Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello and welcome to business communications.
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Alternate day schedule style.
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I'm excited.
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I wanted a school to be like this from the
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very beginning because I thought it would be safer and
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we wouldn't have to deal with quarantining, but nobody listened
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to me.
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So now we're finally doing it, and I hope everyone
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realizes it's better because we're not gonna be quarantining people
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as much because everyone's gonna be spread out.
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So hopefully we can stay on the schedule for a
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while. But we right now, as of right now, we're
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only doing it for the next week and a half,
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so we'll see how it goes.
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I don't know what's gonna happen after two weeks.
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Uh, just stay close to your emails.
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Mr. Perry is supposed to keep us updated.
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Just keep checking those emails.
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Um, I'm going to start with today.
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There's a post.
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There's a link in canvas to a speed reading test
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website. You need to read all the instructions, take the
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speed reading test, and then also take the comprehension test.
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There are links in there for both of them.
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Make sure you go and do that Speed reading test
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and speed.
- 00:57 - 01:00
Uh, the comprehension test and write down both those numbers
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so that you know what your speed rate and comprehension
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are just so that you can understand.
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Do positive video and go do that if you haven't
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done that yet and then come back and I'll show
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you what I'm doing next.
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Hopefully, you paused this on are now ready to watch
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the reading comprehension skills.
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We're gonna talk about skimming and scanning how they work,
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what that means.
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So it's a key reading comprehension skill.
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Notice the image of the stop Watch It is there
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because skimming and scanning is about working quickly to get
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the information you need from a document.
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So it's all about timing.
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So pay attention to time as you do this, as
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as you'll notice so skimming and scanning are essentially and
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especially valuable when there's only one item of information that
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you need to find from a particular passage.
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So skimming and scanning are very rapid reading methods in
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which you glance at a passage to find specific information,
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and these reading methods make it easier for you to
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grasp large amounts of material, especially when you're previewing things
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and they're also very useful when you don't need to
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know every word.
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And this is especially true in business communications and just
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reading business documents.
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In general, there's gonna be a lot more information than
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what you actually need to know.
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So just skimming and scanning can save you a lot
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of time.
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So as you read your eyes over the text, notice
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the key vocabulary words.
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And don't worry about grammar words.
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So what do the key words make you think about?
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Do you already know something about this?
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So when we skim, we prepare to read.
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An example of skimming is a current business situation.
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Like when I get an email about from Mr Perry
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about alternate day schedule, and I've already read three emails
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about it.
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Today I'm going to scan the next one because in
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or skim it just for the main points, just to
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make sure I didn't miss anything.
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So skimming is used to quickly gather the most important
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information or the gist.
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It's not essential to understand every single word when you're
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skimming, so you're just gonna run your eyes over the
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text noting important information and using skimming to quickly get
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up to speed on a current business situation.
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This is very important when you're doing things on the
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go in the business world.
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So this is an important skill.
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Okay, so here are some examples of times when you
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might skim when you're reading the newspaper just to quickly
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get the general news of the day.
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And this you can do on your phone through watching
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news APS or you can do it on her physical.
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I don't think any of you even have email me.
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If you receive a physical copy of a newspaper in
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your home, I will give you WHYY dollars.
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That's what I'll give you.
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I'll give you Y E dollars.
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I will give you 20 bucks if you could tell
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me that you receive a newspaper in your home anyway,
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uh, magazines I get.
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I subscribe to a few magazines.
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My husband signed me up for a few and they
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just started showing up at my door, and I just
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like to read them because I love to look at
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magazines. It's one of my favorite hobbies.
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I don't know.
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Do you guys look at magazines?
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Also? I will give whitey bucks if you read a
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magazine, Um, but basically, you want to read magazines too
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quickly. Discover which articles you want to
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detail. So you skim through or you skim the cover
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page or you skim the contents page just to see
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what's there.
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And then you decide what you want to read, and
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then you go read the stuff that you really care
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about. And, of course, business and travel brochures.
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Who takes the time to read every single word on
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a brochure?
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This one hands to you at the Costco.
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Nobody. So you read it quickly, and then you throw
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it away.
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That's what most people do, especially if you get junk
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milk. Just read those offers quickly and throw them away.
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Don't waste your time on them unless they're offering you
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something that you really want.
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Then you could go back and read every single detail.
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That's what I usually dio.
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Okay, so how do we skip?
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Well, we skim all sorts of documents here.
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Some tips as you skim, make connections with the information.
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What do you know about this?
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Can you compare it to something that you know?
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Think of it as prepare, preparing to read in depth.
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So when a house is constructed.
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The builders need to have an idea about the house.
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They need to know what the house will look like
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before they start looking at the details of the plan.
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So this is how you look at the framework without
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actually getting into the details.
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So you're gonna work quickly and you're going to read
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the title.
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If there is one, then you're going to read the
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introduction or the first paragraph.
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If there is one and then you're going to read
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the first sentence of every other paragraph, every other paragraph,
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not every paragraph, every other paragraph you're gonna look at
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any pictures or charts or graphs or text in a
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special box.
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You're going to notice any I italicized or boldface words
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or phrases, and then you will read the summary or
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the last paragraph if there is one.
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If you do that, you will have the gist of
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what the article was about without actually reading the whole
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thing. Who wants to get the gist of something without
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actually reading the whole thing?
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I dio because it's fun and it's fast.
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Okay, so I want you to skim and scan this
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paragraph. I'm gonna give you 30 seconds right now.
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I'm gonna time.
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You ready?
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Set. Go.
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Are you reading?
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You should be reading.
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Okay, that was 30 seconds.
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So how much did you get through?
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Did you get through the whole paragraph?
