance and embraces a growth mindset.
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So a few important things about making mistakes
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and why it's important. It leads to perseverance and resilience.
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Persistence is important when we encounter new information and problems,
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it helps the students consider veritas, viewpoints and perspectives,
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help them dig deeper and focus on the understanding and even access
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prior knowledge and learn to collaborate with others to find a solution.
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The second reason is it leads to understanding
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with opportunity and support to engage in
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productive struggles and learning from mistakes.
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develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills
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and that helps leads to understanding of different
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ideas and mathematical ideas in this case.
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And then the last one that empowers them,
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help students refine their own learning strategies,
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the resilience and in the productive struggle and learning through the mistakes.
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Their learning goals are more clear and worthwhile, are more achievable.
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The important thing about learning from mistake
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is using this feedback
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is having a positive growth mindset
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and learning from the
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back and actually learning from the mistake.
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So here we have our last topic,
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what ties a bit into our conclusion as well as consolidation.
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So consolidation is a stage and a lesson where a topic or
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new information is reinforced,
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it's a good chance for the teacher to clarify the aspects of the lesson.
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Um answer any questions from the students and even revisit the lesson objectives.
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consolidation learning is important because
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it helps with information retention,
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student confidence and it creates a well rounded lesson to
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meet the needs of our classroom by making sure the
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objectives are met and additionally it helps us engage or
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helps the students engage more with the lesson topic.
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So a few ways on how we do it here
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is through practice.
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So practice could be giving students on homework or it
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could be something like an excess slip or a card
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game a little more fun which gives the teachers feedback
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while the students are enforcing their learning of the new information
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reflective. So students can reflect on the learning through a K. W. L. Charge.
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So that's um what they know what they wonder what they learned.
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A self reflective journal kind of like what we did
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with our self assessment on what we know what we
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want to know or even a happy face charge which
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was similar to our thumbs up and thumbs down.
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The last way is discussion discussions are amazing because it opens
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up for us to clarify are some aspects of the lesson,
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revisit objectives and then we can even move on to some real
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world discussions on the applications and then lets the students opportunity to
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engage in the topic to ask questions and engage in the lesson topics.
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that kind of brings us to our conclusion, which before we leave,
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I want to make sure we consolidate the information.
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So on here as you can see there is a link to a
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game. Our last activity on your handout there is um
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as a Lincoln QR code as well,
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make sure you write in your nickname and we'll play this
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game to consolidate and reinforce the information we've learned here.
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It also gives me a little feedback on how well
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you guys did and it's also fun and engaging.
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So after this is done, I want to thank you very much for listening to my presentation
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and I hope you found some ways that you can incorporate
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into your math class to make teaching more easy as pie.
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Thank you very much and have a good day