Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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everything's gonna be like, Everybody's gonna scratch their nose.
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So when I go to record, I could see right
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here I'm live and I'm recording And I hit this
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little arrow button to move on my slides.
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So welcome to back the school.
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You're well, my name is Debbie.
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Seems said, and this is my email address.
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Let's talk a little bit about math one in my
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class and then all the classes that Scotts Valley High.
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We use Google sites in order to show you how
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to get to our Google classrooms.
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Wait for one second.
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Are you putting your really email mean email address up
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It just school.
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It gets swamped.
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I'm OK with them.
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And then usually when I'm doing this live, I'll click
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on these and it will, um, actually take you into
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the website.
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But because somebody was just using my computer, that's not
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on right now.
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So, um and let's just take a look at my
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my Google classroom right here and I go through this,
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explain it, and I have a paper way.
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Are people gonna be doing this along with you?
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But I'll get to that, so I'm gonna I've recorded
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this part, so I could either if it's not gonna
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work like right now, it's getting glitch ing again on
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me. I might just use the video I made instead.
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Oh, that's far.
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And then I zoom into one of my videos that
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I made for math.
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And I also think it's really important to show my
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show my students how they're going to turn in their
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assignments. Hands on assignments are turned in through classroom.
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Anything completed digitally.
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It's still turned on turned in three of classroom Khan
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Academy or other apps that you might use like Dez
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Mo sore quizzes.
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They're having automatic turn in, just like turn it in
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dot com for you English teachers out there, a subject
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that I would never teach but more power to you.
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And I ask you assessments.
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I always have all my students turned everything on paper
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for an assessment, but that's not where it ends.
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They have to show me what they know by picking
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one of these options.
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They can make me a video explaining their solutions, or
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they can schedule a zoom meeting with me, and I
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can question them on it.
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This just reassures us that we are actually getting an
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assessment and not their friends.
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Assessment. Courage marked.
- 02:56 - 03:01
And again, I always multiple times in any presentation I
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will put out to my parents and my students how
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to get a hold of me because it's all about
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communication. I don't ever wanna have a student.
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Or parents say, Well, I could have turned it in
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if I knew whatever we want to take out any
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guess, work that has to be obvious every single time.
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We also need to always include some sort of phone
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number that they could get ahold of us in.
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And I like to other, uh, also include councillors in
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case they're struggling emotionally or socially or having a problem
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at home, I guess always crucial to offer help at
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all times.
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So this would be my doctor School night and