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Did you get through a part of the paragraph?
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This is this will all turn into.
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Hopefully you were able to skim it faster and quicker
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because of those few tips.
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So in other words, when you are skimming and scanning,
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you want to once again prepare to read on.
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By doing this, you will understand the text more quickly.
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So you want to cover everything, check the entire page.
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Notice the visual cues, notice the graphs, the charts, the
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titles and captions.
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You could do this for Web pages just as easily
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as you could do this for actual magazine articles, but
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Web pages.
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You could do it really quickly.
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So to cover everything, check the entire page.
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Notice the accused.
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Notice the graphs, the charts, the titles and the captions.
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That's the most important stuff.
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Okay. No.
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What information you want before you start to read.
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So if you know what information you want to read
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and you have a question in your mind, then what
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you want to do is scan, not even skim.
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So scanning is a reading technique to be used when
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you want to find specific information quickly in scanning.
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You have the question in your mind, and you read
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a passage on Lee to find the answer, and you
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ignore all the unrelated stuff.
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So you're on Lee looking for the answer.
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This is how I browse most of the Internet, especially
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when I'm doing a Google search, which is listed right
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there on the Power point.
- 07:45 - 07:47
Ah, Google Search listed on the Internet is the best
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way to do this.
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If you have a question in your mind on Leigh,
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read what's relevant to your question.
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If it's not relevant to your question, skip it.
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Um ah, bus or an airplane schedule?
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I don't know if you guys have to look at
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schedules like that anymore, but if you do, you only
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look for what you need.
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A conference guide.
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If you're going to a conference and you want to
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know what presenters air talking about, you can read just
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what the presenters that you want to see, especially a
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graph you just want to scan the data points that
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are relevant to you and important to you.
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So that's some examples of scanning.
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But definitely Google searches are my best.
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My favorite way for scanning.
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I just scan with the question mind.
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I only read it if it's answering that question, if
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it's not answering that question, I skip on to the
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next thing.
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Okay, so how do you scan?
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You want to state the specific information that you're looking
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forward? These would be your keywords in your Google search
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to you would want to use these keywords that specific
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information you're looking for.
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You want to anticipate how the answer will appear and
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what clues you might use to help you locate the
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answer. For example, if you're looking for a certain date,
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you would read the paragraph quickly, looking on Lee for
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the numbers.
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So if you're looking for a date because that's the
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question, when is this event happening?
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You're looking over the wrong the page.
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Find the date on it that will tell you, um,
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you want to use headings and any other aids that
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will help you identify which sections might contain the information
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that you're looking for and then selectively read and script
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through passages, sections of the passage that are relevant to
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you. So I'm going to give you 30 seconds right
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now to read this article.
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Ready, set, Go.
- 09:21 - 09:22
Oh, sorry.
- 09:23 - 09:23
Let me explain what you're doing.
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You're going to read these questions, and then on the
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next slide, you're going to find the answers as quickly
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as you can.
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So these questions are Who is handling the inquiry's?
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What are the after hours media line and what is
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a good example of a B C Hydro clean energy
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project? So those are the three questions you're looking for?
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It's kind of hard.
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Let me read those again because you need to know
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those questions before you look at the next page.
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So who is handling the enquiries?
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In other words, who do you contact if you have
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a question?
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What are the after hours media line?
- 09:55 - 09:57
In other words, what phone number can you call if
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you want to talk to someone after hours and third,
- 10:00 - 10:02
What is a good example of a B C hydro
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clean energy project?
- 10:04 - 10:06
So this is gonna be a website of a company.
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They're going to have a good example of one of
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their energy projects.
- 10:10 - 10:12
Somewhere on this web page, can you find it?
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Okay, I'm going to give you 30 seconds starting right
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now. Okay.
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Five more seconds.
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Okay. And that is time.
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So did you find the three pieces of information on
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this website?
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Let's see if you did.
- 10:56 - 10:57
Okay. Who is handling the inquiry's?
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That is on number one.
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And it is found right here.
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Who? What are the after hours?
- 11:04 - 11:04
Media line?
- 11:05 - 11:06
It's also in the sidebar on to the right.
- 11:07 - 11:08
And what is a good example of a B C
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Hydro Clean energy project?
- 11:10 - 11:12
The third one down here says a project.
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An example of B.
- 11:14 - 11:15
C's clean energy potential.
- 11:16 - 11:19
So there's there three questions right there for the answers.
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Did you find those?
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If you didn't find all of them, don't worry.
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I didn't find the third one.
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I only found the first two, but I did that
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in 30 seconds.
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And I don't know if I was like, if I
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was anyway, just you'll get better as you practice more.
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I found the first two things I didn't find.
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The third thing I don't I didn't time myself, so
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I don't know if I had 30 seconds, but I
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only looked at it for a few seconds.
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So if I had a full 30 seconds, I might
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have found out.
- 11:44 - 11:44
I don't know.
- 11:44 - 11:45
Did you?
- 11:45 - 11:46
Did you not find it?
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This just shows what are your energy or what are
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your reading skills?
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Okay, so the in conclusion skimming and scanning is used
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when reading all types of documents, we skin to get
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the idea of what a document is about and typically
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skim all documents before we actually begin to read.
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As we skim, we think about the topic and think
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about what we already know about this topic and start
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to guess or anticipate the details that we're going to
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read about.
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Um, we scan for specific information and we work quickly
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when we skim and we scan.
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And we're if we're scanning for something quickly, we don't
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even register the words unless it looks like the information
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that we're looking for.
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So skimming and scanning.
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That's the basics of it.
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Thanks for watching.
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And there's a source there if you want it.
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But thanks for watching