Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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I'm Shevlin and today I'll be talking about
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the effective marketing strategies to promote yoga.
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let's start by having a look at yoga over the years,
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from a mention in an ancient text to the widely
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popular practise that is known globally in today's world,
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yoga has been practised for approximately 5000 years.
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But many argue that communication and media has
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C contextualised yoga from its spiritual and cultural history
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as certain values and messages are conveyed in mass media and social media.
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They have no historical basis but are seen quite frequently.
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The increasing demand for young and the global community
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is seen as a means for self development believed to reflect heightened desire,
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fitness, flexibility and beauty
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combined with stress reduction benefits.
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This demonstrates that the practise of yoga has gone
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through major cultural and geographical shifts over the years.
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As a social media marketing manager,
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let me take you through the strategies that we use to promote yoga at our club.
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Firstly, we emphasis on it as something exclusive,
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which means that not only have we given a separate
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external entrance to the yoga room,
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but members have to pay an extra amount to access the yoga classes.
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This, such as exclusively for our premium members.
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Radio marketing
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This has been a huge step towards
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marketing to one of them. Target markets.
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Working with a radio station,
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allow more brand awareness to people who might not necessarily
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be on the social platforms and prefer more traditional media.
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The radio station played a key role in
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our marketing during our signature fitness fears,
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too, by the river, which was a true weekend event that hosted outdoor classes.
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The radio station promoted the event two weeks pile to the event while
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also having a live set up from the location of the event,
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playing music and engaging with the people around
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B two b Marketing is crucial for our business
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to increase sales and get leads from different environments,
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in such a competitive fitness marketplace.
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During lockdown, with Jim Dims closed,
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we introduced free live streaming your classes.
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This increased our brand and product awareness to a
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broader audience as this was available to everyone,
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no matter where they were located.
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At our club, as yoga is a huge draw card,
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we promote different forms of yoga to target different segments
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hatha yoga is more for the older adults who need help improving the range of
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motion in their joints as it can also lead to improvements in core muscles,
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shreds and ballads.
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However, this is suitable for all levels.
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Vinyasa yoga improves energy levels while
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promoting relaxation and lowering stress.
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Levels were mainly tug at working age individuals or teams
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going through exams as this can be a stressful period.
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Yin yoga is targeted more months as they desire better muscle tone and flexibility,
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and it is slower and more meditative.
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giving you space to turn inward and tune into both
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your mind and the physical sensations of your body.
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Which is the mean time that man's look for
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hot yoga.
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Now this is targeted at those who wish to strengthen tone and burn more calories
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through our marketing.
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You promote this practise as something you don't want to miss out.
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If you want to look the best version of yourself
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moving forward, let's discuss what we are doing to reach our target demographics,
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marketing through different platforms.
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This is extremely beneficial as customers want
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to research your business on various platforms
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before they make a purchase decision and
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interact with your business on their church.
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We also need to customise our content on different platforms.
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For example, Facebook has an older age group,
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while instagram is mostly used by the younger generations.
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So in order to get leads, we need to talk to the audience
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in their style,
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meaning the transit they currently would father
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Through Adams. We target our current customer database
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as a means for retention,
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as well as encouraging non members to sign up if they had been to the club even once.
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With our paid ad, we target our local demographic in a 25 kilometre radius,
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plus an age range of 18 to 54 year olds
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influencer marketing.
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We work with local influences as they have a huge following,
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and this generates more leads with people fond of what they do,
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where they go and more
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our time. Bias media is flyers and newspaper ads.
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These are dropped off to over 10,000 houses and placed
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at businesses in terms of B two b marketing.
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this encourages the staff at these businesses and their
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visitors to use the offer as a free gift.
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The pros of the flyers is that due to its location of distribution,
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which is local areas.
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It is more likely that this will be an effective and efficient campaign
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as the club is close to their house, hence more convenient for them
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to join.
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The flyers are also attractive with clear marketing messages.
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Unlike an email that can be forgotten, overlooked or deleted,
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a fly is a physical reminder of your business.
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It's there on your counter, coffee table or desk,
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which makes it more likely to be noticed.
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But it may also be dismissed. Lost author it away.
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Then we have social media
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as space biassed media.
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And here's some of the pros and cons of social media marketing.
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Now that we have discussed our marketing strategies,
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we look more into the ones that worked as our new members fill in a form.
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Upon arrival, we discovered that 35% of individuals saw the flyers.
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50% of we're interested from social media and 15% were other.
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This could be
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are the would amount radio website
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and more.
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This is a great way to control
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marketing campaigns and use our budget more efficiently
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in places where we would get the desired results.
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theoretical concepts of communication and media,
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communication and media has facilitated and shaped yoga practise
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to improve physical strength, greater health and well being.
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The results of an increasingly interconnected world dependent on
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social media demonstrates a distinct disconnect between traditional IEDs,
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principles and practises of yoga.
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The body and consciousness extends and expands, marks critic of obscured
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social value and enables a more holistic ecological politics
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concerning the value of life.
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Harold Harold Innis is monopolies of knowledge
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talks about time and space biassed media,
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which we have discussed earlier.
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And it is the US important ways that our club markets yoga.
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While I promote yoga myself,
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I reflected on what would be some effective marketing on me as a consumer.
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And here they are.
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Now that I have looked at this,
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I realised that our marketing has already utilised majority
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or if not all of these little marketing tactics.
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No, I'm a stay