Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:35 - 00:39
I've driven forward, pulled together and written the Globe Project
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Finals case.
- 00:41 - 00:44
This document snapshots the current position on branding used across
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all linear on digital with the cost associate ID with
- 00:48 - 00:50
a refreshed brand icon proposition.
- 00:52 - 00:54
We will be looking to a align this with the
- 00:54 - 00:56
pan BBC y Project chameleon.
- 01:04 - 01:07
I'm committed to ensuring that talent and potential are the
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key drivers in any recruitment process I've led or being
- 01:10 - 01:11
part two.
- 01:12 - 01:15
This is reflected in the diversity of the teams that
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have been recruited in visual journal in recent years.
- 01:20 - 01:23
The impact of my development of a standardized, measured approach.
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A new joint of probation period has enabled oh feedback
- 01:27 - 01:30
driven development and training process that maximizes new joiners potential,
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giving them a foundation stones on which to flourish.
- 01:37 - 01:38
I'd like to say thank you