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  • 00:02 - 00:06

    Hi this is Anisa Brittingham and this is my I. E. P. Flow chart.

  • 00:07 - 00:10

    So first we're gonna start with our child, find the I. D. A.

  • 00:10 - 00:14

    Mandates that school districts have the responsibility to identify,

  • 00:14 - 00:16

    find and evaluate students who live within

  • 00:16 - 00:19

    their boundaries of having a disability.

  • 00:20 - 00:22

    You may also do referrals.

  • 00:22 - 00:26

    A parent teacher or school personnel can request an evaluation, referrals,

  • 00:26 - 00:30

    should be in writing and be dated, signed and copied.

  • 00:34 - 00:36

    Then we move on to assessments.

  • 00:36 - 00:40

    There are many assessments that can be used to evaluate a child for an I. E. P.

  • 00:40 - 00:43

    These are the top five that should be used

  • 00:45 - 00:50

    once assessments are completed then you can move over to the eligibility process.

  • 00:50 - 00:55

    After the assessments are completed to be eligible for an I. E. P.

  • 00:55 - 01:00

    The child must have one of the 13 disabilities defined by I. D. A.

  • 01:00 - 01:05

    And the impact of the disability must create a need and or service

  • 01:06 - 01:11

    once you are eligible for an I. E. P. Then you need to meet the I. E. P. Team.

  • 01:11 - 01:15

    So the team members will be the parent or guardian,

  • 01:15 - 01:19

    General education teacher aspect education teacher district

  • 01:19 - 01:24

    representative an expert to interpret evaluation evaluations

  • 01:24 - 01:27

    which can be the special education teacher.

  • 01:27 - 01:32

    The child can be part of the team as long as the child is 16 years or older

  • 01:32 - 01:33

    a translator.

  • 01:33 - 01:36

    Additionally you can have a parent advocate or a

  • 01:36 - 01:38

    parent could have a friend to come help them.

  • 01:42 - 01:45

    Also on the team are the students service team?

  • 01:45 - 01:47

    They are also known as an intervention team.

  • 01:47 - 01:51

    School based problem solving teams or the child study teams.

  • 01:51 - 01:54

    Either name that you are familiar with.

  • 01:54 - 01:57

    These are all um a group of educators,

  • 01:57 - 02:00

    administration and other staff to meet regularly

  • 02:00 - 02:03

    to address concerns about their students.

  • 02:07 - 02:08

    Now getting into the I. E. P.

  • 02:09 - 02:09

    The I. E. P.

  • 02:09 - 02:13

    Meeting is um will be the team will work together to

  • 02:13 - 02:17

    identify the special education services and support for the student.

  • 02:17 - 02:22

    This process leads to the written record which is the I. E. P.

  • 02:22 - 02:26

    Which is a document to services and supports that will be needed

  • 02:27 - 02:33

    When they developed these I. E. P. S. They need to keep in mind of the child strengths.

  • 02:33 - 02:39

    The concerns regarding the child's education results of most recent evaluations,

  • 02:39 - 02:43

    academic developmental and functional needs and the special factors

  • 02:45 - 02:50

    also within the I. E. P. The components that need to have are the skill level.

  • 02:50 - 02:51

    The annual goals.

  • 02:51 - 02:56

    Progress tracking special education services, duration of services,

  • 02:56 - 02:59

    participate in mainstream classrooms,

  • 02:59 - 03:03

    test and adaptations and transitional goals and services.

  • 03:05 - 03:08

    And lastly, um the procedural safeguards.

  • 03:08 - 03:12

    Um there are about 10 that need to be within the I. E. P.

  • 03:12 - 03:15

    So written explanation of your rights, um parent participation,

  • 03:15 - 03:17

    access to educational records,

  • 03:17 - 03:22

    confidentially confidentiality of information informed

  • 03:22 - 03:24

    consent which is parental consent,

  • 03:24 - 03:27

    prior written notice, understandable language,

  • 03:27 - 03:29

    independent educational evaluations,

  • 03:29 - 03:33

    The stay put rights and dispute resolution options.

  • 03:36 - 03:39

    Lastly we go into the report. So progress reports.

  • 03:39 - 03:43

    They must include how and when progress will be measured.

  • 03:43 - 03:47

    They need to have measurable annual goals and benchmarks

  • 03:48 - 03:52

    within the evaluations and the reviews. So each i. E.

  • 03:52 - 03:59

    P is reviewed annually and each i. E. P is re evaluated every three years.

  • 04:00 - 04:05

    So that is my flow chart of an i. E. P.